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File: 1714615275522.jpeg (164.55 KB, 999x999, 1:1, GMgO-paWYAA0PI-.jpeg) ImgOps Google

ヒヒーン  :aj4:
ITT: post pics of horses wearing armor!



File: 1714615298253.jpeg (407.57 KB, 1600x1113, 1600:1113, GMgO-paWgAAvy70.jpeg) ImgOps Google


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When I think of horse armor, I think of the creepy horse enemies in FFXII


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Plastic horse visors.


File: 1714665997551.png (3.29 MB, 1634x1048, 817:524, HorseArmorElven.png) ImgOps Google


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Nice armor!  In Japan, horses say "ヒヒーン" ("hihiin").





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Japanese onomatopoeia is weird sometimes!  Cows saying "moo" seems to be widespread across most languages though.


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I find Cock-a-doodle-doo hella weird myself.


" ' Ey sweetie, ya got 50 bucks? I'll Doodle-Doo yer Cock for it."


File: 1714858318752.png (125.7 KB, 372x341, 12:11, of course.png) ImgOps Google

> " ' Ey sweetie, ya got 50 bucks? I'll Doodle-Doo yer Cock for it."
Average commission artist's experience


See, you joke, but...


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Personally, I'd actually be too much of a cowerd to ask for anything lewd for a commission.


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>I'd actually be too much of a cowerd to ask for anything lewd for a commission
Heh, that's adorable I have to admit. I commissioned multiple "lewd" artworks from one artist, and it was an absolute pleasure to do so. She was from Russia, but was quite fluent with her English nonetheless. Got the job done swiftly and to my liking. But now it's a pain to convert my currency to rubles, so less art for me.


I assure you that no matter what you request off of 'em, they have heard weirder.


File: 1714873075990.png (85.51 KB, 540x600, 9:10, Armored_and_Saddled_Horse.png) ImgOps Google


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