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<3 i am finally home, which means i can share photos more easily

i have missed you all! i apologize for not posting as much.

What adventures have you been on lately? It could be a big adventure, or just a small one! Let us all share!


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Welcome home, Moony! I hope you had a good time and got what you wanted out of your trip.

I haven't done many adventures, myself, but today I did take a walk out to the desert oasis South of my house. It was nice!


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Hi Moony!  Glad to see that you're safe and escaped the earthquake!


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hi Jade <3 love you much!

A desert oasis? Does it have palm trees? or camels?


i will share photos with you? do you also have photos of magic oasis?

Thank you, swimmy!! i had heard it happened! Scary!


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welcome home moony!

>hugs <3

i didn't set fire to the place while you were gone! that would be a silly thing to think haha!

how was your trip? did you bring us souvineers?

i've been doin well! just working on my projects, and slowly defrosting ^_^


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welcome home, moony!!

my last adventure was visiting my hometown for easter! very small adventure, but pleasant!


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I am on the adventure of having a bunny


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did he lay eggs for easter?


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i did bring back tons of stuff!! But sadly, room is limited and there are quite a few mandatory family style gifts!

Someday we will go together and get gifts directly c:

Is it so cold, star? Stay warm ok??

Cookie is that you?? aw... a trip back home sounds nice c: did you have any famous desserts? i remember there is a famous dessert!

the photo in the op is from the pokemon center, in Taipei!!

...inanis, the bunny is so precious... it looks just like my little sister's old bunny, pocky. So cute..... awwwww.


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that's alright! i bet your family loved what you got them ^_^ and i'll make sure to get you somethin freakin awesome!

and it's warmer than it has been, but we still got snow on the ground all over the place. but the roads are dry and that's the most important part at this time

(but i hope it goes away soon -_-)


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Well, he leaves poops all over the apartment so that's not far from true!

Bunnies are very cute, he's also a very difficult critter to care for. I'm still fighting with him over his diet.


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there is a pretty famous desert near my hometown! one with chocolate brownie, coconut, custard icing, and chocolate on top! also, i just learned, is the city where the hamster dance song came from!

oh, yeah! aaahh that looks so nice.. i wish i was there! do you have more pictures of the pokemon??


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definitely not the chocolate eggs i was hoping for!


Eeeey, Moony is home.

No adventures for me, sadly. As usual, not a lot happens in my life in general. At most, there's a video semi-taking off recently, that's about as adventurous as stuff gets when you're me.


Pyon pyon! 🐇


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Moony is back?!

This weekend I’m going to Dallas to watch the solar eclipse


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I didn't go on any significant adventures. I've been busy indoors mostly.


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Not much outside of starting diet again.


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Been rather ill recently. Won't get into the details, but decided to go into work anyway beacause i'm an idiot (And I need the money..) and I forgot how much it sucks working while ill

Still, starting to feel a little better now on some pills and relaxing so hopefuly feel back to normal by the weekend


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...would you believe that at the time i responded to you swimmy, i hadn't heard about the Taiwan quake? i had thought you meant a different much smaller one in Japan!

Everyone i know is alright: taiwans infrastructure is very good. i was at the epicenter not long ago though, in Hualien! i even took this photo there!



I love that song


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>Everyone i know is alright
Glad to hear!  And now there's been another earthquake (although much smaller) in NYC!  


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> Moony is in Taiwan, earthquake in Taiwan
> Moony is back home, earthquake in NYC

I know the food you have is really yummy, Mooncake, but take the hint.


Oh wow, cool it with the fatshaming!



I thought it was a fart joke... ">_>



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