No.1[Last 50 Posts]>>2>>4>>5>>14>>20>>26>>165
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Here I am! Bear with me as this is a new type of forum for me. I'm Karine, and I'm a storyboard artist on season 6 of the series. Ask away!
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>>1 (OP)Welcome… to the woooorld of tomorrow! And good luck. Nice to have you with us.
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Hello! Welcome to our treehouse!
What advice would you give someone looking to do what you do?
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>>1 (OP)Hello Kanthara, and welcome to Ponyville! It is an honor and a privilege for us to have you here today for an Ask Me Anything.
Our community has been looking forward to your visit!
Ponies, please keep on your best behavior! Let's make this AMA a lot of fun for everyone involved!
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>>1 (OP)Hi Kanthara!! Thank you ever so much for stopping by! Just for security's sake, please don't forget to attach a tripcode to your name!
Kanthara#(anything you want)
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>>7>>7Perfect!! It will help us all keep track of the real Kanthara.
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But really, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here answering questions!
I've been wondering just how much the storyboards reflect the final animated work. Do you have an influence on visual gags that pop up in the show, or are those decided on before/after your work is done?
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Welcome to Ponyville. Season 6, did you do anything for Pony before season 6, Equestria Girls, or any other DHX productions? Do you have a favorite previous season if you watched the show?
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>>10ooo, does this mean you were a pony fan long before you became a storyboard artist, Kanthara?
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>>1 (OP)Hello! Welcome!
Can you give us a general idea about what you do during the course of a day and how you contribute to the show that we will enjoy?
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Thank you for stopping by our little corner of the internet! We had a thread recently for those who wanted to ask you questions but would not be able to attend the AMA. We ended up with quite a list!
Clarity asks: Do you focus on particular character(s) in what parts of an episode you storyboard, or do you do a whole episode?
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Hi Karine!
How long does storyboarding for a single episode take, from the conceptual planning stages to all the finished frames?
Also, who is your favorite pony to storyboard with?
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What's your opinion on the ongoing agricultural crisis in the Maldives?
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Everything's going great!
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>>17it sounds like a lot of hard work, and a very long road. 19 years to get to be a storyboard artist for ponies! Clearly though, it was worth the journey? What could be better than ponies?
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Welcome Kanthara, it's great to have you here! My question is, how has working on Friendship is Magic been compared to some of your other works? What are some of the more satisfying things that come from working on this show?
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If you could make one request of the FiM fandom, what would it be?
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Btw Kanthara, you can click on the post number of a post (the actual number), and you get:
>>2Which allows you to answer multiple things at once.
Just press enter after you're done responding to someone (once or twice), then click on the post number you wish to reply to and add your response under the >>[####]
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>>1 (OP)This storyboard image almost looks cuter than the finished thing c:
How do different storyboard artists cooperate in the storyboarding process? Do different artists develop different scenes? Different characters? Different levels of detail?
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What's a pony?
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>>6>>17Thanks for your answer, and all your hard work!
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>>28A miserable pile of hugs and friendship.
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What are you most excited for about Season 6?
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Hello Kanthara! I was pretty excited to hear you were doing an AMA because I remember being that weird kid growing up who loved watching the bonus features to the movies and shows I loved and particularly enjoyed the process of seeing the product go from script to a completed script. I also had the opportunity to visit some animation studios as an teenager and loved seeing the storyboards plaster the walls, providing the skeleton for what would become the actual show in motion.
On this point, I felt that storyboarding is an interesting stage in the development. Do you think it takes a certain kind of creativity to be able to take the basic components of the plot and characters and visualize it?
Being such an important tool to sort of "diagnose" any problems translating what is there vs. what needs to be there, could you maybe give a idea of how a storyboard artist prioritizes what needs to be shown and understood in the storyboard so that the animators and directors can work with the best material?
Hope I was clear with my questions and apologies if any of these are repeats (took a bit to type this all out!)
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>>34>My fave ep so far… you haven't seen yet. ;)ahhhhhhh!!!
>I'm currently taking advantage of my DHX access to rewatch everything. awww :c does this mean even the artists don't get free access to watch ponies?
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If you could have dinner with any of the ponies, which one would you choose, and why would it be Rainbow Dash?
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Is an horse an athlete?
>>14During roughs, I read the script, go through designs, draw thumbnails of the story, think about the visuals, think about the story, listen to the voice track, draw more thumbnails, drink coffee, recheck my thumbs, laugh at some gags, scrap a few panels, draw draw draw.
During cleanup, I put on headphones and listen to audio books as I clean up all the art I roughed in the first two weeks.
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>>34Ah cool! Looking forward to whenever that airs. If there's one thing I've enjoyed about Ponies and Equestria Girls, it's the surprises you don't see coming.
From what you've seen, have you found a character you can relate to? Personally, I've always found myself kind of like Fluttershy personality wise.
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Have you ever been attached to something that was changed or removed? What was it?
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Es tu Charlie?
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>>42I don't know that was a pun at the end…
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Are most of the Season 6 episodes already completed?
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>>34>My fave ep so far… you haven't seen yet. ;)Something big is coming then? OOOOOOOOHHHH BOOOOOY!!
>>40>recheck my thumbsEvery artist needs to check to make sure their thumbs are there.
>>42>my art is sketchyDoes that mean we shouldn't trust it?
QUESTION!: Who is your favorite character to draw (judging by fun expressions/poses/etc.)? And who is the easiest/quickest character to draw?
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>>40Thank you for the response!
So you have some creative touches that you would talk about if you could? (understandable if that's the case) Which part do you enjoy the most when it comes to creative satisfaction and why? What do you want to do better?
Interesting, I used to listen to audio books while I research work.
>>42well damn. kinda figured… ah well
Is the going to be anything pertaining to Queen Chrysalis in season 6?
shhhhhhh spoilers No.52>>95>>262
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>>49They should get you to reboot the original Teen Titans! :D
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Do you stand with Rand? Can you stump the Trump? Do you feel the Bern?
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>>36What are your honest feelings on bronies, i wonder? Most of us here probably qualify as bronies: adult male fans of the show.
i understand, to long-time female fans, or those little girls who watched the old generations of ponies, the entire brony phenomenon can be a little unsettling!
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>>40That reminds me of something I was going to ask: How many storyboard drawings do you actually make for an episode of the show?
