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Don't worry.

Be furry.

So... anything new/new-to-you that you've come across lately that you've enjoyed, from dramatic films to TV advertisements to video game trailers or whatever else with furries in it?


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I've never been a furry in my life but when the fuck is the next Star Fox game?


I've  been commissioned a lot for Usagi Yojimbo stuff lately, does that count?


The UConn Huskies mascot costume is basically a fursuit.


>I've been commissioned a lot for Usagi Yojimbo stuff lately, does that count?
It surely counts! What sort of media? Battle scenes?


Nah, just single-character stuff.

There's some guy who keeps commissioning me to draw one-shot women from the series. Not in any kind of suggestive way, mind you, just to give them some spotlight. Charactesr that showed up for like one issue or one story. All of them quite interesting characters, since that was always a strength of the comic.

So recently they ordered like three of those at once, so that's a decent chunka cash for me.


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Huskies are popular in the U.S. for a good reason. Very fluffy.



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Unfortunately, this video appears to have a fatal system error or something like that.


Unrelated, but that is a damn fine hands-on-hips pose.


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the animalympics movie is as furry as it gets, i reckon!


God, I have never actually seen that movie, but one of the weirdest commissions I ever got was drawing that particular poodle wearing a giant crepe costume. Nothing suggestive or anything.

They never really got back to me after the sketch though.


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what the cuss. is that the weirdest you've ever gotten? if not, what IS the weirdest?


Well no, the WEIRDEST was a straight up piece of hate art where a humanized American state colored in the confederate flag was violating another state leaned over a wooden log.

I just, y'know... quietly ignored that message.


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as long it WON*T be like that shits how zero that was on wii u

but it is nintendo we talking about. they wanna play with the new controllers than gameplay. so i doubt it being fun


Hey, well, you're both getting paid and getting additional experience delving into unusual characters!


Oh, I am not very picky about what I draw for commissions - aside from stuff I straight up think I can't pull off.

But I am not about to draw openly racist hatebait.


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I saw a car today with the license plate "vysefox" and it was all black and red and edgy and I wish I could've gotten a picture of the thing.

Otherwise I've been playing Cobalt Core and that's pretty great.


Talk of painting things and otherwise creating artwork makes me think of this video:



Try this one then!

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