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So last night, I had a dream that I was the protagonist in a weird anime/disney channel show, where I was a normal kid in school, who was also an evil Demon Lord. Like Hannah Montana, I needed to keep those two lives seperate.

So in one moment, I found the people in my dungeon keep, and while they were riding an elevator, I casted a spell on one of them, where a fast growing tree grew through one of them, dismembering them and leaving their limbs and organs on its tree branches like a christmas tree, but then I had to hurry back to school and do a test and divide by pi or something

then my grandma, who teaches me the demon lord stuff, is doing training stuff for me on this underground noah's arch lookin thing, and teaching me some methods of death and torture. However, the school was having a fun cultural fair sort of thing, and my class, the teacher, and the principle were all in the woods looking for me.

the ground shifted, and then collapsed under them! dropping them all in front of me and my grandma in the underground arc thingie.

So now my grandma is urging to execute them all, yet they are all knocked out and helpless! I was now stuck "How can i save them from being annihalated, but also not dissapoint grandma?"

Then I woke up

freaking cliffhangers... i didn't even get to do the Disney channel drawing mickey mouse thing!

Anywho, what are some of your wild dreams?


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Damn I wish I could remember my dreams again. It's been maybe a decade since I've remembered any dreams. At best I can remember them for a few moments after waking up then forget them while still knowing I was dreaming.


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i had a dream last night where ina, my dad, and a couple other of my friends helped me move

we went to LA, and the space was pretty big, and it was very nice, although it had a weirdly steep garage

you were there, and mentioned you were nice enough to travel south for it, and also you were hot. just thought i'd mention that

ina also helped my dad replace 2 of his tires on his isuzu rodeo, which we no longer have

and i was curious why there was so many jars of spices and stuff all over my new big apartment

well it turns out my dad found a sweet deal on a former indian/pizzaria place next to an entertainment and cconvenience store

and also people didn't know that the restaurant that was there is now my apartment.

so a bunch of people were now in my restaurant apartment, sitting at the tables and booths
eating all my pizza and indian food!

and some were even at the subway kiosk in there too, eating my subway eat fresh

so then i had to tell everyone to leave. and to their credit, most were amenable

except for the kids and their parents

they didn't quite grasp that this was no longer their eatery, but my sleepery

i looked all over that place for paper to write "private residence, no trespassing" but all i could find were recipes and old tax documents

despite all of this, i was amazed my dad found the place for only $2500 a month, but i was also pissed, cause i couldn't afford that.
so i fell into despair at the idea of having to open the restaurant again

then i woke up

sorry about that andrea! but i get it, some dreams just blip out immediately

most of my dreams are like that, but within the last 2 weeks, i've had two very memeroable ones!


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...i have two recurring dreams. Both are strange.

One of them always involves gigantic waves. Sometimes, it is in like... a gigantic half pipe, where a single lighthouse sits, and the wave crashes around it. Often, i get caught in the wave, and am tossed by it.

But it is not scary. Instead, it is comfortable, familiar.

My dreams are never in the first person. Always... vaguely am i aware that i am involved in the dream. Sometimes it is as if i am looking through a camera at a ragdoll

The other recurring dream happens.... maybe only once every few years.

It is, a white room. And i can see myself sitting in a chair at one end. At the other end, sits a man. i cannot quite see him. It's like he is unfocused-- like when you look at those ai pictures, you know, that should look like something, but your brain cannot make sense of it?

The room has sort of... windows.

Long, narrow openings in the back wall. With a scene of a rainforest, of some kind. Only, each pane of the window has a different season -- in one pane, cherry blossom petals fall. In the next it is bright and sunny and warm. In the next, orange leaves flutter and gyrate in the breeze. As you look at it, you can smell it... feel it.

And all that happens is... the man talks to me. He asks me questions. i can see myself, but also not clearly, sitting on the chair at the far end. i just sit there: i don't say anything

But the man responds... as if i have replied to the questions. We "talk" for a little bit... him asking questions about how i have been... and then, the dream just ends

i can never quite remember the questions after, only the character. i can never remember either, how the dream ends.

[me] [] [] [] [] [man]

Like this, camera facing the windows, We are profiled


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fascinating dreams my friend, and the fact that it's from a 3rd person perspective is also interesting. i don't think i've ever had a dream where i was observing myself, it's always been first person mode for me

and i guess the ocean calls for you! you've always had a penchant for the sea, so perhaps your mind is showcasing how it brings you comfort, even if it's temultuous

as for the blurred man, that's fascinating! i have no idea what that could mean. do you have any insight to it?



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I don't remember dreams much after I had them other than general concepts about them.

The weirdest dreams I have are the ones that are like... references to dreams I had a LONG time ago. OR, weirder yet, dreams that reference dreams that I NEVER HAD in the first place but BECAUSE of the dream referencing it, I now have the original dream's phantom in my mind somewhere!

