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Did you learn about cosh and sech in school?


In highschool, no.

Anything beyond... well, obviously.


Not until I was approaching 20 and I had to take some extra classes to keep getting student aid while I waited to enter university. I really didn't NEED that grade, so I admittedly didn't take it that seriously. And I have to admit, it is a style of math I REALLY don't see the use of if you aren't outright studying math as a career path.

Though that may be me just not knowing what the hell I am talking about


Only once.


I only really took algebra and calculus that seriously when I started working on my first A.S. agree back when I was living in SoCal over a decade ago.


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I was raised in a state with an "abstinence only" sech education


Nope! It's sin that we learned about instead, and just cos.


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I learned about sex in school, does that count?


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So can you tell us about cosh and sinh?

I know that cos and sin are important to our general concept of Euclidean distance (cos²+sin² = 1).
Cosh and sinh are its counterparts for hyperbolic space (cosh²-sinh² = 1).
here's probably some interesting stuff to be talked about there.

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