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What about having a thread sharing songs that're either explicitly about somebody villainous or are, in fact, sung by a notorious character having a fun and flamboyant musical moment herself/himself/themself for our enjoyment?

I often love these more than I can put into words (leave it to a bisexual transfemme furry to gush about Broadway type melodrama, I suppose)!

I'll start with something from Ghost about a real-life woman:



I mean the obvious examples would be villain songs from cartoons, but I have a feeling that's not exactly what you mean.


Edit: forgot to post it in embeded


This song

i love it still


This is also a classic for this fandom



I'm curious how much fansongs count










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Bitch/Slut/Liar/Whore from the Toxic Avenger Musical is my favorite "villain song" even though its technically a back and forth between the villain and one of the good guys

The thing that makes it stand out besides being a hilarious song is that both characters are played by the same person and sung by the same person, and in the stageplay the actor changes costumes back and forth on stage while they sing each part. It gets extremely hectic as the song starts slow and gets really fast.


Thinking about stage plays...


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This is the one.


Love the thread so far!

Have some trash metal!





Oh, hey, and I think some people have posted tunes about villainous deeds in science fiction related media?


Flaunting - yes
Flamboyant - it is fire

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