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Good evening, pony friends. I have for you, today, a simple poll, which will help us determine what all of you are looking for, in the site. take a look, and answer honestly! The poll is anonymous, and answers will not be shared until the poll is over.
Duplicates, trolls, and vote manipulation will be parsed, as well. We will run the poll for one to two weeks.
If you know any users who are no longer a part of our community, or who only post infrequently, please do also send them this poll!
Let us all do our part in building a better Ponyville together <3
Thank you everypony!
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>Ponyville should take a stricter stance towards hatred and ...
Hateful behavior against other users is obviously bad for the site. But I think it should be okay to vent a bit about other things that one might hate such as being treated unfairly at school/work. I guess hatred is generally an emotion to be minimized in our modern society, but as imperfect humans, I think most of us feel hatred from time to time, and maybe being able to express it a bit here might not be a completely bad thing?
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all done
thank you Moony and staff, it means a lot that you listen to us and take our inputs into account. <3
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I think you should be careful with hatred in communities, though.
Every one is human and can feel hate about stuff, but if you let it loose in a community people will be doing it more often.
And it's not exactly fun to come in and have a thread on the front page why French people should be killed if you're French or are friends with some.
It breeds a negative atmosphere.
>>4250I'd agree to the sentiment if it wasn't bundled with "white supremacy".
It leads me to suspect it's probably not all hatred, consistently and fairly applied to every aspect.
The idea here isn't too bad, if it were, though. While I might want to come by and rant about how much I hate crippled drivers [they all seem to go a good 10 under the speed limit], I know I tend to get upset when someone speaks severely about groups I like. And that, of course, tends to lead towards arguments and fighting.
My concern here, though, is it's not going to be applied neutrally, to everything.
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>>4250>And it's not exactly fun to come in and have a thread on the front page why French people should be killed if you're French or are friends with some.>>4251>I know I tend to get upset when someone speaks severely about groups I like.Perhaps expressing hatred of
people should be treated differently than hatred of actions and inanimate objects? E.g., allow someone to say "I hate Blizzard's decision to cave in to the demands of the Chinese Communist Party" but disallow "I hate all Blizzard employees"?
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>>4253Oh yes, that I agree with.
We'll get to question the boundaries at some point, tho.
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>>4257Please don't derail the thread.
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I don't really post anymore, and very rarely lurk, but I did fill it.
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>Ponyville should take a stricter stance towards ... white supremacy
My understanding (based on moderator actions) is that advocating for white supremacy is already de facto against the rules. What would a "stricter stance" entail? Would it be adding a written rule specifically addressing white supremacy, such that the new rule merely encodes existing practice?
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I think they are just the right amount of lenient.
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>>4267I think the standards are completely unreliable, vary wildly from poster to poster, with some being treated incredibly harshly with violations instantly responded to, while others are either outright ignored or given such kid gloves they don't even receive an official warning.
Funnily enough, it's why I rather dislike the "agree/disagree" answers, as they've not really got any in-between or anything like that.
I'd say Ponyville is too lenient towards rule-breakers. I'd also say Ponyville is too strict with rule-breakers.
But, I digress; At this point I don't really have faith enough to care in the system at all, and so have pretty much decided to just plain not worry about it.
Treat it, essentially, as I would 4chan, or 8chan, when it comes to moderation and rules.
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>>4268Oh yeah, I guess what I meant is that the average leniency is just right. The variance is still a bit high.
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Unfortunately it seems like you can't make reports while banned at all, so, I'm going to have to make this here;
If I'm not going to be allowed to post on /canterlot/, I do not think it's unreasonable to request people not be allowed to say patently false shit about me where I have absolutely no means to defend myself.
I've certainly never harassed the guy. That's just not something that could be claimed. I actively took efforts to avoid him, in fact, with the troubles in /townhall/ due to the anonymity system there resulting in an inability to do so.
I don't think it's typical for a harasser to install a 3rd party filter onto a website explicitly to avoid contact with their supposed target.
The problem here, though, is without any means to defend myself in this regard, it's already taken as truth by others. Tracer's there entertaining the whole thing, and nothing can I say about it to point out that side of the argument isn't true.
Rumors spread in this manner are exceptionally hard to get rid of. The stigmas they leave, I can personally attest, are incredibly difficult to convince people after the fact.
Maybe this is just an issue of human nature, but, after a stretch of time, people tend to get solidified in their beliefs about others.
It sucks, and that misunderstanding can follow you for ages as a result.
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>>4272Yeah, I noticed a bit after. Though the problem largely persists since the claim still sits there, with no way to respond, and never refuted by anyone.
Banning someone doesn't do anything to get rid of what they've already said, after all.
>>4273As part of a situation that directly led to his permaban. The situation is resolved as far as I'm concerned. He's been punished. He may leave permanently.
Best to just drop it and move on.
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>>4275>peeeeeermanentlyyyyyyOh wait i better take the survey before it closes.
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>>4277Y'all arent sharing discord account anymore?
Please feel free to share this with your sisters ok? lostpony#4682.
Look i found an image showing both ways im like ponka.
Edit: looks like discord is having global issues today cuz of problems with their Google-based server distribution infrastructure. No.4279
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>>4278I’ve been wondering why I’m not logged in after half an hour of Discord trying to load up.
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>>4279Its not quite that bad from here, its working...eventually.
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i will likely close the poll today, and tally the results thereafter c: last votes, please!