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Ooh, ooh!
When designing a story, how much freedom do you tend to have in regards to characterization and character personalities? Can you have characters behave however you feel works best with the story, or are there strict rules saying what particular characters do and don't do without specific justification? Or maybe there are planned character development directions that you are supposed to support as much as possible?
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Hallo Karine! It's DCRabbit..
So, I gotta ask… what's your favourite ep? : )
>>33I. Can't. Tell. You.
And it's killing me.
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>>55Oh, very good point! The show having an established brand and name definitely made it different from the other shows for all of us I imagine.
One more, has the show and your experiences with it taught you anything substantial about storyboarding, cartoons in general, or something else?
>>35It definitely does take a special type of creativity to do sequential art, acting, staging, that really comes from more than training.
The thing is, at this point it's almost instinctive to me. However, I did make a video broadcast on visual storytelling, if you're interested.
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>>68Out of any that have been done in the show, what is your favorite visual gag/joke and pop culture reference?
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Hi ponies! While we all love being silly, please also try to be respectful to our guest!
Thank you all!
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>>72What's funny about Rainbow Dash?
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Are these "ponies" real?
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>>24>>56Saint Kanthara speaks. As spoken in the year of our Faust, 2015 - "Be excellent to each other"
>>43I worked on a comic for Mage Brands for their Dragons Universe line of toys. They killed it when I was almost done inking issue #2.
>>44Non, je suis Karine. Mais je comprends la référence.
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>>77That's cool, nice choices to relate to too.
BTW, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to do a Q&A with all of us. :)
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Conveniently enough, i've been working on an assignment about storyboarding for my digital media class. I'm totally new to the process, so do you have any advice on determining what to focus on in each frame, so as to not overdo it I suppose? It's more related to video work, but I'd imagine video and animation storyboards are similar enough.
Thank you!
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>>83 So season 6 is almost done?
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>>69Free ponies!! What could be better than that? It's so neat that there's a system in place for you to go back to those episodes!
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>>86> hints as to who's in the episodesSo they're not in the mane 6!? That means!… Ooooooooohhh….
Also, look at this gorgeous pony. Ain't she gorgeous?
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>>88 Scratch is definitely gorgeous..
>>50I would talk about if I could, and once season 6 has aired I'll be happy to talk about them! But right now I'm not allowed.
I enjoy telling stories with pictures, and when the script is good, that means it inspires me to add to it, to place in fun gags in the background, to add stuff that the directors didn't even think about in the first place. My fave moments are when the directors laugh out loud when they look at my thumbnails. I love that I'm able to do that.
>>52I wish! That would be fun.
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>>91 Oh hey, a poster of that comic cover is hanging on my wall. I'll shut up now..
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>>97This is not a lie. Trudeau has great hair.
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>>97>some say he's pretty hot.>googlesEhhh… I've seen better… Heck! I
am better!… not to… brag or anything…
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Alright, a question from someone who couldn't be here:
"What software/hardware do you use?"
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>>97>>98Hot Prime Minister pony is going to be in season 6 for sure now.
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>>41>If there's one thing I've enjoyed about Ponies and Equestria Girls, it's the surprises you don't see coming.Yes! My Little Pony is one of the very few shows that consistently manages to
actually surprise me.
Many shows have a lot of jokes that are clearly supposed to be unexpected, but are actually totally predictable. Jokes that
really actually take you by surprise are shockingly rare. But ponies have a lot of them c:
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>>95Thank you! I like hearing about how professionals play with their work. Can you tell us what episode number would be one that you would enjoy showing off the most if you could?
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i have a question from a poster who couldn't make it!
>As a storyboard artist, do you have a say in which background ponies are used? Do you have a preference?
>>54I have no issue with people liking stuff. What unsettles me is creepy and jerkish behaviour. Otherwise, enjoy what you like!
>>57My half of each episode comes to between 500-620 individual drawings.
>>58I follow the script that is given to me, I watch episodes to get a feel for the characters, and I play them as faithfully as I can to how they were presented in the past. I also match the acting to fit the voice track that I'm handed, as well.
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Hmmm… Here's one.
What's it like storyboarding for a song sequence? I imagine it can't be anything like business as normal or comic books! Are there people on staff who specialize in those scenes?
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Why was there a three-month hiatus between the airings of the first and second halves of season 5?
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I understand you can't say stuff that hasn't aired, but what's your favorite background pony from episodes that has aired?
>>104Yeah agreed, if only you saw me when "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" aired. The screams of joy!
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>>81You're amazing.
>>97I think he kinda looked like a Cabbage Patch kid.
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>>107>I have no issue with people liking stuff. What unsettles me is creepy and jerkish behaviour. Otherwise, enjoy what you like! That makes total sense. It certainly seems that jerkiness can be an aspect of many fandoms on the internet… and Bronies are no exception to that rule.
i hope at least that your time here can be a little bit of a positive encounter with brony-kind!
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>>108And as sort of an extension of that question, what makes individual storyboarders different to you? Like, do your colleagues have specific storyboarding strengths that they're turned to for in certain situations?
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>>107 Hallo Karine!
I'm also interested in the answer to this one too..
Conveniently enough, i've been working on an assignment about storyboarding for my digital media class. I'm totally new to the process, so do you have any advice on determining what to focus on in each frame, so as to not overdo it I suppose? It's more related to video work, but I'd imagine video and animation storyboards are similar enough.
Thank you
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>>59Half-boards are assigned over a period of 6 weeks. 2 weeks for the rough, then a couple of days before thumbnail reviews, then 3.5 weeks for cleanup.
>>61I answered this before. It's one you haven't seen yet.
>>67I don't think I've learned much, however I've had more fun on this show than I've had in the last 3 or 4 shows I've done.
>>70I'm partial to Doctor Whooves. The Slice of Life episode is one of my favourites.
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>>113>That makes total sense. It certainly seems that jerkiness can be an aspect of many fandoms on the internet… and Bronies are no exception to that rule. I second this. Ran into quite a few mean people in the Sonic fandom. I'm surprised I still enjoy the games, though I don't go to the Sonic forums anymore.
