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/canterlot/ - Canterlot

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File: 1541462691178.png (641.26 KB, 1036x732, 259:183, 0bc08069ef65aa295b861d4df8….png) ImgOps Google

Can we make a music board? It's one of our most common threads.


File: 1541463433999.png (130.85 KB, 401x433, 401:433, Happy shy 4.png) ImgOps Google

hey Ella!! <3

i'm not sure. i worry it would take that away from /pony/. Though maybe like, a /playlist/ where we can all make playlists would be fun or something!


>i'm not sure. i worry it would take that away from /pony/

Oh true

>Though maybe like, a /playlist/ where we can all make playlists would be fun or something!

Heeey, there's an idea :rara1:


Call it /everybodypostsnobodylistens/ :fluf4:


That is the truest and funniest post I have seen in a while XD

But I mean, I try to listen; I just can't listen to every song :coco2:


I've found some of my favorite songs thanks to music threads.

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