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 No.1164577[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1710910970330.jpg (103.24 KB, 675x612, 75:68, rarity181.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

We used to write stories together!

You can find them here: http://fndkp.jimdofree.com

Nowadays we just sit around and talk. Feel free to join.

We also have some 8-bit desktop ponies here: https://github.com/RoosterDragon/Desktop-Ponies/releases/download/v1.68/Desktop.Ponies.v1.68.zip

And more are here:

Check out the deviantART community:

Your can find the program source code on github:


File: 1710912446393.jpg (42.83 KB, 599x565, 599:565, GFNOtRBXUAE9S4R.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

given that this a story thread, i will share that a couple weeks ago, i finished a first draft for a screenplay.

and it's definitely a ROUGH draft for sure. there are things i definitely like and will keep, but i can already tell i'm gonna need to gut some stuff and really clean it up


File: 1710912905734.png (525.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rarity71.png) ImgOps Google

One of your screenplays got turned into a short film before, didn't it?


File: 1710912968582.jpg (68.32 KB, 1024x647, 1024:647, GIg8-CHaMAA8O7w.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

yup yup! it was part of a compilation feature!


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I remember I watched it!

What are you working on this time?


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oh wonderful <3 that makes me so thrilled to hear <3

this one is a feature length script this time, a superhero story this time ^_^


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How much work goes into such a screenplay? Timewise.


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depends on several things, like writing style and how much time people put it into it a day

i started mine in may last year, so about 10 months for the first draft of this one. i typically put half an hour to a couple hours a day into it. and i will be honest that i have had some moments where i wasn't writing, but i tried to be consistent

but you have some writers that spend more time per day, and have a more streamlined approach. some take only 3-6 months for a rough draft.

there are also some crazy fringe examples where somebody writes a script in a week, but that's definitely  more the exception than the rule


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That's a lot of work! To be honest, I've read screenplays before (of movies I know), and I had I not known the movies, I would have had a hard time visualizing what's going on or 'what it looks like' in a final movie.


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Finally, a Rarity thread! Excellent.
I'm a bit busy with some books tonight.


File: 1710914705005.png (149.21 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity46.png) ImgOps Google

I read Moby Dick earlier.


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Just more pen testing computer shit for me.


File: 1710915002457.jpg (27.11 KB, 600x313, 600:313, rarity55.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Not tired yet?


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it's a very different medium for sure, because you aren't writing for a general audience to read it, you're writing for film crew to recreate it for audiences. So you have to make sure that everything written down is something concrete that can be replecated on a film set either by set, effects, or acting. There is little room for prose or anything you'd see in a novel outside of dialogue.

once you understand the format, it's typically not that hard. you'll get a sense of setting, who's speaking, point of view, montage, intercuts and ect. and then you'll kinda read it like you were watching a movie



File: 1710915140346.jpg (39.95 KB, 437x358, 437:358, 1704514.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Not quite. Though it would be ideal if I could go to sleep at this time.
We're all fabulous on the inside!


File: 1710915324650.png (345.67 KB, 1135x721, 1135:721, rarity124.png) ImgOps Google

I'd think it takes some getting used to for sure. Do you have big hopes for your new screenplay?



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Bro, I beg your pardon?


File: 1710915583234.png (1.03 MB, 1280x719, 1280:719, rarity36.png) ImgOps Google

I forgot to write a reply! I meant to say I got up early again myself.


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let the fabulous wash over you, dahling!!!

well like any script, i hope somebody would purchase it or at least option it. try to shop it to studios that hopefully will bite. but the realistic expectation of it is that it's just another script in my arsenal while i move onto the next script.

some writers don't sell a script, but get hired to work in a writers room, so it could be considered a portfolio piece in that sense


File: 1710915700936.png (20.42 KB, 412x443, 412:443, 38891.png) ImgOps Google

Quite the early bird you are.
I should get back to studying.


