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My team in Extra Life has raised so much money so far! Once my credit card clears, my matching donations will put my team over the $1000 mark!
It's so exciting!
If anyone else wants to support me, you can support me here! team in Extra Life has raised so much money so far! Once my credit card clears, my matching donations will put my team over the $1000 mark!
It's so exciting!
If anyone else wants to support me, you can support me here!
Hi everypony! Here at Ponyville, we love to see acts of kindness being done for those in need. Please consider supporting BMO and his Extra Life team in their charitable endeavors! Good luck, BMO! ~!!Fluttershy No.1311>>1312
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>>1309Why wouldn't it be?
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>>1312I don't think I understand the problem?
Presumably he can afford it. With that in mind, how does it matter whether a credit card is involved?
>>1312Oh, I have the money. I'm just paying with my credit card so I can choose when I pay for it.
Like, make little payments and then chunk it out with my paycheck. I get enough each paycheck to cover it well enough, but I like the flexibility.
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>>1313 He said the credit card hasn't cleared, which could mean any number of things.
>>1313As long as he's careful. He doesn't even know how much he'll be spending.
>>1314Alright. Matching donations with a credit card just sounds risky. You essentially want to spend as much as possible because it means you got more donations, but that means you'll have a lot of credit…
>>1317I was only matching the first $500.
And I just tend to pay off $500 to $800 dollar chunks on my credit card and I hadn't done it yet, so I was noticing I couldn't make a $300 dollar donation.
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Ok, as long as you're not being careless about it. I just don't want anyone making bad decisions with credit cards.
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My team has raised $1520 and I've raised $900 so far!
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Please donate to support me and my team!>>1324>>1325I knooow~
>>1326Aww, thanks~
>>1327<3I just donated, I don't have much to give but I know how far a little help can go c:
this is awesome what you're doing BMO
Thank you so much, everyone who's donated so far! Thanks to all of you, I've reached my personal donation goal!
If you'd still like to donate, please donate to my team members. do so, go to my Team page, then click on Roster. From there, click on the team member you'd like to donate to.
Or, you can use the link below: No.1331
It's the final week before Extra Life!
Things are about to heat up!
If you'd still like to donate, please donate to my team members. do so, go to my Team page, then click on Roster. From there, click on the team member you'd like to donate to.
Or, you can use the link below: No.1335>>1336
This year was a huge success! Together, we raised $3062 for the children as a small group and Extra Life raised $6,653,220!
It's an amazing feat!
For any of you that stopped by, thank you so much!
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>>1335What an incredible feat, BMO c:
i hope you'll share it with us again next year! It is a blessing to be able to help people in the way that you have.
Until next year, Ponyville! Off to /arch/ we go, for now c:
Thank you to everypony who donated! And a special, super big thanks to BMO, for his hard work and generosity!