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File: 1712074505750.png (547.16 KB, 1080x1376, 135:172, Screenshot_20240402-115723.png) ImgOps Google

ITT: post about octopodes and/or sleep.


File: 1712075561857.jpg (44.77 KB, 414x1000, 207:500, FB_IMG_1711939501438.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Sleep seems to be universal survival necessity that just comes with having a nervous system, regardless of how it evolved. Not every evolved biological trait is an adaptation, sometimes they're just inevitable necessities or random genetic drift, but sleeping seems necessary and serves multiple purposes.

One function of sleep appears to be that it allows the nervous system to detoxify the brain given that the brain produces it's own toxins from normal healthy function.

Also other aspects of sleep like dreaming seem to function as a way for parts of the brain to keep certain other parts of the brain constantly stimulated in order to maintain those parts of the brain's function.


Relevant, but other octopodes

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