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>Watch the new Fallout tv show in one go as have the day off of work
>Starts off ok
>Get to the final two episodes

Ok what the fuck

>Get to the final episodes end credits

I'm honestly pissed now


Oh hey yeah that show exists. Let's see, what did they do... ah.

Bethesda say this show is canon, but I've been ignoring Bethesda's canon since forever. If anyone competent ever gets their hands on the franchise again, they can easily do it too. Vaguely allude to the show's events being a simulation if they must. Not like there's not The Divide's worth of plot hole now otherwise.


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>Be Todd Howard
>HATE New Vegas for showing you up and for being the most popular Fallout game (as you and Bethesda did not make Vegas) when your 3 and 4 are considered to be somewhat weak
>End your new TV series as you shout to the rooftops that it's canon to the games with Vegas being dead


But seriously imagine just being all

>"Somehow Palpatine- Sorry, the Enclave returned"
>"The NCR? Lmao sorry bro that's an Obsidian faction so they all died off screen"
>"Shady Sands? The very first town in any Fallout game? From 1 and 2? That you helped build and grow? Lol it got blown up offscreen GG"



Not only did it get blown up off-screen, it was also the load-bearing town of the entire nation state of NCR apparently and it all just turned to dust without it.

This show might be successful, but if it is it'll be despite any input Bethesda might have had, not because of it.

Though that reminds me, while looking to see a plot summary of what happens in that show I happened to stumble on this opinion: https://www.vg247.com/fallout-tv-show-series-review

<What did I do after I rolled the credits on this show? I installed Fallout 4 and New Vegas. Enough said?

Both of these? I cannot possibly fathom the mindspace of a person with this reaction



Speaking of unfathomable reactions though, this one might have that one beat even harder:

Todd: "Wow how I hate New Vegas! I hate all the Fallout things but those WE did! Let's put the following into the show: decanonized, deleted, NUKED OUT OF EXISTENCE"
SR: "Oh wow this is so cool I hope this means they have Obsidian do New Vegas 2! It's like the perfect thing to go with the show, especially since they're not making a Fallout 5 of their own!"

Absolutely baffling


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We need to gatekeep and bully harder


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I'll do my part by not watching the show, and not buying any games from Bethesda and Microsoft.


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But now that we know the bar is six feet below, let the frontier mod writers have a second chance. They can't be worse.


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The show itself is alright, it just shits the bed in the last two episodes

decent 6.5/10

Although it did have this scene which is kino af though so I don't know


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Pretty sure Bethesda sent a cease and desist for the modders making Fallout Miami and there's several PC patches that will brick current mods.


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Why would House be represented by one of his company's names and not, you know, his name.


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I'm aware but at the same time I want to see them make frontier cannon if only for the sheer schadenfreude.

Bethesda is a rancid company and a prime example of why we all should pirate AAA games.


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I'll pirate a AAA game if I find one worth playing.


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So true.



But how will you know if it's worth playing without first "demoing" it? Actual demos are dead, after all. Pirate them all, just to check! Do let me know if you find that single one that is actually worth playing


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I've found reviewers that share my taste, I usually wait until there's a full review. People that "Have" to play shit day one are fools.



Fair enough (it was a joke anyway). Personally I'm drowning in a monumental backlog and I'm subscribed to Humble Monthly so that backlog just only increases forever (and yeah random mentions or reviews prompt me to go "hey I wonder if I have that" - and sometimes I even do), so I don't even actually need to pirate games anymore for that reason, and the idea of playing anything "day one" is wild. It would have to be a quite special thing. Like maybe the upcoming Factorio DLC?


Conspiracy theory time.

2277 is the year that Shady Sands "fell". You know what else happens in 2277? Why, that's the start year of Fallout 3. Clearly Todd just wants to taunt the people who would be into the franchise enough to know these years by flexing the takeover and the power over the canon that comes from the Bethesda Supremacy. "Oh, you mocked us for Megaton and how pointless and arbitrary nuking it was? Well, we just arbitrarily nuked Shady Sands out of canon. Now what, smart guy?"

...I find myself in too many discussions about this show, and this is one result. I'll have to actually watch it, won't I?


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2277 is also the year of the First Battle of Hoover Dam.

If any of this is canon it's an alternate timeline or a retcon prequel to New Vegas.


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Sorry, one of Fallouts lead designers says it's canon.


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It's not a prequel since the show is set in 2296. All this canon-breaking shit happens off-screen. The 2277 date is from a timeline on a chalkboard.

