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Would you rather an angelic demon or a demonic angel?


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Demonic angel.


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The latter.
Hell yeah my dude.


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Angelic Demon


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Why not both?


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...what is... the difference?


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"Angelic Demon" refers to a demon character who displays traits or behaviors typically associated with angels, such as kindness, compassion, or a desire to help others. In *Gabriel Dropout*,  Vignette April Tsukinose is a demon who is surprisingly responsible, caring, and often finds herself trying to keep everyone out of trouble, which is contrary to what one would expect from a demon.

"Demonic Angel" refers to an angel character who exhibits traits or behaviors typically associated with demons, such as laziness, mischief, or a lack of concern for human well-being. Gabriel White Tenma, the protagonist, epitomizes this term. Despite being an angel, she becomes addicted to video games and neglects her angelic duties, showing a lack of interest in helping humanity, which is contrary to the traditional role of angels.


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Angelic Demon. Arushelae from Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous specifically


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i flop a coin


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That seems backwards to me somehow


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How so?  Vigne is a demon, but she acts angelic; hence "angelic demon".  Like, if a cat acts like a dog, we'd call it a "doglike cat".


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I tend to think about these things too far in depth.

Like the religously traditional viewpoint of angels is that they're basically God's version of the SS as used by the Axis Powers during WWII, with them sending out messages of doom, patrolling pacified territory to ensure feelings of passivity and dehumanization among the populace, and doing the most difficult militant work in assassinating those seen by authority as inferior.

So, I guess I'd want to encounter angels that act as sacreligiously as possible? Yet that brings about the issue that demons in spreading chaos and disorder aren't exactly traditionally great to be around either. All of the lying, cheating, and stealing.

DND helps here. Angels are 'lawful neutral' to 'lawful evil'. Demons are 'chaotic neutral' to 'chaotic evil'. Neither of them work that well if my ideal friend or romantic partner is 'lawful good'.


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That kind of makes sense. There's actually a Wikipedia article on cats like that.

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog-like_cat


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I kinda want a Maine Coon cat.  They are very fluffy!


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wan´t a fluffy cat? look up "norwegian forest cat" think mainecoon. but smaller ( like a regular cat)


Fuzzy and fluffy as can be! The appeal is crystal clear!

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