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File: 1711737644463.jpg (111.05 KB, 649x468, 649:468, Vega.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Elite four? More like Elite.. Dead..

ha got em

Ah Vega. It was fun doing a replay, but man does the game kinda suck. Well, it's mid. Even playing an edited version of the OG to be less mid and it's still so mid.

And it really sucks beacause so many of the fakemon designs are great.


File: 1711802935172.jpg (219.07 KB, 946x1086, 473:543, Vega evos.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

And for those of you outside of the know interestingly mostly down to being almost a decade old Vega did at it's time introduce brand new evolotions to various Pokemon, some of which Nintendo would later give.

Up to you to decide if you like the Vega versions or the new evos Nintendo came up with years later better..

Of course this game also Gave Absol an evo too, which it did not get bit did get a mega form. So yeah.

Also Ledian has yet to get an evo, so come on Gamefreak you're being outdone by a decade old romhack get to it


File: 1711803209312.jpg (53.88 KB, 468x528, 39:44, HOLY SHIT its a cat pumpki….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Also Wikkin is the best Pokemon in the game.

Sure, I might not have used one but.. Shut up it's a ghost witch cat pumpkin what more do I need to say?


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Also R'duckulus, which I forget about.

This game gave Farfetch'd an evo almost a decade before Nintendo did.

And if you ask me this guy is a thousand times better than Sirfectd in both name and design.

I mean the name is great, and is has pure power which doubles it's attack stat which is a base 75 meaning that with pure power it's base attack is really 150. Yeah. And it has a base speed of 116.

You anit beating this duck.


I have no reason to post this, but it's been in my mind for a while somehow...

^Elite Four?^
More like:
^Elite FAIL^.


File: 1712796555926.jpg (3.42 MB, 2122x3596, 1061:1798, 4a5237491200a0a32a45f58f6f….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Best Elite Four member ready go.

Either Acerola or Lorelei.

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