There's also roughly a fuckton of extra-smug cope out there from the "this isn't incompatible with the canon, actually" contingent (most people understandably don't care either way, which is fair enough). Here's one example:

>It’s mostly the New Vegas stans that are upset because they feel like the show wrote the NCR out of existence. But I feel like the 2nd season is going to show that after the fall of Shady Sands the surviving NCR members rebuilt the organization with New Vegas as its base of operations.

Oh yeah that sounds SUPER compatible with the existing canon. Note also that there's another piece of cope that "the fall" wasn't the nuking of it, OBVIOUSLY, it apparently just happened to get nuked later after already having been fallen for years for unrelated reasons.

Anyway, it's been stated by Bethesda-affiliated people that New Vegas is 100% canon too, which is just stupid as it makes no sense.



Anyway, I'm hearing the show is generally good and very well received. Which for an old-school Fallout fan who cares about this shit is perversely not a great thing. If it were bad it would not only stop more seasons which are guaranteed to bring more piss-on-canon-you-care-about changes, but also be so easy to ignore. As it is, well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGtZSUx8Ngw


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>Enclave nuked in Fallout2
>Enclave blown up in Fallout3
>Enclave back in the TV show

If the Enclave can pull a "somehow Palpatine returned" then don't worry the NCR will be back.

Hell, New Vegas itself in an ingame quiz says shady sands was the "original" capital of the NCR implying it was no longer the capital by the time of New Vegas (I mean Shady Sands despite being the birthplace of the NCR was a pretty small little village) and they also have Redding, the Hub and even Los Angeles nevermind that Fallout4 has a flashback in which the NCR took over all of San Fransico

I do imagine the NCR are still out there just not in that area right now


I mean The Critical Drinker of all fucking people (Mr everything I dont like is woke himself) has put out a video saying he enjoyed and liked the tv show



Yeah the Enclave should have been 100% DONE after Fallout 2, other than as a remnant like they show in NV. Bringing it back over and over and over is very much like the "and for some reason the Brotherhood of Steel was there" that they keep doing every goddamn time.

I guess the charitable read is that its destruction is a nod to the canon where it's a "first capital". Though the capital might have moved, but "first capital" might also mean that it's a regional thing (ie. there's multiple capitals, and this could be a "first" chronologically, or even "first-among-equals" sort of deal). You visit Shady Sands in Fallout 2 around 2241 and it's not presented as a small place - with a caveat that what is "small" and what is "big" has to be adjusted for wasteland realities.

Yeah I kind of expect a retcon of the retcon where the NCR is alive and well actually, they Just So Happened through sheer chance to not stumble upon anyone affiliated with its main body somehow.

>The Critical Drinker [gave it thumbs up]

He's a grifter so I'm not surprised, but other than that... has that man had a good take in his life? It's not technically impossible to get a harder condemnation than his endorsement, but it's not exactly easy either. 100% joever.


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Fallout 1 starts with you exiting the Vault so that you can find a new water purification chip before everyone there fucking dies. To put a long story short, you find the new chip and hand it back to the Overseer. The Overseer then tells you that you can't stay in the Vault anymore because you've seen too much outside and your presence will encourage others to leave the Vault and die in the wasteland outside. In his own words: You're a hero, and you have to leave.

In Fallout 3 you exit the Vault to find your dad, Liam Neeson. To put a long story short, you find Liam Neeson and have a fun couple of quests where you do odd jobs around the water purifier, then the ultrafucker space marines come and he has to kill himself so that you can escape.

In Fallout 4 you leave the Vault to find your baby. To put a long story short, he's evil, and while you don't have to kill him it's better for everyone else if you do.

The point I'm trying to make is that the Fallout universe isn't all sunshine and rainbows. You can't win without sacrifice, and your victories won't last forever. Anyone who beat New Vegas and thought the Strip would stand for another 300 years was kidding themselves.

If it's any consolation, humans are like cockroaches in Fallout games. Bad shit happens and they're often under siege but things usually work out in the grand scheme of things.


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I mean Chris Avellone one of the head and lead writers on both Fallout2 and New Vegas wanted to say with the Lonesome road DLC

Pretty much

"Legion? Ceasers going to die and it will collapse"

"NCR? They can't hold onto any territory and are already in a crisis, they will collapse"

"Mr House? He's a tyrant who only cares for power and Vegas, he will happily let everyone else starve"

"Independent? How are you going to hold onto an entire city on your own? It's going to be lawless anarchy"

Nevermind that he introduced the tunnlers as a threat to Vegas as they were slowly making their way to the Mojave and nothing could stop them

Hell he had to reign himself in as he wanted the ending of New Vegas to be Vegas getting blown up


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The show, I mean. Not that I'd trust Emil with a fucking thing. He's the one that wrote that travesty that was Fallout 3.

