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>Multiple earthquakes across the world
>All at the same time CERN has just started testing it's particle accelerator
>AND as the world gets set for a full solar eclipse

I'll see you in the panic bunker everyone


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Fuck, that one apostrophe ruined the thread for me dude lmao. Sorry for being a twat.

But on the real, people have the right to be paranoid. If Snowden or Ewen Cameron proved nothing, then nothing will. But I won't reach retard levels of being paranoid, fortunately.


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One day the planets will align and Planet X will appear and crash into the Earth and you'll be sorry!

Seriosuly though its all in good fun

It's all just a coincidence

... Or is it?


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>All at the same time CERN has just started testing it's particle accelerator
What is this, 2008 again?



IS it finally time for another End of the World party like we all had in 2012?


File: 1712371397887.jpg (155.15 KB, 1255x1019, 1255:1019, 9a4bf17f0ec83ffbc8fcd471dc….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

well its been 12 years!


As much as I know with absolute certainty that the eclipse is supposed to spiritually invoke death, and that a lot of my fellow Americans generally as well as my fellow Texans specifically will choose to take that prophecy literally through their own hands, I think it'll look great to see, and I plan on making a point to witness it somewhere locally that's nice.

There's detail at: https://www.greatamericaneclipse.com/texas-2024-eclipse

If I make it through with my soul intact, I'll let everybody know. If my body ends up becoming a vessel possessed by aliens, instead, I'll also let everybody know.

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