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>>116That episode and Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep may be my guilty favorites. Also The One Where Pinkie Knows, just cause it's so full of her zaniness
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>>116Woah, 6 weeks for a 30 minute episode? That's a long time o-o
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>>117Oh yeah, totally. Though, I don't think your opinion on a fandom should be integral to your enjoyment of media, such as games or shows. If you want to watch or play something, then do it because you want to
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>>118I was just messing around. Although I am officially Rainbow Dash's number 1 fan and the best Rainbow Dash poster on any chan or website related to MLP. It is an objective fact and I will fight anybody who claims otherwise.
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>>107>My half of each episode comes to between 500-620 individual drawings. That is a lot. That is an awful lot.
With one episode per week, that means you have some two-three minutes per drawing? That's some serious rapid-fire art!
>>110>Yeah agreed, if only you saw me when "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" aired. The screams of joy!I remember laughing hysterically for five minutes at:
>What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?>*sudden realization*>CHAAAARGE!! No.125
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>>107Holy cow! That's a lot of nuts! It makes sense now that I think about it, but still! Makes me feel like I need to up my game.
>>79No spoilers!
>>84If it can help, go check out my video which is a raw stream on Visual Storytelling: No.127>>154>>262
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Would it be alright to share any headcanons you might have?
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>>126To quote River Song, "spoilers sweetie"
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>>126Final question: I've noticed in your video that you lay out the set. Are there top-down diagramed versions of the sets/environments that you guys make or take reference from as you are working?
And any chance we could perhaps see any we've already seen in show? No.130
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>>116Awesome! Thanks so much again for stopping by to do this. Was fun to hear your thoughts and experiences with the show. Take care ^^
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>>122Indeed, still it can feel like it. Man, if only I had a nickel for every time I was told "my opinion was wrong".
Glad it doesn't have to affect what people like. ^^
>>124Haha, yup!
I literally screamed "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" when I saw them new marks. :D No.132
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>>126Ooo… yes, that does seem like it will help, I will give that a watch.
Thank you!
>>85Only as far as storyboards are concerned. They should be finished by the end of November.
>>88It could be the mane 6 or it could be a guest character, or it could be a secondary character. I'm just not saying.
>>89Some people are VERY clever.
>>101A combination! I've worked on Toon Boom Storyboard Pro, which came in handy for the song I had to board. However, the final storyboard is done using Sketchbook Pro, and I work on my Cintiq at home, and my Asus Eee Slate when not at home.
>>105As in episodes I've done? Episode 14, and definitely the finale episodes. SO EXCITED ABOUT THE FINALE.
>>106Up to a certain point, yes I do. But I didn't really take advantage of that much. Oh well, NEXT SEASON *crosses fingers*
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Do you think that in the future, we will have synthetic ponies?
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i was wondering… are there any storyboards from an episode that's already aired, which you've worked on, that you might be able to share with us, Kanthara?
i'm quite curious to see what they might look like!
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Have you ever strongly disagreed with the script you're given on how the story should go or what a character would do?
Also, ever thought about making an OC?
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Oh how time flies….
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>>134Thank you for your time Kanthara!
If you feel the need to show off what you helped to create I think we would enjoy seen you again when those are released.
>>114Tough questions! I think every storyboard artist has their own style. Some are good with action, others with dramatic acting, some have excellent comedic timing, and not everyone can do everything.
As for storyboarding a long sequence, it's really the same as a shorter one, you just go from story beat to story beat and tell the whole sorry. I really don't find it different at all.
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Do you have any silly pony faces or ridiculous takes that you really like?
Pic obviously related c:
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I don't have any questions.
Just here to say hi and welcomr your visit to
Actually, just thought of question.
Fave episode you worked on or most proud with?
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>>134i am so excited for the finale now!! i didn't even think i could be!!
Also, for everypony's reference, Episode 14 Season 5 was Canterlot Boutique. i think that's the episode referenced?
It's also one of my favorites!! We even had a thread where we all talked about how that episode particularly stood out for us!
Or, did you only work on Season 6, Kanthara, if so… wow, i am imagining it will be spectacular.
>Up to a certain point, yes I do. But I didn't really take advantage of that much. Oh well, NEXT SEASON *crosses fingers*Next season shall be the season of whooves c:
And Derpy!! oh please, more Derpy!!
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This is probably more animation-related but I am sure the storyboard team gets a hand in some of them - do have a favourite silly pony face/expression?
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>>140Ooh, I knew it!
But sorry, I asked about a
song sequence.
>>109I do not know.
>>110Like I said earlier, I like Doctor Whoves. And Bulk Biceps makes me laugh so much.
>>115Do you have a script to start from? I've posted a link to my visual Storytelling video, so the concepts of establishing shot, then tightening on the meat of the story, translate in pretty much all storytelling media. Let me know if you need that link again.
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>>149>>109My understanding is that those decisions are all done at the Network level.
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>>149 I've got it.. thanks for answering!
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>>149>Bulk BicepsYEAH!!!
Apologies for repeat question.
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What do you think you'll be working on in five years from now, Kanthara? Will ponies still be on the itinerary?
Oh, and do you also get to work on Equestria Girls?
Do you think you'll be getting more involved in the fandom now yourself? Or is appearance more of a one-of-a-kind appearance?
>>124… I think you misunderstand. I have 6 weeks to do these 600 drawings. These translate into half an episode.
When in cleanup mode, I can do 35 to 50 clean drawings a day.
>>127… I need to watch more episodes before I can talk. And you need to watch the episodes I've seen to complete that.
>>129Designs are created before I do storyboards… for the most part. There are times I will create rough backgrounds that they will clean up at the layout and animation stage (forest scenes would be an example).
>>135No idea. Maybe, made with magic.
>>136I am not allowed to share anything Ponies. However, I can share a different type of storyboard for a different show, if you like?
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>>154>a different type of storyboard for a different show:D
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>>154Oh that makes sense.
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>>137Not on this show, but the one I did before Ponies, it's of the caliber of Family Guy and has lots of deliberately offensive moments that really rubbed me the wrong way.
And my OC is Sketchy Pencils!
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>>154>I think you misunderstand. I have 6 weeks to do these 600 drawings. These translate into half an episode. Oh, I see! That's much more manageable. Still hard work, but a somewhat less superhuman working speed :3
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Hi Kanthara! Just here to let you know that we're past 9:00 PM now! We'd love to have you as long as you'd like to stay and, of course, we would love for you to come around again soon!
If you do need to depart though at any time, just let the thread know. It's been an incredible privilege to have you! And it's our hope here at Ponyville that you might be back again soon!