File: 1710916078222.png (138.88 KB, 338x320, 169:160, rarity164.png) ImgOps Google

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Does that happen a lot, that they 'option' it?

Yeah, half past four it was. Good luck with your studies!


File: 1710916420747.jpg (66.88 KB, 736x736, 1:1, GInxmydW8AE1YnD.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

pfft i wish!!! i've never been optioned before, but that would be an amazing day when it does happen, only to be beaten by a full on sale!

don't worry, /pony/ will be the first to know when i get an option :P


File: 1710916751528.png (727.8 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, rarity179.png) ImgOps Google

Maybe it will happen one day, you better tell us all aobut it then!


File: 1710916946536.png (81.03 KB, 1258x720, 629:360, 3aslum7b7zic1.png) ImgOps Google

oh i hope so <3 oh i'd be on cloud 9  <3

how about you, what are you up to?


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I'm working from home today, not much is going on really. Just going through some emails right now.


File: 1710918342166.png (37.72 KB, 640x785, 128:157, big yikes my dude.png) ImgOps Google

you work from home as well? remote twinsies ^_^

I don't like emails either, but not as much as i hate voice mails and calling ><


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Yeah, ten days a month at most! It's been a very quiet week so far!

Yeah, I prefer writing mails over calling as well to be honest.


File: 1710919136201.jpg (618.54 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, F9IFFn9WYAAwFao.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ten days a month is not a lot, but if it gets the job done, then good job!

i must head to bed! it's like 1:20 in the morning, and i am very sleepy!

goodnight <3



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Sleep well now!

Hi hi!


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Good morning.
So I was looking at Amazon Spring Deals among the category of laptops, and I found a so-called "limited time deal" that costs more than my current gaming laptop, though with a worse GPU and display resolution. I was like, what the fuck am I looking at? Heh, I'm just glad I'm not dumb enough to get that deal.


File: 1710960749272.png (144.85 KB, 640x434, 320:217, rarity24.png) ImgOps Google

Sounds like you made a good purchase with your laptop.


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File: 1710970489086.jpg (145.04 KB, 728x1024, 91:128, b18f6f9b29e8f572cf49fec63c….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

This isn't a Diamond Tiara thread.


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My favourite Rrity picture is the one where she just well, ya know.


No, I do not know

Please, enlighten us


File: 1710982818133.png (433.92 KB, 1402x1294, 701:647, 8110852.png) ImgOps Google

Well, if the filename is any indication...


File: 1710991468141.png (136.79 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity5.png) ImgOps Google

No, it's even better!


File: 1710992897239.png (862.74 KB, 4782x5000, 2391:2500, 1198305.png) ImgOps Google

No, it's a  Trixie thread


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Maybe the next thread will be one!


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I'm up late again and feelin' good!
Just waiting for my hair to dry before I use the Pro 5 IPL device again.


Nononono yoy silly goose, it's early.

Or well... 9 AM is early-ish for my lazy ass...


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Ah, you must be that European I've heard about..
Nice to meet you too, lad.


Yes, the sole  token European on the whole site das me!!


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Good morning.


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Today was a helluva good day.
I completed the Zombies in Spaceland Easter Egg. I was meaning to complete it. All it required was some persistence.


File: 1711081332050.png (150.51 KB, 500x308, 125:77, rarity135.png) ImgOps Google

Well done! Did you get anything special for it?


File: 1711082072475.png (877.13 KB, 1743x1263, 581:421, Time for your brainwashing….png) ImgOps Google

I got an achievement in which apparently 2.9 percent of players on Steam only have, and I get the ability to play as David Hasselhoff. The game is frickin' baller and runs really well on Linux, I'll say that.


Oh, achievements!

And David Hasselhoff, that guy really had a surge of popularity in the past couple of years. I hope he's not singing.


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Heheh, he used to sing?
I only knew about him from the Knight Rider movie and maybe a cameo role within a cartoon. Seems like a chill dude someone would meet. He's hella rich too.


Of course, that's how he became famous here. Knight Rider and singing.


