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As posted in a thread:
>>808539 (You)
That has nothing to do with any other thread Moony, that's teasing Manley for saying his toaster told him stuff.
This reminds me, i wondered why my image of Pinky in a diaper was quietly deleted in that thread the other night without comment when 1) you discussed Noomy's image a great deal before deleting it and 2) artee posts pinky in a diaper all the time and it's not a problem. Theres nothing sexual about the image i posted (in fact the opposite) and i see a much more fetishy pet-play Sonata than Noom's image posted all the time here and no one objects. I think you know the Sonata on a leash image and artee's diapered pinky images im talking about.
I don't see how joking Manley about his phrasing of this OP, or the images that got deleted the other night are any different than a lot of what goes on around here and i'm not making a big deal out of it, i just want to point this out as inconsistent moderation since you bring it up.
It was just good clean fun and i think you're reading too much into it.
1. Dark Knight doesn't have Superman in it,
2. I didn't call Manley a furry.
3. Why so serious my friend?
Concerning fetishes:
i will note that, as of late, there have been quite a few more reports on posts that might be remotely fetishistic.
It is becoming a concern for me that this will lead to substantial over-moderation and too much staff interference.
First time visitors who enjoy raunchier content will feel smacked in the face by this rule
Users will not want to post in threads where mods pop up to cause a fuss, over an image
But this is what is happening, to some minor degree, and it concerns me enough to think of ways to stop it.
To your credit, and my discredit, your image was reported, discussed by the staff, and considered okay.
i hadn't been watching Discord, and opted to delete the image based on the report :c
My thought process was that the image was fethistic as it resembles the constant fetish material Steam Twist posted. i thought a delete of file, after the post had been long out of relevance, would be a good and harmless way to satisfy the reporter, while not harming the reportee.
I will leave moderating to the staff from now on, while i am out here in Taiwan. It is unwise of me to be trying to moderate while so much focus is elsewhere
>>1718To be honest Moony this goes completely against everything you told me about keeping things fun and being tolerant, and Manley has often been very direct about saying very unkind things to me that were not joking that i have made clear are unwelcome and not one word is said to him about being nice to me. For example, repeated statements that i am mentally ill and should be locked up.
Manley can take a joke and he did and we moved on. I think you are not being rational or fair on this one, my friend. There was no reason to make an example of me publicly like this, if Manley did report me or something you could have asked me privately.
As to the rest of this thread i want to publicly state here that i had no desire to bring these issues to the canterlot board and frankly i'm a little nonplussed about this sudden escalation.
>>1720Engage by discussion and not by teasing.
The posts you represent as teasing, lp, come across more like goading to the reasonable observer
>>1721Potential powderkeg conflict between you and Manley is a serious issue for the site, and care should be taken to minimize it happening
Manley expressing his controversial opinions is one thing. You directly engaging him.with an unwelcome prod that he cannot respond to without risking a ban is totally another thing. He was warned in that thread as well to stay clear of controversy
This is the board where site matters belong. Continuing this in the thread is not okay.
>>1721I agree with what Moony said in
>>1717/ Yes, I can "take a joke", but I still expressed that I don't appreciate those kinds of jokes in >>808500
>I've said this before, but I'll reiterate I don't like you making those kinds of jokes at my expense.And there's also the possibility that the nature of the joke you told looked a lot like you trying to continue drama from my previous threads, which Moony already told me to not engage in. I believe that is what Moony was speaking of.
I'm not angry, but both me and Moony are trying to advice you on how to interact with others in civil manner.
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>>1722This is all very inconsistent and quite jarring.
I don't feel this is fair to me at all. I feel i am being taken advantage of here as a public spectacle and punished far in excess of my crimes. For now, i feel i must take a break and let this play out without my presence.
Moony, i hold you responsible for advising me privately when it is safe for me to return, or if it has been decided i have some consequences or something.
Until then, adeiou.
>>1721>As to the rest of this thread i want to publicly state here that i had no desire to bring these issues to the canterlot board and frankly i'm a little nonplussed about this sudden escalation.I wouldn't call it an "escalation", really. It just wasn't on topic for the thread, so Moony made a new one. It's nothing serious.