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>>154>I am not allowed to share anything Ponies. However, I can share a different type of storyboard for a different show, if you like?Oh, sure!! That would be lovely!!
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>>141It would take too long to collect, but yes, I have a lot. Have one.
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>>1 (OP)Kanthara: Do you have any fan works you really like?
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>>163>>164I think that's Fluttershy's door.
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>>163 Haha!
So wtf..
I wonder who she walked in on!
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>>142I am happy with all the episodes I've worked on. I can't say any more!
>>143No, I did indeed reference season 6 episode 14.
>>144I like Rainbow Dash's fangirl squee face, and teeth grinding and mad grins and and… I like drawing funny poses and expressions.
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>>169Gasp!! Well, i know i'll be looking forward to that with bated breath!
i love these sketches, too!! That Rainbow Dash… she's so cute and silly!
>>169dat grinning Dash.
Well if you want to stay on I hope you love it here and feel welcomed.
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Bed soon, so I must be off, it was a pleasure being in this chat Karine. Thanks once again for taking time out of your busy day.
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>>169I think it's generally accepted that Rainbow Dash has the silliest faces c:
>>146Some personal projects, yes. But nothing overly solid.
>>148Ah HAH! Yes, storyboarding a song is indeed different! I convinced the directors to let me use Storyboard Pro to do the song sequence, because of the fact that it allows me to time the illustrations to the music. I watched several musical episodes beforehand to get inspiration, and a good idea of what I needed to do. And they liked what I did so I'm happy!
>>153I honesty have no idea what I'll be doing. I hope to get back in studio as I'm currently freelancing, to do storyboard supervision or directing.
I much prefer working on Ponies, I don't much care for Equestria Girls (sorry guys).
As for more appearances in fandom, maybe? I'd like to. I'm hoping another season is produced and I want to work on more episodes, and I'd love to go to some pony-related cons soon!
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Rainbow Dash is a very serious pony!
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>>174>>174I tried to find the grinch face, but I couldn't find it. D:
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>>175>Ah HAH! Yes, storyboarding a song is indeed different! I convinced the directors to let me use Storyboard Pro to do the song sequence, because of the fact that it allows me to time the illustrations to the music. I watched several musical episodes beforehand to get inspiration, and a good idea of what I needed to do. And they liked what I did so I'm happy! That sounds super, super hard!! i've always been curious as to how the storyboard artists worked with songs!
>I honesty have no idea what I'll be doing. I hope to get back in studio as I'm currently freelancing, to do storyboard supervision or directing. Storyboard supervision sounds like an awesome next step. And as selfish as it sounds, i hope that means you'll find your way back to ponies again soon! Perhaps though, with a supervisor's hat!
>I much prefer working on Ponies, I don't much care for Equestria Girls (sorry guys). it's pretty divisive amongst the fandom as well. i much prefer the ponies myself.
>As for more appearances in fandom, maybe? I'd like to. I'm hoping another season is produced and I want to work on more episodes, and I'd love to go to some pony-related cons soon!Gosh, now that would be exciting!! Cons are a whole different creature, but there's nothing but positive vibes. Too positive sometimes, if you ask me ^^
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>>177…woah… so this is what a storyboard looks like…
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>>175>I much prefer working on Ponies, I don't much care for Equestria Girls (sorry guys). It's alright, everyone likes different things. Personally I like both Ponies and Equestria Girls.
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You can also of course feel free to post here regularly, if that's your kind of thing. Not suggesting anything, just letting you know.
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>>175>I much prefer working on Ponies, I don't much care for Equestria Girls You madam, are quite the intelligent one.
I like you.
>>184Yes, thanks!
Love that one!
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Ooh! A quick question while you're still here, don't think anyone asked it:
What influenced you to become an artist/storyboarder/etc? Any specific person or things?
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>>177Oooh, never seen the word "antics" used that way. Is it a storyboarding jargon for something specific?
>>41038Many thanks! I can stick around a little more.
>>41044Je suis de Montréal, j'adore le bilinguisme, la joie de vivre, la poutine ;) Et oui, je suis allée en France deux fois.
>>165I do, but not on hand right now. There is some gorgeous pony artwork out there.
>>170She has no story other than being a self-insertion character! I styled her mane after my own hair and her cutie mark is a pencil and a pen.
>>182All depends on how much time I have, and until this board is done, I don't have much of it! But I'm going to be taking a break after this show ends in mid November for me, and I'm thinking of opening up for commissions.
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Just popping in with a quick reminder:
Y'all are awesome. Stay awesome!
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>>175>>182>>183>>190Maybe if you ever get bogged down, you could outsource your storyboarding to the fandom. Hahaha. That's probably illegal. It would be funny illegal though.
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>>177I've run out of pony related questions so here are some
deeply personal questions:
1 - What's your favorite ice cream?
2 - TP over or under?
3 - What's the answer to life the universe and everything?
4 - What is your favorite color?
5 - What is the average wind-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
6 - Do you love me?
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>>190Cool. J'espère d'aller au Québec dans l'avenir.
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Have you… ever met Lauren Faust?
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Besides FiM and Arthur, what other cartoons have you worked on, and which were your favorites to do?
>>188I've always had that in me but I didn't know about it until I had my first animation job. I did storyboard clean up, then corrections, then background design and layouts from storyboards (on Arthur), animation and animation corrections on Mega Babies, and then more and more storyboard-related jobs all over that place. It worked out that way because I enjoyed it so much.
>>189It stands for "anticipate". It's to describe the pre-movement to the actual action (the wind up before the throw, for example).
>>175Are there any lessons you've learned from working on ponies that you would use in future projects?
>>190She looks nice!
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>>177Is this based on a true story?
>>1941- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
2- Over.
3- 42.
5- Um, African or European swallow?
6- I barely know you, dear. ;)
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>>199Fair enough!
Do you have a favorite animated work aside from things you've worked on? (or ones you have)
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>>2031 - Good choice!
2 - Clearly!
3 - *nods*
4 - YUS!
5 - Wait… I dunno tha- *fwoosh* -AAAaaaaahhhh…
6 - But, but… okay… *sad face*
JK, you're totally awesome.>>204The only way to see into someone's heart is to be fearless in getting to know them.
>>196Nope! I haven't met anyone who works on Ponies (except for one other storyboard artist on season 6) because I live on the other side of the country!