I'm just sticking to my guns that Bethesda Fallout anything is basically not worthwhile in terms of story.


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Just wanted to say that I did find the Hollywood sign joke pretty funny


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We as people naturally want the good times to last forever and are upset when they don't. Fiction often serves as an escape from that, but it makes for a moodier and more volatile narrative to have things be in flux.

That and it's just good writing to think about the futures of the factions in that kind of way. They all sorta suck, it's just that Caesar sucks more.


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And so in an interview just the other day our lord and savour Todd Howard has confirmed that

A- New Vegas is indeed still canon

B- The bombs fell on Shady Sands just after the events of New Vegas

All hail todd



I've seen another article which placed the nuking of Shady Sands at 2280. Either way though what this sort of crackfix does is indeed split "the fall of Shady Sands" and "Shady Sands got nuked" (why you'd nuke a "fallen" place, no idea) into two separate events. What it doesn't do is explain why NCR was the way it was in New Vegas if the "fall" (though not nuking) of its capital has only just happened a few years prior.


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To be fair the main message of the NCR in New Vegas was "lol we fucked bro"

Almost everyone you meet tells you they're trying to hold onto
territory they don't have the manpower or resources to hold onto. Primm was ran by the NCR, as was the local prison.. Then a bunch of the prisoners broke out and managed to take over both of those places and sent the NCR packing and running off into the hills and those were just a bunch of dirty raiders and criminals armed with nothing but dynamite and knives

Almost all the NCR troopers that you see are under trained and given nothing but the most basic of weapons and armour and pretty much just told to fuck off and act like soldiers despite most of them clearly not being happy with being posted in the Mojave

Camp Searchlight got hit by a dirty bomb by the Legion and turns from being a top NCR base into a ghoul sanctuary

One of Camp McCarrans top leaders is a Legion spy whos sabotaging the place, and the director of the camp tells you he's ran the statistics on current NCR projections multiple times and that he predicts the NCR to run into mass starvation within a year or two

The Omertas have managed to stockpile a ton of explosives and weapons and are planning to blow up the NCR embassy on the strip thus pretty much kicking the NCR out of the strip and this does indeed happen in all non NCR endings

Like, the NCR without the players help are boned and the game itself does tell you that nonstop

The NCR trying to take over and control all the Mojave was doomed from the start.

But I do feel we have not seen the last of the NCR. As has been said previously, despite the issues they have ran into in Vegas and the Mojave they still do control many other cities and places such as the Hub, Junktown, Dayglow, Redding and even all of Los Angeles and San Fransico


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Also forgot to mention that over in Camp Golf you have Chief Hanlol himself one of the most widely respect and loved NCR veterans who has been secretly sabotaging the NCR from within by putting out countless false reports to waste the NCRs time and resources as he tells you he thinks taking the Mojave is a pointless waste of lives and resources all for something he thinks is impossible to hold onto

And if you try and expose him he goes and blows his brians out.. Bravest NCR soilder indeed



Sure, the NCR's situation in the Mojave was awful. But the imporant question is "why", since we're considering if it's compatible with the retcon that it was basically falling apart already to the point that its capital "fell" 4 years before the events of the game.

Firstly, what sort of a force even is this? Its morale is shit and it's overextended, that's for sure. If you talk around you can uncover the reason why. Basically, the NCR has had it too good for too long. The senate is controlled in large part by special interests (cattle barons mostly) and while expanding is what the NCR kinda still likes to do, nobody with power takes any of it seriously. In particular, few people in real power appreciate the threat that the Legion poses. The whole organisation is bloated, unwieldy, unfocused, kinda corrupt, and mired in petty bullshit. The expeditionary force into the Mojave is basically an afterthought with very little support, with any at all because President Kimball tied his political fortunes to it. And this low morale afterthought of an ill-trained conscript force is still reasonably well supplied, able to get everyone armed and into actual uniforms, and the biggest player on the Mojave that everyone else has to overcome (with Ceasar having already made a lot of headway in that direction, of course).

The Mojave campaign isn't a desperate last-of-their-strength make-or-break effort of a disintegrating state. It's an expression of (delusionally?questionmark?) secure arrogance. The sort of secure arrogance that a loss of your capital would cure you of right quick, as well as quickly rearranging the priorities for where you put your resources. ...not to mention that if it happened, it'd be a Big Deal and people would keep mentioning it in game, like they do the First Battle of the Hoover Dam.


