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I am scared of zoomers


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frfr no cap that's bussin no more of those lame aaaaahhh clocks

bro knows thats for old people

all jokes aside reminds me how a good lot of people cant into cursive writing either. i used to be able to be decent at it and now cant write well at all in cursive anymore


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A lot of us are retarded as hell. But it'll mostly be the intelligently manipulative sociopathic or psychopathic minority of Zoomers that would "rule the world" imo


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Isn't this more of a gen alpha thing?
Zoomers are already like 20 or so.

I will say that I have heard ridiculous stories about schools nowadays.
Kids reaching middle school who can barely read and are unable to do basic math.

like here, there's been a lot of concerns about the International scores on all sorts of things. But in most classes that I heard of, there's no such thing as illiteracy.


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"people younger than me don't know this old thing that has since been replaced by a more advanced and easier to use thing. Let's laugh at them for not knowing this thing that is obsolete"

>every generation to the younger generation

did i get that right, grampa?


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Fucking good. Maybe this generation won't be scared of their own shadows. The past like, 4 have been irredeemably useless.


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> Let's laugh at them for not knowing this thing that is obsolete"
Are analog clocks obsolete, though?
Like, most cellphones have digital clocks, but to my knowledge, analog clocks are still widely used and even on my smart phone, some timers still use an analog indication to be set.


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Think I almost had a stroke reading your first sentence


Seems Covid lockdowns screwed over a lot of kids who were babies during that time from what I have been reading


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i'd argue that it's mostly an aesthetic choice nowadays. and for our generation and older who do know how to use it consistently, it's just common sense. so i don't doubt why it's in those formats

but if younger generations are not using them anymore cause they have a method that's easier for them to digest, it kinda makes the analogue clock the cursive of time.


A lil' of collumn A a lil' of collumn B.

Remember when the very first smartphones came out? The symbols for various apps like YouTube, Podcasts, etc were not just the company logos. They were actual picture of old TVs or Radios.

This was done on purpose to easily communicate to older user not intimately familiar with the relatively-new software what each app's primary function was.

Now, digital clocks have been a thing for a VERY long time, and we even adress hours in those numbers anyway.

I don't think analog clocks are obsolete exactly, and not knowing them could spell trouble if you go somewhere they are still widely used later and literally can't read them, but I also don't think it's the end of the word of a measure of time we say out loud in numbers anyway is actually portrayed in easy to read numbers.


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>I am scared of zoomers

Stop reading the Daily Mail


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Technically there are tools that dictate text for you and there's tools that allow you to dictate stuff for the machine to react to.
So maybe we can just skip learning to read or write as well.

In fact let's break the illusion that people need any skill at all and just let anyone do anything where they can just use chat gtp to replace their professionalism.


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yeah, kinda makes sense! i don't see the problem with this one. make way for the new and easier to understand.

i wonder if there was any sort of outcry when rotary phones went out of style? or when 'kids today' couldn't dial a number on those old things? same vibe fr fr nocap don't @me


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To be really honest, I'm scared of how boomers obsessively love burning coal and keeping factories that pump out toxic waste open. And all of those other forms of dangerously obsolete technology that people over the age of 40 love to pieces. While I've a lot of anxiety about Zoomers and the Alpha types as well, that's not as much of an issue to me at all. We need more progress. More science. More technology. And faster.


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Eh, not like we were that much different at that age. Youth is a hell of a drug! Not like being able to tell analogue clock time is necessary. Kindof like writing in cursive or knowing how to use a rotary phone. I know how to do all these things, but that knowledge is just trivia now, a curiosity. It's not relevant, and that's ok. The world keeps moving. Keep the rich in line and give people space to breath and think and feel and we'll be ok.


huh what do you count as a generation?


Seriously britbongers, stop reading the Daily Mail



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Looking up the OP story lead me to this cursed meme, and it made me feel pains in my soul so you all have to see it too:



That is some EXTREME Basic Bitch Minion Meme-ing, good lord.


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This one doesn't seem to have words yet.

And still it seems more cursed.

I've enough memes for a while. Yeah. Time to get offline and clean my mind out somehow.


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This thread is now about Minion porn, and you know?
I'm okay with that.


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If this is fake then I guess the actual concern behind the subject matter is invalidated, but I don't get the concern.

Like you don't need to be able to read analogue clocks to get through life. Look at your phone. There's a digital clock in your pocket at basically any time.

It literally doesn't matter. It's a nothing story based on fake news so that you forget that the guy who lost the Brexit referendum and resigned in shame nine years ago got given a lordship and made Foreign Secretary by the current administration and is now trying to justify continuing to sell weapons to Israel.