>>198I've worked on Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat, Martha Speaks, Silly Bitty Bunny, What's With Andy, other Quebec-based shows, many more… I loved working on Sagwa in particular, and Chop Chop Ninja Challenge was amazingly fun for me.
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i was wondering, how experienced with you on the internet Kanthara? Are you like, an internet veteran? Or is this one of your first sort of internet interactions?
i have noticed, quite a few of the show artists are super internet savvy!
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>>207>The only way to see into someone's heart is to be fearless in getting to know them.Or you could have literal heart-o-vision.
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>>209It's cuz they're nerds moony.
I'm a jock though. No.212>>213>>217>>220>>222>>262
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>>208oooh! i love Sagwa and Martha Speaks c:
do you find the way you have to work changes from show to show very much,or is the process mostly the same?
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>>208>Sagwa the Chinese Siamese CatOh my goodness!! My youngest sister watched that when she was just a little one.
We absolutely loved that show! Why, she still remembers the theme song!
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Sorry if there are any repeat questions, I did go through the thread to make sure but I might have missed some.
How is your relationship with the rest of the crew? Do you meet them regularly? Hang out?
Also, how many more pop-culture and fandom references can we expect in the future?
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adored Sagwa when I was a kid!
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>>208>>212>>214>>216Wow, so much Sagwa in here!
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Oh. I thought of another question that's popular around these parts.
What's (one of) your favorite song(s)?
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>>208>>212>>214>>216Wow, so much Sagwa in here!
Just in case you're having issues accessing the thread Kanthara
Use the last 50 posts No.222>>223>>224>>226>>227>>229>>231>>232>>233>>235>>236>>237
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>>209Let me put it this way… I got online because of Gargoyles in 1996. I'm a veteran of web-base chat rooms, IRC, forums, Livejournal, etc. I'm pretty internet savvy.
>>212It changes according to the tools, the requirements of the directors, and the tightness of the deadlines. I miss working with Storyboard Pro on this show, but the tool I'm using does the job well enough.
>>215I work from home in Quebec while the studio is in British Columbia. I haven't met my co-workers due to sheer distance and cost of plane tickets, but I'm hoping to be able to fly to Vancouver at some point soon.
Aaaaand spoilers! ;)
>>216>>217I love hearing this! I loved this show and was so happy to be part of it. My personal favourite episode to board was A Catfish Tale. The directors thought it was a dead-end episode and handed it to me to salvage it. I apparently saw in it what the directors didn't and they loved my board. I made them love the story with my pictures.
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>>222>Let me put it this way… I got online because of Gargoyles in 1996. I'm a veteran of web-base chat rooms, IRC, forums, Livejournal, etc. I'm pretty internet savvy. Gosh, you're certainly savvier than i, Kanthara!
Do you feel the internet has changed in any way since you started participating in it? And has it changed for the better… or for the worse?
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>>222>she fangirlsHah. XD Love that!
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>>225I was thinking in elsewhere. In show is good too though, assuming you can talk about it :)
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>>222…also, i'm going to have to scour the internet for A Catfish Tale.
Learning you storyboarded it, and had put such an individual touch in it, and that the episode was a part of my life so many years ago… that's just such an incredible thought.
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>>199>>199>>199>It stands for "anticipate". It's to describe the pre-movement to the actual action (the wind up before the throw, for example).It's funny – now that you point it out, it's suddenly obvious how critical this is for the cartoon look. It's interesting to see how much the storyboard emphasizes the antics!
At what point in the animation process are the background details filled in? MLP has some amazing backgrounds at times. Are they in the storyboards in mostly-full detail, or are they added by the animators based on a reference design?
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>>222>I love hearing this! I loved this show and was so happy to be part of it. My personal favourite episode to board was A Catfish Tale. The directors thought it was a dead-end episode and handed it to me to salvage it. I apparently saw in it what the directors didn't and they loved my board. I made them love the story with my picturesThat was such a cute episode and one of my favourites! That is seriously awesome to hear.
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>>222>The directors thought it was a dead-end episode and handed it to me to salvage it. I apparently saw in it what the directors didn't and they loved my board. I made them love the story with my pictures.You're a hero! Also, I loved Sagwa as well. ;P
>she fangirlsHeh…hehehehehe
So judging by your responses, I rate you a 100% on my nerd-o-meter. That makes you cool.
Favorite Who episode? Favorite Doctor?
My favorite is 11 because he's so much fun, but 10 is the best doctor for the role he plays No.238
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Careful, Dash knows how to fang IRL.
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>she fangirls
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Okay, last questions because it's getting late. Thanks guys :)
>>230In most shows, before the script is handed to the storyboard artists, the designs are created for props, characters and backgrounds. During storyboards, the artist will redraw these backgrounds in the angles they need. Then after storyboard, the layout artists will redo clean versions of these additional BG angles.
>>232My fave is 10. I can't think of an episode, but the whole DoctorDonna ark was a favourite.
All right, good night everyone and thanks for all the fish!
Oh, before I go, how many ponies doe it take to screw in a lightbulb? See image for answer!
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>>234That's so very interesting! i remember Livejournal and myspace… even things like geocities and Xanga. but i wasn't really into the internet back then.
It is interesting to see how the internet evolves to become more snarky, of all things. i'm glad it's not bad though! The internet has a lot of potential for bad… but just as much potential for good.
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Probably late, but.
What influenced you to pursue art?
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>>241Hahaha, good joke! XD
Take care, thanks for coming! You're welcome!
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>>241hehe, that is a good one c:
thank you for stopping by and teaching us so much! it was very wonderful to have you!

>>241Thank you Kanthara! It's been so much fun!! Please come back soon, okay?
>So long and thanks for the fish.You might be the best person ever c:
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Rainbow Dash fangirled so hard she derailed the thread.
>>241Oh, Spike, you are the universe's punching bag.
Thank you so much for your time and take care!
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>>241Also, that joke. hahaha… oh goodness c:
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Anyway, thanks for visiting! Feel free to surf here and chat here any time you like!
You could even go under a secret code name or just anon if that would make you more comfortable.Sleep well!
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>>241Fare thee well, Kanthara. Thanks for stopping by. May you make many a good pony in the days ahead.
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>>241Bye! Thanks for the great evening!