Chief Hanlol was blackpilled about Ceasar specifically though. He thought the NCR had no chance of winning that particular conflict, so he was trying to make the inevitable loss less painful. But if you only talk to him after you've killed Ceasar, he does cut all that shit out, which is good for the Rangers in particular as he was apparently a load-bearing figure of institutional knowledge for the organisation. Unfortunately you don't get his pistol if you do that. A terrible sacrifice for the cause to be sure.


Youre taking the "Fall of Shady Sands" to be some major, single event that happened that made the city not matter anymore. You ever hear of the "Fall of the Roman Empire"? That wasn't a single event that completely ruined it all at once.

People are making a lot of assumptions based on literally 0 information whatsoever. Season 2 will probably have a lot more clarity on what exactly the "Fall" of Shady Sands means, and I have a suspicion its going to be way more of a symbollic thing that people after the fact have used to describe events that started in 2277, rather than something specific that happened exactly on that date that everyone understood exactly when it happened.


I think its also important to recognize the context of where we SEE the timeline and the words "Fall of Shady Sands". It is in a Vault that is mainly populated by the disposessed citizens of Shady Sands. They have a unique insight into the way Shady Sands was at the time. They probably have their own ideas of what exactly constitutes the fall of the city.

Basically, I just don't think it was some major, single event that made everyone give up on the city immediately. I really think its more of a term applied in hinsight, like "World War 1".


Well, straight out of the horse's mouth, ie Todd Howard and Johnathon Nolan, Shady Sands was nuked in 2281. That is the OFFICIAL date. So that article is wrong.



>You ever hear of the "Fall of the Roman Empire"?

You mean the one that has the year attached to it, 476? That wasn't a "symbolic" thing. That was Odoacer doing a coup. When a single year is attached to it, that's a single event. Even when it's part of a broader gradual process - though if it is part of that and it's "the fall", that is when this process can be declared in some crucial sense over.

Besides, we're not talking "fall of NCR", the nation state. We're talking "fall of Shady Sands", the single city within the nation state. The Roman Empire on the whole didn't actually fall in 476, but continued on, its actual fall finishing in 1453 with the Fall of Byzantium. Now that's some stretched-out falling, yet the Fall of Byzantium (1453), that's again a singular event. I can't think of an example where "the fall of [city within a broader polity, not polity itself] in [year]" isn't like that.


They'll have to retcon the retcon, but no, that doesn't sound like a good explanation at all.


"Todd said so" is at the root of the problem, not its solution.

2281 for the nuking still doesn't quite work though. 2281 is the start year of New Vegas, so we have to get more granular. It starts on October 19th 2281. That's almost the end of the year already. While the game can be speedran, given how hard it steers you on a circuitous route to Vegas and all the DLC content that takes you out of the Mojave, the 2nd Battle of Hoover Dam which caps it off is usually reasonably assumed to be 2282. So the 2281 year means it got nuked either immediately before or during the events of New Vegas - and the Mojave isn't actually 100% disconnected from the wider NCR. President Kimball drops by the troops from the NCR right before the battle to do a speech, even. Yet, there's not a hint it happened, nor that the NCR itself fell apart. Including in the endings, some of which have characters going back and reintegrating into its structures after the dust settled. Hanlol can even go back and become a senator... even though regardless of your actions the Senate apparently got blown up along with the rest of the capital.


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Retcons of retcons as well as retcons of retcons of retcons have happened before in other franchises. It can happen here. Just saying.

Speaking of which...

You're gay now.


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Literally nothing is going to make you happy, you pretty much just want to be mad, so I'm not even going to bother continuing to try and talk to you about this.


I mistyped, I meant 2282 not 2281, in terms of when Shady Sands is nuked. Shady Sands being destroyed happens the same year New Vegas ends. They literally designed the timeline to match up just enough to not invalidate anything in New Vegas.


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That's the thing, though. There's literally no retconning happening whatsoever. That entire premise is flawed. There's been no retcons, the literal creators of the show have explained that there are no retcons. People would just rather be mad rather than accept that they were wrong.



I get you, but my point is that Todd could decide tomorrow that Batman, Doctor Who, and the Care Bears are all fully canon and key parts of future media going forwards.

And there would be nothing anybody could do about that.


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>Doctor who being canon in Fallout

Oh boy





I doubt Todd would bother to do that, given there's probably mods for all that already.

He'd rather see what else he can put Skyrim on.

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