What they said. The Daily Mail supported the Nazis and is very conservative boomer-leaning.

Unfortunately every fucking newspaper in this country is conservative boomer-leaning except like, The Guardian and The Mirror, and The Mirror, while not complete drivel, is still a tabloid.



Some zoomers are like 20 or so, yes. But...
1. The youngest of them are still ~12
2. The analog clocks are haaaaaaaaaaaaaard "discourse" has been going on for many years. Here's an article with a cope tagline from The Guardian from 2019: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/apr/26/analogue-clocks-students-cant-tell-time-during-exams


Come now, the "obsolete skill" in question is "stick points at number, what number is it?". Serious consideration should be given to the possibility of "they know, they are just memeing".


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Since it's a hogwash sensationalist story, it's a mmot point, but suppose it wasn't...

Around here, learning to read analog / digital clocks is still one of the first things kids are taught in elementary school.
So it may be a question whether kids still need to be taught this in elementary school.
But even then, reading an analogue clock isn't rocket science. There's 12 numbers on the clock corresponding to the hours we speak aloud in the day. So with the small dial you can guess about what hour it is with basic logic. And while the big dial is a bit more difficult (the numbers technically need to be multiplied by 5), it is not hard to estimate where half / quarter past or before is situated and you don't need to know more than that.
To me, it wouldn't be about whether or not old technology is still relevant, it's about expecting some basic logical reasoning for kids.
And if we're going to shrug and say, who needs logic reasoning anyway, that's a worry for me.


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To be fair the Guardian is pretty much just the far left version of the Daily Mail

They're the classic "two sides of the same coin" saying

The saying "peak Guardian" exists for a reason

Also saying you don't need to know how to tell the time beacause analog clocks exist is like saying you don't need to know how to do maths when calculators exist


I wasn't expecting to come to a pony themed website defending David Cameron, but, screw it, I'm going to defend former PM David Cameron (at least, well, partially) because as a centrist intellectual aristocrat he came into an environment of increasing international conflict mixed with increased financial decay in the U.K. and did his best to ride-the-tiger without triggering another world war over many years.

It kills me as an American especially because there's no chance in hell either our current President or our last one could have something like the nuanced historical conversation that I'm linking here on YouTube, yet the British seem to just assume a nation's leader is naturally as a matter of basic standards as reflective and thoughtful as, say, Patrick Stewart commanding a starship.

I'm not going to blame him over Brexit because I think the U.K. very obviously as an entity should've never existed since ethically England, Wales, Scotland, and a united Ireland should all exist as separate nations with the monarchy long abolished, but this is a separate discussion and most of the British as people don't seem to have evolved enough yet even though I'm kind of glad about Brexit as a U.K.-killer... so... eh...



I'm not saying there's anything actually to it because "look, the Guardian said it". I'm saying that it's not new and has actually been churning here and there for many years now by pointing to an article from 5 years ago. I lean towards "this whole thing is just a meme The Media™ perpetuates because it's an easy yet super low stakes engagement source that no serious editor gives a crap enough to genuinely spend the effort fact checking and not actually a real thing". "The hour is the number the thing points to", wow, such complexity, The Kids with their Damn Phones must be truly overwhelmed.


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I agree that it's a good thing to learn and useful for reasons that aren't obvious at face value, but also some people just can't read analogue clocks. Like their brains aren't wired for it. It's a problem for a lot of autistic people, for example.


Yeah all the newspapers here suck then.

He came into an environment of increasing international conflict and financial decay, implemented austerity measures that were largely awful for the common person, used the Liberal Democrats as convenient scapegoats, dropped Brexit on our heads and then left his party to clean up after him while he did a big lobbying scandal.

Also he loves Margaret Thatcher. And that's the biggest and reddest flag in British politics bar none.

>I'm not going to blame him over Brexit because I think the U.K. very obviously as an entity should've never existed
England, Wales and Scotland united because they had the same monarch about 300 years ago. That seems like as good a reason for it to exist as any, at least to me and at least at the time.

>since ethically England, Wales, Scotland, and a united Ireland should all exist as separate nations
Brexit wasn't about that. It was about the United Kingdom being in the European Union.

Also Scotland shouldn't be independent because I want to spite Nicola Sturgeon for whining about it constantly for a decade and then getting caught for financial irregularities or whatever she got caught for. Wales and Ireland can be though. Especially Wales.

>most of the British as people don't seem to have evolved enough yet even though I'm kind of glad about Brexit as a U.K.-killer
That's not very nice. I'm British, and also I have to live here.