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>>241Thanks for the AMA, and good luck with things
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>>241So long and thanks for all the fish, indeed!
Thank you so much for staying so long and for making tonight such a special night for Ponyville, Kanthara. It's been an incredible amount of fun for all of us!
I really do hope you'll be stopping by now and again! You've done us such a tremendous honor - just let Ponyville know if we can ever do a good turn by you, as well!
Do have a lovely evening. And again, thank you so much for coming by to see us!
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This concludes our AMA Event tonight with storyboard artist Kanthara!
For more information on Kanthara and her amazing work, please check out the following sites:
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Goodnight, Kanthara!! Thank you so much for the wonderful evening!!
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I think we'll have to have an archive board constructed.
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Here are all the questions and answers in today's AMA.
___________________________>>3"What advice would you give someone looking to do what you do?"Well, practice practice practice. Sequential art is a skill you need to develop. Animation studios are more interested in the contents of your portfolio than the schooling you've had.
I got my first job in storyboards as a cleanup artist, then in storyboard corrections on Arthur almost 20 years ago.
…Back to advice to be a storyboard artist: It's been 19 years since I started. For me, it was my work on corrections followed by bugging the director of Mega Babies to give me a shot at a storyboard that got me started. Others have a background in comics, which can make a good portfolio material to show animation studios. Just build a good portfolio and send it everywhere!
>>8 Arthur, like the PBS show? How involved did you end up getting in Arthur?On Arthur, I worked on corrections on the 3rd season of the show, then several years later was hired to work on one season 14 episode. Recently was offered a job on the next season of Arthur, but I delined because PONIES.
>>11"I've been wondering just how much the storyboards reflect the final animated work. Do you have an influence on visual gags that pop up in the show, or are those decided on before/after your work is done?"A lot of what I do is exactly what ends up animated. My roughs are submitted to the director, added gahgs and all, and during a thumbnail review with the director, we rework shots, and sometimes rework or add additional gags (that my drawings inspire). I then do clean up, and that's sent to the revision team in case the director changes his mind on stuff. But yeah, the story I tell is what you see on screen.
>>12Welcome to Ponyville. Season 6, did you do anything for Pony before season 6, Equestria Girls, or any other DHX productions? Do you have a favorite previous season if you watched the show?I've watched several episodes, mostly those required as research to do the boards on my shows, but I'm currently taking advantage of my DHX access to rewatch everything. My fave ep so far… you haven't seen yet. ;)
>>13 ooo, does this mean you were a pony fan long before you became a storyboard artist, Kanthara?I watched the old show when I was little. I did like the show and was super stoked when I was asked to work on the show!
>>14 Can you give us a general idea about what you do during the course of a day and how you contribute to the show that we will enjoy?During roughs, I read the script, go through designs, draw thumbnails of the story, think about the visuals, think about the story, listen to the voice track, draw more thumbnails, drink coffee, recheck my thumbs, laugh at some gags, scrap a few panels, draw draw draw.
During cleanup, I put on headphones and listen to audio books as I clean up all the art I roughed in the first two weeks.
>>15 I was wondering about the possibility of wallpapers! Like, if you and/or other members of the pony creation team would be willing/able to create something more or less official though not necessarily from the showSorry! Can't do that. NDA and besides, my art is sketchy!
>>16 Clarity asks: Do you focus on particular character(s) in what parts of an episode you storyboard, or do you do a whole episode?Each episode is split between two artists. The director decides on how to split the episode; it can be halfway, or according to locations.
>>22 it sounds like a lot of hard work, and a very long road. 19 years to get to be a storyboard artist for ponies! Clearly though, it was worth the journey? What could be better than ponies?I LOVE working on Ponies, but I'd also love to work on shows like TMNT or superhero type hows.
>>23 Welcome Kanthara, it's great to have you here! My question is, how has working on Friendship is Magic been compared to some of your other works? What are some of the more satisfying things that come from working on this show?I love working on this show because it's something people know already, unlike most of the shows I've worked on (in their first season, so anything I mention about the show is unknown). I love that it has a great fanbase, and I love the show itself. So much fun!
>>24If you could make one request of the FiM fandom, what would it be?pfffff Be excellent to each other?
>>26 How do different storyboard artists cooperate in the storyboarding process? Do different artists develop different scenes? Different characters? Different levels of detail?It really depends. On my first board, I paired with Thalia Tomlinson, and we chatted with each other to figure out certain scenes. On the others, interaction was during the meetings.
>>33What are you most excited for about Season 6?I. Can't. Tell. You.
And it's killing me.
>>68 On this point, I felt that storyboarding is an interesting stage in the development. Do you think it takes a certain kind of creativity to be able to take the basic components of the plot and characters and visualize it?
Being such an important tool to sort of "diagnose" any problems translating what is there vs. what needs to be there, could you maybe give a idea of how a storyboard artist prioritizes what needs to be shown and understood in the storyboard so that the animators and directors can work with the best material?It definitely does take a special type of creativity to do sequential art, acting, staging, that really comes from more than training.
The thing is, at this point it's almost instinctive to me. However, I did make a video broadcast on visual storytelling, if you're interested.
>>37 awww :c does this mean even the artists don't get free access to watch ponies?No, it means we DO. I work for DHX and I have access to DHX's servers for episodes!
>>38 If you could have dinner with any of the ponies, which one would you choose, and why would it be Rainbow Dash?HAHAHAHAHAAHAH
>>39 Is an horse an athlete?If they want to be, sure
>>41From what you've seen, have you found a character you can relate to?I can't pick who I relate to more. I have a little something of all the ponies. Maybe some Twilight. Some Dash. Some Rarity. Some… you get the idea.
>>43 Have you ever been attached to something that was changed or removed? What was it?I worked on a comic for Mage Brands for their Dragons Universe line of toys. They killed it when I was almost done inking issue #2.
>>44 Es tu Charlie?Non, je suis Karine. Mais je comprends la référence.
>>46Are most of the Season 6 episodes already completed?I'm doing cleanup on the last couple of episodes. We're having the thumbnail review for the last ep on Friday. When I started, the last few eps of season 5 weren't finished yet.
>>48 Who is your favorite character to draw (judging by fun expressions/poses/etc.)? And who is the easiest/quickest character to draw?I have a hard time saying who my fave characters are to draw because telling you this gives you hints as to who's in the episodes that are coming up and I am not allowed to do that. Sorry!