The weirdest of these weird dreams are where the old dream, whether one I actually had or not, is like, just the set, kind of like in a play, and like. There's part of me in the dream that's like, remembering the old dream, as well as part of me that's fully invested in the current dream.

sometimes these dreams also come in the form of witnessing certain aspects of the old dream, sometimes events, sometimes just locations, from a different point in the dream setting.

I have a lot of other sort of weird dreams, but this is the weirdest kind I got.


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Actually in a few dreams I remember being where one dream was set and being like "oh yeah i remember when i had this dream" while in the dream itself


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this feels like the type of video that would be somebodies awakening, and they would be troubled by it for at least a month!

i didn't realize your dreams took place in Inception. that dream within a dream thing seems like it would be rather confusing to navigate!



I don't know about "awakening", and it's not my dream, but it sure has been occasionally haunting me for years - like now, when I saw this thread, suddenly it was right there. I had to link it, maybe that works by moving from one head to another!

I had some actual weird dreams of my own, but lately the ones I remember have been weirdly mundane. This is not a good thing. Not because I expect High Production High Entertainment Values of my dreams. It's just that when they're they're TOO mundane you can actually get to a point where you're like "wait, [person I know] never actually told me [mundane thing], did they? That was literally, no joke, something I just dreamed" and disentangling it becomes a whole thing. This doesn't happen often, but once is enough. Garbled fantastic bullshit is just so, so much more preferable to that. Even if said bullshit is an angry flying gigasquid with a personal hatred towards me for not believing it exists coming right for me.


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Oh God, they're stress nightmares all the way down.

The recurring ones like my teeth falling out or not showing up to class all semester even though I am trying so hard to remember what time that particular class is. Then there's the weird one offs, like the decaying deer eating a girls face off as she projectile vomits from the smell of its rancid form, getting caught in a landslide and suffocating under tons of rock, getting shot in the gut and dumped in a ditch to claw along the abandoned road as everything starts to go dark.

For whatever reason Eon, from that Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer movie gave me horrible, absolutely awful recurring nightmares when I was really little.

I don't really recall any good dreams, if I have them. It's been a long time.


Being back in my childhood home walking down the hallway and getting assaulted by a cloaked man.

The one where I'm mauled by dogs.

Lots of dreams where all my teeth fall out.

Charcoal spiders iykyk

And rotting corpse dream.

I feel blessed that I either do not sleep or don't remember because I don't have pleasant dreams.


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Well, I should probably mention that a big part of it is that I often am aware I am in dreams after a certain point within them. Sometimes it's as simple as being like "oh shit I'm in a dream I can just wake up" when something bad is about to happen in a nightmare, but sometimes it's a realization within a longer dream and it turns into a meta dream. Usually it's not a lucid dream experience where I can control things or anything like that, it's really just an understanding of "this is a dream" while I continue to be pulled along by the whims of the dream itself.


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i had a dream that i was a toy in a box, and a beautiful woman walked by

i tried to catch her attention, but 4 other toys of the same brand as me also wanted to get her attention

so we get into a brawl, to see who came out victorious

jump cut to the future! i am now associated with late summer, and my head resembles a japanese lunch

guess what?

it's been forever since i've seen one of their vids, so thanks for the callback ^_^

and those dreams do sound lame! you should drop that subscription service and get some better quality dreams! more angry gigasquids and less small talk!

jeeze, i'm sorry :<

i used to have nightmares, but i forced myself not to have them anymore. i told my therapist about that, and she looked concerned for me ://

ahh so  kinda a semi-lucid dream! that's pretty wild too!

i only ever had a truly lucid dream once. and it lasted all of like 10 seconds before i woke up. it involved skateboarding and i wished for chocolate


I dreamed that I woke in my bed after hearing weird noises. A man I work with was sitting on the end of my bed on a laptop. He was uneasy. I asked him what he was doing in my house. He gave a some stupid excuse and I replied why it made no sense. He sort of just looked around uncomfortably again and made another excuse. Again I said why that made no sense. I got out of bed and started raising my voice. 'why are you in my house?', 'what are you doing?' etc. He kind of offered no real answers again. I became more and more angry. More so because he wouldn't give me a straight answer than because he was in my house.

Then I woke up for real.


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>Anywho, what are some of your wild dreams?
Tsk, I don't even probably remember vividly. Okay, let's go back two days ago. My second most recent dream involved some weird parkour through narrow spaces. Eventually I had to go down some stairs into a dark creepy place. It reminds me of a fever dream of my childhood. A large television with some cartoons. The dream ended with me giving head to some dude. And holy hell do I remember that so well. Weird enough for you?

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