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Hah, yeah... not sure I fancy the music. I should get some sleep.


That was his second no. 1 single in Austria. In the charts for 28 weeks.

Sleep well now!


how about his song for the movie Kung Fury?


That was a fun one.


File: 1711087354075.jpg (327.9 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, GF2bl7gWAAAXw2c.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

it's like pure 80s injected right into your veins!

how are you this evening (or whatever time of the day it is for you) clarity?


All good here, thanks. Sitting all alone at work because everyone else took a home-office day.

But we have the power cut in our complex for a couple of hours, so I came to the office. Also, 7 a.m. here.

How are you?


File: 1711088391883.jpg (194.69 KB, 2000x1746, 1000:873, 307031.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

hey you got the whole office to yourself! you can throw a rager! still, sorry about your power issues, that sucks!

i'm doin alright! i spent the day working on projects, and i watched a couple episodes of Bocchi the Rock, and now i'm vibing here! it's 12:20am for me

got any weekend plans?


It's just maintenance work, so it's not a huge bother. I have all the coffee to myself in the office.

I have no idea what Bocchi the Rock is. Sounds like a raccoon to my.
Almost bed time on your end!

I'll be heading to a wine tavern tomorrow with friends, to try lots of wine. And on Sunday I'll head to the local 'saloon' at the mall, there's some rockabilly band playing.


File: 1711088896881.png (249.72 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bocchi-the-rock-character-….png) ImgOps Google

all the office coffee and birthday cake is yours! claim it for  your horde!

i do love raccoons, but Bocchi the Rock is a cute slice of life anime about a young girl who has extreme social anxiety as she becomes a part of a band as their lead guitarist. They do a magnificent job with animation, and you can't help but root for Bocchi the whole thing! it's funny but very wholesome <3


gonna go to the hoedown and hootenany? play some jailhouse rock? then take your best girl by the hand and get yourself an eggcream at the soda shop?


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As a European dude you sure are a Rarity.


I just got some cocoa from the machine. No birthday cakes unfortunately.

Ah, it's more anime! I should have known.

There's usually some old timers dancing when the bands play. But not me. I'm just having steak. And while they don't play jailhouse rock, they usually play an Elvis song or two as well.


File: 1711089447740.jpg (41.72 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, FWugw-jXoAAODM8.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

get some cocoa, get some coffee, and make yourself an office mocha!

it's very good, and makes you feel things ^_^

some steak and elvis sounds like a fun time! so is this saloon a regular go too place for you?


That's not a bad idea, though I'm not sure it'll be that great with the kind of machines we have.

I go to the saloon like every two to three weeks. The food is pretty good and it's got ambiance.

Got any weekend plans of your own?


File: 1711089852582.jpg (79.54 KB, 850x678, 425:339, 2db06fcfcabeb80783d2d424b5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

if it's free, it's worth a shot!

aww that's cute! sounds like such a fun time! do you do any dancing while you are there?

working on projects for the most part. however i will be hanging out with a friend of mine, gonna play some games and stuff, so it's all good ^_^


Oh no, I don't know how to dance. I'm just listening and eating and drinking. There's really few young people there anyway when the bands play; not even young by my standard, and I'll be 50 soon enough.

More screenplay work? What are you playing; I'm currently playing the Tomb Raider 1 remake. I'll be honest... it's not that good.


File: 1711090487993.jpg (46.67 KB, 500x500, 1:1, avatars-ZKKsNKzBgIVU5bFW-1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

that's fine too! let everyone else do all the dancing for you! and 50 is still young

yup yup, and also animating too. and sorry about the tomb raider  remake, those are always so hit and miss

i'm playing Genshin and Palworld at the moment. i do plan on getting FFVII Rebirth eventually


That's right, they can all dance for my amusement!

It's pretty much the old game with a new skin. I've never played the old one before so I thought I'd give it a go.

What are you animating?