>>50 So you have some creative touches that you would talk about if you could? (understandable if that's the case) Which part do you enjoy the most when it comes to creative satisfaction and why? What do you want to do better?I would talk about if I could, and once season 6 has aired I'll be happy to talk about them! But right now I'm not allowed.
I enjoy telling stories with pictures, and when the script is good, that means it inspires me to add to it, to place in fun gags in the background, to add stuff that the directors didn't even think about in the first place. My fave moments are when the directors laugh out loud when they look at my thumbnails. I love that I'm able to do that.
>>51 Is the going to be anything pertaining to Queen Chrysalis in season 6?Spoilers!
>>52 They should get you to reboot the original Teen Titans! :DI wish! That would be fun.
>>53 Do you stand with Rand? Can you stump the Trump? Do you feel the Bern?I'm Canadian. My Prime Minister is new and some say he's pretty hot.
>>107What are your honest feelings on bronies, i wonder?I have no issue with people liking stuff. What unsettles me is creepy and jerkish behaviour. Otherwise, enjoy what you like!
>>57 That reminds me of something I was going to ask: How many storyboard drawings do you actually make for an episode of the show?My half of each episode comes to between 500-620 individual drawings.
>>58 When designing a story, how much freedom do you tend to have in regards to characterization and character personalities? Can you have characters behave however you feel works best with the story, or are there strict rules saying what particular characters do and don't do without specific justification? Or maybe there are planned character development directions that you are supposed to support as much as possible?I follow the script that is given to me, I watch episodes to get a feel for the characters, and I play them as faithfully as I can to how they were presented in the past. I also match the acting to fit the voice track that I'm handed, as well.
>>59 How long does it take to make a storyboard for an episode?Half-boards are assigned over a period of 6 weeks. 2 weeks for the rough, then a couple of days before thumbnail reviews, then 3.5 weeks for cleanup.
>>61So, I gotta ask… what's your favourite ep? : )I answered this before. It's one you haven't seen yet.
>>67 One more, has the show and your experiences with it taught you anything substantial about storyboarding, cartoons in general, or something else?I don't think I've learned much, however I've had more fun on this show than I've had in the last 3 or 4 shows I've done.
>>70 Out of any that have been done in the show, what is your favorite visual gag/joke and pop culture reference?I'm partial to Doctor Whooves. The Slice of Life episode is one of my favourites.
>>75 What's funny about Rainbow Dash?My image is one I've drawn and use every time someone asks me to pick a pony. I can't. And I have a friend who's a big Dash fan and that's the kind of question he would have asked me.
>>84 do you have any advice on determining what to focus on in each frame, so as to not overdo it I supposeIf it can help, go check out my video which is a raw stream on Visual Storytelling:>>85 So season 6 is almost done?Only as far as storyboards are concerned. They should be finished by the end of November.
>>88 > hints as to who's in the episodes
So they're not in the mane 6!? That means!… Ooooooooohhh….It could be the mane 6 or it could be a guest character, or it could be a secondary character. I'm just not saying.
>>89 We wouldnt have known if you didnt say that it would give us hints to upcoming episodes xDSome people are VERY clever.
>>101 "What software/hardware do you use?"A combination! I've worked on Toon Boom Storyboard Pro, which came in handy for the song I had to board. However, the final storyboard is done using Sketchbook Pro, and I work on my Cintiq at home, and my Asus Eee Slate when not at home.
>>105Can you tell us what episode number would be one that you would enjoy showing off the most if you could?As in episodes I've done? Episode 14, and definitely the finale episodes. SO EXCITED ABOUT THE FINALE.
>>106 >As a storyboard artist, do you have a say in which background ponies are used? Do you have a preference?Up to a certain point, yes I do. But I didn't really take advantage of that much. Oh well, NEXT SEASON *crosses fingers*
>>114And as sort of an extension of that question, what makes individual storyboarders different to you? Like, do your colleagues have specific storyboarding strengths that they're turned to for in certain situations?Tough questions! I think every storyboard artist has their own style. Some are good with action, others with dramatic acting, some have excellent comedic timing, and not everyone can do everything.
As for storyboarding a long sequence, it's really the same as a shorter one, you just go from story beat to story beat and tell the whole sorry. I really don't find it different at all.
>>109Why was there a three-month hiatus between the airings of the first and second halves of season 5?I do not know.
>>110 I understand you can't say stuff that hasn't aired, but what's your favorite background pony from episodes that has aired?Like I said earlier, I like Doctor Whoves. And Bulk Biceps makes me laugh so much.
>>115 Conveniently enough, i've been working on an assignment about storyboarding for my digital media class. I'm totally new to the process, so do you have any advice on determining what to focus on in each frame, so as to not overdo it I suppose?Do you have a script to start from? I've posted a link to my visual Storytelling video, so the concepts of establishing shot, then tightening on the meat of the story, translate in pretty much all storytelling media. Let me know if you need that link again.
>>124With one episode per week, that means you have some two-three minutes per drawing? That's some serious rapid-fire art!… I think you misunderstand. I have 6 weeks to do these 600 drawings. These translate into half an episode.
When in cleanup mode, I can do 35 to 50 clean drawings a day.
>>127 Would it be alright to share any headcanons you might have?… I need to watch more episodes before I can talk. And you need to watch the episodes I've seen to complete that.
>>129 Are there top-down diagramed versions of the sets/environments that you guys make or take reference from as you are working?Designs are created before I do storyboards… for the most part. There are times I will create rough backgrounds that they will clean up at the layout and animation stage (forest scenes would be an example).
>>135 Do you think that in the future, we will have synthetic ponies?No idea. Maybe, made with magic.
>>136 i was wondering… are there any storyboards from an episode that's already aired, which you've worked on, that you might be able to share with us, Kanthara?I am not allowed to share anything Ponies. However, I can share a different type of storyboard for a different show, if you like?
>>137 Have you ever strongly disagreed with the script you're given on how the story should go or what a character would do?
Also, ever thought about making an OC? Not on this show, but the one I did before Ponies, it's of the caliber of Family Guy and has lots of deliberately offensive moments that really rubbed me the wrong way.
And my OC is Sketchy Pencils!
>>141Do you have any silly pony faces or ridiculous takes that you really like?
Pic obviously related c:It would take too long to collect, but yes, I have a lot. Have one.