>>1724>punished far in excess of my crimesI don't think you've actually been punished here, either. Unless I missed something. Like people have said, we're just advising you about how to engage with Manley to avoid incidents like what's happened in the past.
>>1726What exactly is messed up? Canterlot is for site discussion and problems. It seems that LP had a problem with how something was being handled on the site, and this is a board made specifically for that type of thing.
I do not see anyone "smearing" him. He's not even being punished or talked to in a harsh tone.
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>>1724Let me try and explain it. You teased me in >>808494. I did not get angry, but I asked you not to tease me in such a way in >>808500.
Moony offered you advice, saying that he and I tease each other because we are close friends, but that you should be careful who you tease and when. And that since you and I have had hostility toward one another he is suggesting that you do not tease me, or atleast use caution about how and with what. This is something I agree with. He is also saying that the nature of your teasing (speaking of mental illnesses) made it seem like you were trying to drudge up drama from another thread (the arguments started by >>807557). Since I had already been warned in that thread about that topic, bringing it up outside that thread made it appear like you were trying to drudge up drama and goad me into an argument that could get me in trouble to partake in. Whether or not this was your intention, Moony is just telling you that this is how it
looked to outside observers.
That is all we are trying to communicate to you. Be careful who you joke with and what you joke about. I have no ill will toward you, and since you complied with my request to change the subject, this was all just an attempt to give you advice, not a formal warning of any kind.
Moony, if any of this is incorrect, please feel free to correct me.
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Life is like a box of chocolates...
You never know what you're gonna get.
okay, I'm done ;)
>>1726>>1724Please understand, lp. This isn't a public spectacle: your posts and threads on these subjects belong here.
Canterlot isn't some sort of crime tribunal. You aren't being punished. This is a place to talk about site issues, and it is clear you have a few you want to talk about. Please don't be upset!
>>1717Sounds suspiciously like someone's been abusing the report system.
>>1725>I don't think you've actually been punished here, either.I would imagine that being made the center of attention in a separate thread and being lectured by an admin who probably didn't look at tge report system with a critical eye can feel like public humiliation, which is a kind of punishment.
>>1726Some people know exactly how to manipulate the staff in just the right way.
>>1729Normally such warnings are made in mod tagged posts in the relevant thread separate threads are not usually made by staff on these kinds of situations.
>>1738>>1738>Normally such warnings are made in mod tagged posts in the relevant thread separate threads are not usually made by staff on these kinds of situations.Alright, I can see your point.
>Some people know exactly how to manipulate the staff in just the right way. Would you mind expanding on this? If you have a suspicion about something, I would like to hear it.
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>>1740The anon just thinks the staff cares more about some posters than the others.
Probably specifically Moony.
>>1738While this is *technically* a site issue and that means it *technically* belongs here, I agree that this feels a bit... I dunno, it doesn't feel right.
It's something that should really be solved in private, rather than making it a public thing like this. If more people than just LP and Manley were involved, then yeah, okay, make a thread here to discuss it. But it's only two people. It should be discussed privately.
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>>1729>lostpony had a problem with how things were being handledUm, no i didn't tho, but here i am again, the center of unwanted attention.
>>1733>complied with requestThank you for acknowledging that Manley. Without my persisting after you asked me to stop, that is where this should have ended imo.
>>1738>being made the center of attention in a separate thread and being lectured...can feel like public humiliationThis. Thank you, anon. Also:
>separate threads are not usually made by staff on these kinds of situations.>>1722>Potential powderkeg conflict between you and Manley is a serious issue for the site, and care should be taken to minimize it happeningThis. Considering my extreme overreaction to you Moons has been possibly an even more serious issue for the site, i felt particularly uncomfortable with you coming in so sternly after Manley and I had already resolved the situation. I assume it was a mistake based on over-caution but that doesn't change that i felt really put on the spot and it made me very, very uncomfortable.
>>1728That's asking a lot!
>>1735I really think it's best for the community if we have a friendly and un-hurried chat about things
after you've finished having a great and undistracted time on your trip! before i post anymore around here, Moons. Im really not sure how im supposed to reconcile all of this. As someone who was at least briefly considered to be your friend (before i went a bit bananas on you), i really need you to help me figure out what to make of all this and what i'm supposed to do next.
