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File: 1712505154787.jpg (62.22 KB, 900x510, 30:17, Tax-Due-Dates-for-the-Self….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Dear fellow Americans, remember April 15th!


File: 1712509442586.jpg (156.68 KB, 854x673, 854:673, Screenshot_20240407_103251….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Have you tried becoming a woman in an anime to get a pregnancy tax credit? /s


File: 1712511464343.png (17.45 KB, 607x597, 607:597, 144109__safe_rule-63_artis….png) ImgOps Google

Definitely fuck the IRS and the tax code and perhaps especially TurboTax (and the several other companies just like them).

In the meantime, though, I filed with CashApp and it was actually literally free, so I highly suggest that until we can dismantle the fed.


File: 1712512219894.png (1.02 MB, 2627x2627, 1:1, Distant.png) ImgOps Google

owning the state 280€ this year, so that´s fun


File: 1712512256719.jpg (297.23 KB, 1289x1060, 1289:1060, Screenshot_20210118-113102….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Please America, stop electing crony capitalist just because they share some identity with you and say what you want to believe is true.


I'd also just like to point out to my fellow Americans that the reason the middle class and lower class pay so much in taxes while the wealthy pay so little is because we want this, or at least we're halfway divided on this, see: https://ibb.co/r3sFkQJ

If you don't like the system, look at the nearest mirror.

[Won't say anything more since it would get explicitly political.]


File: 1712514458731.png (155.73 KB, 591x455, 591:455, My_office_NOW.png) ImgOps Google

bold words....


File: 1712514568479.jpg (238.21 KB, 1080x1839, 360:613, Screenshot_20240407_132155….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, the direct image might work now? My Google Chrome is being weird. Here it is. Note that margins of statistical error make this 50-v.-50.


File: 1712514727422.png (64.08 KB, 358x315, 358:315, Old_n_Tired.png) ImgOps Google

ok with that image, it made more sense. because you could read that sentence of yours both ways... but im no american so i have ZERO talk in this


File: 1712519338594.png (211.9 KB, 425x422, 425:422, ah erh.png) ImgOps Google

Bringing truth from the booth playa
What you gon' do?
Get your W-2, and throw it up!


File: 1712529540663.png (216.73 KB, 1080x1013, 1080:1013, Screenshot_20240403-222301.png) ImgOps Google

>Please America, stop electing crony capitalist
Alas, they are a majority of both of the two main parties.


File: 1712529847711.jpeg (95.2 KB, 920x1264, 115:158, public.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Remember kids it's only a crime if you get caught or don't overthrow the government.

So swing for the fence they are publicly available.



File: 1712531793559.png (189.24 KB, 425x422, 425:422, heeheehee.png) ImgOps Google

Blueshift is hilarious


File: 1712546685672.jpg (41.05 KB, 450x540, 5:6, 894108b0-393a-49d2-9e92-ef….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yeah, I decided to just give in and try to make the best of the opportunities I have. I don't have much faith in other people in this country, but only myself and some close colleagues.

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