[Picture in post >>41048]
>>142 Fave episode you worked on or most proud with?I am happy with all the episodes I've worked on. I can't say any more!
>>143 Episode 14 Season 5 was Canterlot Boutique. i think that's the episode referenced?No, I did indeed reference season 6 episode 14.
>>144 This is probably more animation-related but I am sure the storyboard team gets a hand in some of them - do have a favourite silly pony face/expression?I like Rainbow Dash's fangirl squee face, and teeth grinding and mad grins and and… I like drawing funny poses and expressions.
[Picture included – 41057]
>>146 Do you have any non-pony personal projects that you hope to make storyboards for at some point?Some personal projects, yes. But nothing overly solid.
>>148 Ooh, I knew it!
But sorry, I asked about a song sequence.Ah HAH! Yes, storyboarding a song is indeed different! I convinced the directors to let me use Storyboard Pro to do the song sequence, because of the fact that it allows me to time the illustrations to the music. I watched several musical episodes beforehand to get inspiration, and a good idea of what I needed to do. And they liked what I did so I'm happy!
>>153What do you think you'll be working on in five years from now, Kanthara? Will ponies still be on the itinerary?
Oh, and do you also get to work on Equestria Girls?
Do you think you'll be getting more involved in the fandom now yourself? Or is appearance more of a one-of-a-kind appearance?I honesty have no idea what I'll be doing. I hope to get back in studio as I'm currently freelancing, to do storyboard supervision or directing.
I much prefer working on Ponies, I don't much care for Equestria Girls (sorry guys).
As for more appearances in fandom, maybe? I'd like to. I'm hoping another season is produced and I want to work on more episodes, and I'd love to go to some pony-related cons soon!
>>155>a different type of storyboard for a different showHere's a storyboard sample from the show Chop Chop Ninja Challenge! Enjoy!>>41044Je suis de Montréal, j'adore le bilinguisme, la joie de vivre, la poutine ;) Et oui, je suis allée en France deux fois.
>>165 Kanthara: Do you have any fan works you really like?I do, but not on hand right now. There is some gorgeous pony artwork out there.
>>170 Does Sketchy Pencils have a story?She has no story other than being a self-insertion character! I styled her mane after my own hair and her cutie mark is a pencil and a pen.
>>182 You can also of course feel free to post here regularly, if that's your kind of thing. Not suggesting anything, just letting you know.All depends on how much time I have, and until this board is done, I don't have much of it! But I'm going to be taking a break after this show ends in mid November for me, and I'm thinking of opening up for commissions.
>>188 What influenced you to become an artist/storyboarder/etc? Any specific person or things?I've always had that in me but I didn't know about it until I had my first animation job. I did storyboard clean up, then corrections, then background design and layouts from storyboards (on Arthur), animation and animation corrections on Mega Babies, and then more and more storyboard-related jobs all over that place. It worked out that way because I enjoyed it so much.
>>189 Oooh, never seen the word "antics" used that way. Is it a storyboarding jargon for something specific?It stands for "anticipate". It's to describe the pre-movement to the actual action (the wind up before the throw, for example).
>>194 1 - What's your favorite ice cream?
2 - TP over or under?
3 - What's the answer to life the universe and everything?
4 - What is your favorite color?
5 - What is the average wind-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
6 - Do you love me?1- Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
2- Over.
3- 42.
5- Um, African or European swallow?
6- I barely know you, dear. ;)
>>196 Have you… ever met Lauren Faust?Nope! I haven't met anyone who works on Ponies (except for one other storyboard artist on season 6) because I live on the other side of the country!
>>198 Besides FiM and Arthur, what other cartoons have you worked on, and which were your favorites to do?I've worked on Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat, Martha Speaks, Silly Bitty Bunny, What's With Andy, other Quebec-based shows, many more… I loved working on Sagwa in particular, and Chop Chop Ninja Challenge was amazingly fun for me.
>>209 i was wondering, how experienced with you on the internet Kanthara? Are you like, an internet veteran? Or is this one of your first sort of internet interactions?Let me put it this way… I got online because of Gargoyles in 1996. I'm a veteran of web-base chat rooms, IRC, forums, Livejournal, etc. I'm pretty internet savvy.
>>212 do you find the way you have to work changes from show to show very much,or is the process mostly the same?It changes according to the tools, the requirements of the directors, and the tightness of the deadlines. I miss working with Storyboard Pro on this show, but the tool I'm using does the job well enough.
>>215 How is your relationship with the rest of the crew? Do you meet them regularly? Hang out?
Also, how many more pop-culture and fandom references can we expect in the future?I work from home in Quebec while the studio is in British Columbia. I haven't met my co-workers due to sheer distance and cost of plane tickets, but I'm hoping to be able to fly to Vancouver at some point soon.
Aaaaand spoilers! ;)
>>216>>217 [Sagwa related excitement]I love hearing this! I loved this show and was so happy to be part of it. My personal favourite episode to board was A Catfish Tale. The directors thought it was a dead-end episode and handed it to me to salvage it. I apparently saw in it what the directors didn't and they loved my board. I made them love the story with my pictures.
>>224 Do you feel the internet has changed in any way since you started participating in it? And has it changed for the better… or for the worse?I'm not sure. I think it's a mix of both. People speak more but say less. They journal less but snark more. I think it's just evolution. I don't use Livejournal anymore, but I used to use it daily. Forums were plenty and I was part of art boards that no longer exist because people moved on. It's now all Facebook, Twitter, tumblr… but it's not bad.
>>230 At what point in the animation process are the background details filled in? MLP has some amazing backgrounds at times. Are they in the storyboards in mostly-full detail, or are they added by the animators based on a reference design?In most shows, before the script is handed to the storyboard artists, the designs are created for props, characters and backgrounds. During storyboards, the artist will redraw these backgrounds in the angles they need. Then after storyboard, the layout artists will redo clean versions of these additional BG angles.
>>232 Favorite Who episode? Favorite Doctor?My fave is 10. I can't think of an episode, but the whole DoctorDonna ark was a favourite.
All right, good night everyone and thanks for all the fish!
Oh, before I go, how many ponies does it take to screw in a lightbulb? See image for answer!
[Hilarious Punchline Below:
>>241 ]
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The AMA has finished and the thread is now locked! A summary can be found by moony below:
>>262Until next time!