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The sun is shining! the snow is melting, and the flowers are starting to peek out from the ground! That means that springtime is upon us!

So let's enjoy this spring with some Chatroulette!

The rules are simple! roll a 1d10 and answer/do the question/prompt!

(to roll a 1d10, simply type <1d10> but replace the <> with [] )

so let's begin!

1. Do a little spring cleaning and share with us what you cleaned up!

2. What just screams "spring" to you?

3. What's a piece of media (any type) that last made you reflect on yourself and why?

4. Take this moment to just take a deep breath and say something positive about yourself! you don't have to share it, but you deserve a little self love <3

5. Do you have any fun plans for the springtime?

6. What is something you feel like you can improve or at least think about about yourself? if you don't want to answer, please skip to one you haven't done

7. Share the last video you watched on Youtube!

8. You are now the proud owner of a new store in a very popular part of town! You sell two things at your store! what are you selling at this new store?

9. all of /pony/ is gonna go have a fun weekend vacation, and YOU get to choose what we are gonna do! what's our weekend trip gonna be?

10. You now have to change your avatar to something new for the next 10 posts! this requirement will expire by the next day!

So let's get rolling!
59 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1711330781328.png (1.45 MB, 907x795, 907:795, 3.PNG) ImgOps Google

oooh~ alrighty! i'll dust off my ol' screen cappin' gloves and grab some fun reaction images from this one movie, here, for the next 10 posts o' mine!


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1d10 = 6

i return with an image folder of herta to post


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Hard question. Not because I can't think of anything, but because I can think of a lot of things I don't really know how to put into words.

But I guess, just trying to be better at interacting with people in general? I just feel like there's misunderstandings or clashes so often and it's at least partially my fault. I don't know how to fix this, though, because usually it happens when I'm NOT trying to be mean or whatever.

1d10 = 5


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No I don't have any plans or spring because I still don't have a job, I'm essentially broke, and I'm over 1000 dollars in debt. So plans are to do as little as possible that costs money while trying to find a job.

1d10 = 2


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It being warm and not cold but not 100+ degrees all the time either.


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1d10 = 8

as a gemini, i found that really funny :3

i would say that's cheating, but i'll allow it cause i want to go to this store and pick up some lesbian and genderfluid stuff with an electric guitar, amps, and pedals

i am a huge summer person, so i love spring cause the weather finally gets warm and nice for summer!

>ba dum tish!

lawn mowing and the fresh smell of grass is delightful!

vague is in vogue! good choice <3

it's always good to self check and see how we present ourselves to others, so so self reflection is a great thing to do when necessary ^_^

and i could be better about that myself. i sometimes don't pick up on certain cues in conversation and i've had others frustrated with me as well ://

dang i'm sorry :( i wish i could help you out...

that's one nice thing about colorado, it rarely ever gets to triple digits. most of the time in the summer, it's somewhere between 70-80 on a warm day


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BDSM gear and a Coffee Shop

i'd call it "Cream and Sugar"


The whole show is like that. I really hope we get more of it.


of course it had to snow and be 10 degrees farenheit today (-12c)...

1d10 = 7

it feels very natural, which is refreshing in animated format!


last thing i watched was Geography Now where Barbs went to Vietnam!

it looks like so much fun <3 and also warm! i love warm <3


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vague is in vogue? but i though rogues were in vogue! when did it change?



It's largely unscripted. Apparently the guy behind it was an episode director on Smiling Friends, so that might explain a thing or two.

It definitely feels like "Home Movies but starring 20-somethings"


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you gotta check yo self before you wreck yo self!

>dang i'm sorry :( i wish i could help you out...
Use your martial arts powers to beat up the job market!

>it's somewhere between 70-80 on a warm day
Yeah but then in winter it gets down really low and it snows and shit! I'd take high heat over low cold any day! That's why I live in the desert!


1d10 = 10


no fak u I did this one

1d10 = 6


>6. What is something you feel like you can improve or at least think about about yourself? if you don't want to answer, please skip to one you haven't done

Well that's the problem. There's lost of things I'd like to improve. I just tend to be incapable of truly believing my dumb ass CAN improve em.

So I guess that's the first thing I'd like to improve.


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rogues are as in vogue as kylie minogue!

ooh do they have their own coach mcgurk? he was my favorite <3

okay! i'll grab my bo-staff, and i'll go break some poeple's kneecaps!

they will obviously not want to ride in ambulances, so this is where you come in

you get a job at UBER and you come immediately onto the scene, and drive them to the hospital!