Tbc i was really kind of enjoying myself and feeling like a member of the family for a few days there. It was fun again! But now it doesn't seem like it was fun for anyone else and i don't know what to do, Moonses.
>>1740>Would you mind expanding on this? If you have a suspicion about something, I would like to hear it.It just looks very similar to that sort of situation. Ive encountered a lot of that sort of thing in all sorts of places outside this site. Like something preempted this rather odd response and I suspect it could possibly have to do with existing off-site relationships between posters and staff that color interpretations of this situation in such a way as to make this odd response somehow make sense.
>>1741just throwing out my opinion, that I suspect a little abuse of the reporting system. Which is *technically* an issue of staff's judgment concerning the situation.
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>>1744Anon, respectfully, are you insinuating that off-site conversations between myself and Manley or myself and LP have colored the response to the post and report?
For me, the decision to move to Canterlot was somewhat meant to be a warning: please don't bring up site issues that derail threads.
If we do this in private, then anons like yourself feel we have a transparency issue. Our decisions start to seem like they are colored by off-site conversations which, frankly, since we do try to solve things off-site often and in private, they are. And
We try, in those situations, to bring transparent about our conversations to the relevant parties.
That said, when the issues involved appear to be sitewide, it is of importance to the site to bring this to the attention of everyone.
But then, people think of it as a public trial, apparently.
There have been a lot of private talks between myself and LP and myself and Manley. And frankly, there has been quite a bit of scolding from me to each.
If anyone has a problem with the transparency, or believes that some behind the table stuff is going on, please bring it to my attention directly, and even here, if that is okay.
Please do not insinuate or gossip. I am willing to cooperate: that sort of behavior is exactly the sort of thing I despised back on Ponychan and I am willing to answer for that behavior if I have stooped to it.
Nonetheless, I feel the same parties here who are asking for private conversations between private parties are also the ones asking for complete transparency or insinuating backdoor dealings
I try, for the sake of the community, to maintain the decorum of privacy while trying also to bring to attention important issues any case, it is my firm belief that the internet is not serious business. i have not the will nor the nefariousness of mind to weave webs or plot.
What i do, or... Well, try to do... Is for you all, and the community. I will try not to squander that good will, but i also beg your patience and understanding in trying to figure things out
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I've talked with out staff, and pending some user concerns, I will be taking a step back from administrative action until I am back from Taiwan.
We will be having a staff meeting discussing issues brought up by users, and hopefully resolve some concerns!
I will remain in this thread to answer to any questions of me, and take responsibility for taking a poor approach to this subject
>>1748I was insinuating that off site
relationships might be coloring the objectivity of your judgements about reports you received.
And, I am
suspicious that that was being used in an abusive manner. Given how often I have encountered these exact situations in real life and on other sites.
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>>1750I see, and it is fair to think that. Even the most neutral judge can be influenced away from neutrality based purely on what they know of others
It is wise of you then to be suspicious. A leader that is not accountable to the community, but acts on what they know, believing this to be superior, is a poor leader.
I know Manley and Lp both somewhat well. I talk to them in near equal measure. But it seems clear to me, i must recuse myself of handling issues between them in the future
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>>1751I dont think there should be any future issues between a manley and a lost pony anymore moons.
Mondo suggested a while back what seems the best solution, that we not interact with each other. I was stubborn and did not want to accept that but i now see mondo has hidden wisdom (in addition to a fun Snails avatar now). I don't want any more trouble around here just because there's no one else for me to talk to but manley sometimes at night.
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>>1751I'd much rather be welcome and have friends to talk to here, than screw things up for everyone any worse than i already have.
Or make a friend feel bad. Moonses. I don't know what else i can say, and i dont hold you responsible for how this went, all so i could make a cheap joke about listening to a toaster. You did your best, and knowing you make mistakes just means you're human too even if we want to be ponies. my friend.
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>>1752>>1753Don't feel bad for my mistake, lp.
As long as you are committed to a better relationship with Manley, i am very happy c:
>>1754I don't. You shouldn't either.
Thank you, friend.
Edit: i think you didn't make a mistake Moony. In hindsight i think it was a good move.