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>"The UK as an entity shouldnt exist"

I mean if that was the case the entire island would just be at endless wars with one another

We would pretty much just be a small island version of the Balkans

The only way they created peace was to unify, and as it happens the UK is one of the if not THE most successful political entites in history

Nevermind that neither Wales or Scotland could really exist as independent countries without their economies being about the same size as a teaspoon

I mean maybe, just maybe Scotland could do if they accept much lower standards of living and do would pretty much be a brexit on steroids

But Wales? More chance of me being crowned king than them being able to function as an independent nation

"Brexit as a U.K.-killer"

I mean we have had the Tories in charge for the last decade+ and even they have been unable to stop us being the 6th most powerful country on Earth so if they can't kill us off nobody can

(And trust me much as I may have fantasies of being able to live in an Independant England that's NEVER going to happen much as it would be cool)


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"Scotland shouldn't be independent because I want to spite Nicola Sturgeon for whining about it constantly for a decade and then getting caught for financial irregularities"

That's pretty much the SNP and the party she used to leads entire thing

They're a bunch of crooks and liars who scream to the heaveans about how ALL problems in Scotland are all due to Englands existence and if they just went independent the streets would be paved with gold

And then they seemingly forget how to even talk about how this would be done and the one time they had the chance to do it they all voted no

Its the ultimate scam, you just get into power and do nothing but scream about how Scotland should be independent while ignoring ANY issues Scotland has

It's the ultimate grift and I can admit to being jealous as being in the SNP must be so easy when turning up work is just shouting "ENGLAND BAD" anytime somebody critises your party or politics..

Wait... this is.. They're just copying Brexit! Just replace "ENGLAND BAD!" with "EU BAD!" and it's all the exact same thing!

Anyway that's enough politics best stop before the mods yeet this threads into the shadow realm but i'm sure you get the point i'm making


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Speaking of the UK, I hear there is a royal cat who serves as Chief Mouser.  Nyan~!


If it makes you feel any better, I also support the breaking up of Russia and Spain among other immorally organized nations, which is coming (I think).

It's not anything against the British people or those in Russia plus Spain, it's just that murderous and bloodthirsty Empires are bad and shouldn't exist while freedom is a good thing.

The Romans, Ottomans, and Soviets aren't around anymore. Time to progress. Time to embrace ethics, empathy, and the future. All Empires must die. All of them. Forever.



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> it's just that murderous and bloodthirsty Empires are bad and shouldn't exist while freedom is a good thing.

I mean, about any nation in the world can break up by that metric.

Might as well have everyone build their own defenses be prepared to murder their neighbour for trespassing if need be.


Damn. I really want to respond. I'll hold by what I said. Though. Hah.


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Let's just discuss the cat, minion porn and why zoomers are the worst.


I wonder also why her hair in this got claimed as looking stupid.

Or why that style of having your mane got made fun of.

Or maybe that was people getting pissy about another hairstyle meme? I can't remember that well!


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What do you mean?


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Well, Scotland trying to leave the UK has been a thing since decades before Brexit, so it's more that we copied them.

And the SNP do good things sometimes. Condoms are free in Scotland to anyone over 13, for example.

No that's true. The incumbent's name is Larry. That's him.

Murderous and bloodthirsty empires aren't really a popular thing anymore. The British government likes to pretend we're still an empire sometimes but really we're just holding colonial-era relics we stole over other countries' heads and pretending that makes us cool and not just assholes.

We're not currently being murderous or bloodthirsty or an empire. We haven't been since the 50s, by my reckoning.

I'm trying to think of a zoomer waifu who isn't either too cringe or too normal and I am failing.


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The first fictional icon I can think of who has been beloved by zoomers in popular culture and crushed on a bit lately is Miles Morales, which feels like a solid -W- because realistically he would never let you down if you were in trouble.

Get yourself a man like that (either as a BF or as a BFF).


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I wish that America had official cats like that!  Nyan~


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Yes, the  Chief Mouser role is a very important role that dates back a thousand years!

Who else is going to get rid of all the pesky rats, pidgeons and insects that roam around downing street?



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Presidential pets are a thing over there. Y'all have a presidential cat right now, apparently. Bill Clinton's cat almost got a video game.

Huh. I can't say I've heard about that.


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>Huh. I can't say I've heard about that.
Have you watched anything with the recent Spider-Man characters? Supposedly they're amazing films. I've actually not watched them personally.


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I saw Into the Spider-Verse but not Across. Peni Parker best girl.

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