>Yeah but then in winter it gets down really low and it snows and shit! I'd take high heat over low cold any day! That's why I live in the desert!

finally somebody understands meeeeee T_T

a good place to start, finding foundation helps you build up!

i believe at you esh!


Not particualrly. It just takes place in a shitty bowling alley with a cranky boss. But it's the whole improvised-funny-dialogue thing

>Believe at me


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Unfortunately that would not work, I can't do uber because of insurance and my car sucks.


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Who here besides me literally wants to eat this?


Also, hmmmmmm...

1d10 = 7


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I've had canned bread. It is absolutely detestable.


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Yes! Let's get you a transgender pride jacket with an electric guitar painted in matching colors!


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hey esh! let's go bowling!

hmm okay, i got a new idea!

i will steal the car of somebody that looks exactly like you, and you can use their car as an uber for the people who'm i kneecapped

then any sort of insurance incident would be charged to them and not you!

it's the perfect plan!

i'd give it a shot, although i can't guarantee i'd like it

also you forgot to share a video :PP

oh hell yeah! i'd rock that for sure!


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kylie minogue! that's... uh... uhm... she's.... er... pitogue? filogue? i'm not good enough with words to do this!



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ogue is definitely a hard one to rhyme! i can't think of any either ><

hello! what's that ferret gymnast from?


File: 1711430330461.png (297.43 KB, 559x441, 559:441, Kit1.png) ImgOps Google

oh ho~ interested are ya? she's from a very neat movie i only recently learned of! oh! we should watch it sometime! it's actually really good!
if you don't find out about it before i finish what chatroulette demands of me i'll let you know! but the first hint is that it's from 1980~



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ooh now we got a lion character! she looks smug >:3

hmmm... i dunno! was there a prequel to lion king i don't know about where they go to the olympics?


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oh! you're very close! truth be told this ferret gymnast is just a lil part of the movie! my personal favourite is one of the news reporters!



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Zootopia goes to the Olympics?


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hehe, not quite! but spiritually pretty much! the second half of the title is the word you keep using!

and here's my favourite! isn't she just so fab? *swoon*



Ooh I remember this one


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hehe, it's a memorable one! i really wish i had seen it when i was younger!
do you have a favourite character, anon?



I only ever saw it when I was a kid I barely remember anything


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if you know what to search, the whole is is available to stream (and download) on archive.org! in 1080p, no less!



Oh the name is easy to remember!


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puns/wordplay usually are! xP



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is it like "Animal Olympics" or something?

and she is the MOST fab!

look at them legs!

seems like i missed out on somethin really popular :PP


File: 1711431646763.gif (9.15 MB, 450x329, 450:329, tumblr_a3bd24fd400cc6413fe….gif) ImgOps Google

oh, you're so close!! if you just... fusion dance those two words, in that order even!



File: 1711431750693.jpg (15.57 KB, 336x313, 336:313, GETX54IWQAAbQFY.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

is it "Animalypics?"


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ding ding ding ding! you got it! and just in time, too! i don't need to change up my avatar no more! so back to doodles for me~

mhm! the "animalympics"! it was a movie made for the 1980 olympic games, or so I'm told! it's a bit of a cult classic in the furry community (if you can believe it!) was shown at the very first furrycon! i only just learned about it when i recently went to this year's vancoufur!


The ending shot sticks in my mind


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ah cool! i should check it out then! how could i not enjoy a piece of furry history?


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how do you mean? i'm not familiar with that term!

1d10 = 9


The scene in that movie at the end of the marathon


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yeah! i reckon you'll enjoy it! as i mentioned earlier, it's all on the archive website!

our fun weekend trip will be camping at the lakeside! BBQ, swimming, suntanning, and more swimming galore! i know just the place that has a nice cliff jump so you can get into the water alll at once!
oohhh, yeah, yeah, i getcha now! for sure.


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i'll definitely bookmark it, and i will choose the tall gooey one as my fighter!

i also need to go to bed!



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tall gooey it is!

nini, noelle! i'm hitting the hay too!


Oh, I need to answer by talking about... the last thing that I've watched on YouTube?

It's an incredible film trailer! I really want to check this out when the movie comes out on the big screen!




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That's perfect! I knew I could count on you!


>rock that for sure
Yes! OwO

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