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So the other day, I was watching Jacksucksatgeography, and he did a video on this really nifty map that shows you where famous people are from down to the city/county levels of places! it's pretty freakin cool!

here's the site

i'm curious as to what people find, and what catches them off guard!

for me, i was surprised to find that i live near where the cinematographer for jaws is from and also the director for the latest Spiderman movies!


Sugar Ray Leonard and David Walker.



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hey dawn <3

oooh that's cool! sugar ray leonard is one of the boxing greats!

and i have not heard of david walker, but a google search shows me that he was pretty awesome!

good job <3


It is. Now this is the part where I risk a dox and say John Coltrane.


Both Tony Hawk and I hail from the County of San Diego, with those cities being a huge part of our lives!

There's a neat story at: https://sdtoday.6amcity.com/history/tony-hawk-day


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now THAT is fuckin awesome! one of, if not THE greatest jazz musicians of all time! that's a helluva pedigree!

unfortunately nobody famous came from my little town, so i can't even dox myself if i tried :P

i'll change that one day tho!

oh hell yeah! tony hawk! he was my idol as a kid and i played all the tony hawk games! i tried to learn how to skateboard for all of 2 days before i decided i din't want to die!


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They did a cool mural back in 2020.
The schools in that area had fun music programs mostly because of his legacy.

Part of me wants to go back and try to save it from textile death all the old mill towns face.


He's coolness personified! He truly is!

Check this out too:


I've loved the hell out of his games, but I also can't say that I've the skills to do any of that in the flesh either! Hah!


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oh my god, that mural is incredible! they did a magnificent job with it <3 and i can definitely understand that feeling of wanting to help something so special <3

i don't have any real love for my hometown, so you can have my town love to double down on your own ^_^

dude! young tony hawk is so precious <3 he looks so different from his current self!


He's doing sweet graphic design work as a young dude too! Impressive! <3


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nowadays he's most famous for people mistaking him for Tony Hawk on twitter :P


Oh, does this mean that if I wind up traveling and come across where you live that I could ask you out on a date or something?



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I live in Southern California, specifically near Palm Springs.

I don't even need to look at this list to know that tons of famous people were born or raised or were "from" the areas I live or have lived.

Michell Pfeiffer, Tiger Woods, Will Ferrel, Jeff Buckley, Richard Nixon, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stafani, and Kevin Costner, just to name a few.


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living in SoCal is a cheat code on this thing!

if anything, it'd be interesting to see who isn't from your general area ><

(lowkey jelly)


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There are good people that got left behind and many a town square without a bakery.

Something you want to say?


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you could also open up a corner of the bakery for local jazz and other musicians to play!

some cake and some good tunes would do wonders for the lifeblood of the town <3


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My mom also went to high school with Jimmy Kimmel. That wasn't in California though.


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no way! that's actually pretty wild!!! where was that?

my mom grew up in anaheim and went to college in Irvine, so she has some experience with celebs. She even had a bit role in a movie called "Who's Minding the Mint" and it had a few famous actors including Milton Berle, Bob Denver, and Jamie Farr


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Just wondering what if this was us... to be truly honest...


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I don't remember lollll I think she went to high school in Nevada? I can't remember for sure though.


I'm just gonna say right now that she values feeling safe above everything and implying that you know where she lives is the single worst way to initiate unwanted flirtation.


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that's still wild tho! i wonder what jimmy was like in highschool

i remember him from back in the Man Show days. that show has definitely aged like milk, but girls bouncing on trampolines will always be etched into my brain

no unwarranted advances in my thread, especially if they are creepy

we are friends here, but i will not hesitate to lay down the law if i need to


Walter Hose


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>Walter Hose

never heard of him, but from a google search, it seems he was a Royal Canadian Navy officer, and was born in India

seems like a cool dude


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He was a year under her I believe so they never interacted, she only learned about it a few years ago.

I also wonder the same, though!


It would be interesting if somebody attended high school or college with an influential comedian and then later reported that the individual actually was quiet, reserved, and not at all anything like the 'class clown stereotype'. I swear that I've seen this in stand-up before. A guy in a full television special going, "I never was the 'class clown' in school."

Didn't seem creepy at all, but, eh, whatever. No offense was meant.

Ween is a group that I would like on paper, yet, weirdly enough, I've almost never listened to them! What're your favorite tracks from that band? Or maybe entire albums?

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