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File: 1712584951318.jpg (19.32 KB, 245x250, 49:50, CAN WE PRETEND THAT AIRPLA….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I love having spent a week ill and rereading all the various medicine and pill boxes for the stuff I took being all

"Side affects may include rapid heart failure, your skin melting off, exploding bones syndrome, anal inversion, brain seepage and early onset death"

...Ok I may be slightly exaggerating but I'm sure you get my point


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If you want a badass antibiotic, you should give ciprofloxacin a try. It may have a black box warning and cause your tendons to rupture, but it'll sure get rid of a urinary tract infection!


Just take pareacetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin!
It can cure the common cold and being struck by lightning!!



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> anal inversion, brain seepage
anal seepage (ah no) and brain inversion


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