I wish they would do a remake of FF VI at some point. Last time I played VII, like ten years ago, I beat Sephiroth and then the game crashed and I didn't see the ending.


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enjoy your dinner and the show!

ah, so it's just a fresh coat of paint and nothing else? i mean those games are iconic, but nostalgia is a hell of a drug

the next entry in my navi doodlez vids, i've got plans for this one...

ooh i am actually playing FFVI now as well! that's a very fun one!

and the new FFVII games are amazing, but i would recommend playing the original FFVII before doing the remake, cause it's also kind of a sequel, if that makes any sense


Thanks! Yes, it's just old wine in a new bottle. You can even switch to the 'original' game with the push of a button.

You should post the video when you're done.

I liked the characters of FF VI a lot. And the music was amazing.

I beat the original FF VII on the PSX a couple of times way back when. God, the German translation it had was abysmal though.


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well that's cool for an authentic feel then!

i have an entire youtube and tiktok channel i post stuff to

so far i'm gaving a blast with it! and i love the idea of a wild feral child running off with a pack of fighter jets so he can learn to shoot laser beams

ahh then you should be more or less okay then to play the new ones, and i'd recommend it ^_^

i'm gonna head to bed! goodnight ^_^


I'll check the channel out when I'm home.

Yeah, Gau was a pretty cool character. I liked the concept of him being able to learn all those enemy moves!

Sleep well now!


File: 1711106548516.jpeg (375.05 KB, 600x847, 600:847, 1706997564657.jpeg) ImgOps Google

I have a serious lack of Sweetie Belle images. And I could really do with more sleep.


I thought you'd have quite a few.

Sleep well!


File: 1711108730010.png (387.33 KB, 967x1155, 967:1155, 764472.png) ImgOps Google

>Sleep well!
If only I was fucking allowed to.
I'm tired of all the nightmares. It's really getting to me, Clarity.
Trying to hold back tears to only think of all the pain thay could be avoided. Usually my composure is good, but I feel burnt.


File: 1711108994709.jpeg (45.96 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e161158588.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Sorry, I'm just under a lot of pressure. Well, that's certainly something for the story thread.


File: 1711112242064.png (462.16 KB, 862x526, 431:263, hh1.png) ImgOps Google

Oh my, I hope you'll have more pleasent dreams again soon!


File: 1711133708536.png (151.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity128.png) ImgOps Google

Time for a relaxing evening.




File: 1711156002223.jpg (41.05 KB, 450x540, 5:6, 894108b0-393a-49d2-9e92-ef….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

This day could have been better.
Got myself some good shit from Costco though.


File: 1711156066567.png (16.95 KB, 236x354, 2:3, 120052.png) ImgOps Google

More relaxing than you!


File: 1711156977765.jpg (14.11 KB, 237x212, 237:212, images.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

What did you get?


File: 1711158432482.jpg (3.34 MB, 4080x3060, 4:3, 20240322_184417.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I put most of everything up already, but I was really looking forward to a Costco pizza and some Chobani yogurt.


File: 1711169451534.jpg (96.22 KB, 538x350, 269:175, rarity146.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good morning. It was quite relaxing, but I went to bed early.


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Silence, nerd.


File: 1711170331204.gif (476.01 KB, 697x700, 697:700, rarity159.gif) ImgOps Google

Never! How are you?


File: 1711170763808.gif (1.41 MB, 200x200, 1:1, Bobbing.gif) ImgOps Google

Doing fine myself.
I'm going to stay up late with some games.


File: 1711171195279.png (525.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rarity71.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, what will you be playing?


File: 1711171577436.png (678.8 KB, 814x737, 74:67, 74998183.png) ImgOps Google

Infinite Warfare Zombies, nerd.
But on Linux, because that's how we roll.


Fuck, I fucked up my name lol


File: 1711171778633.jpg (96.31 KB, 647x378, 647:378, rarity172.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Ah, more zombies! I might play Tomb Raider later on.

The case of the missing e!


File: 1711171944945.png (245.34 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, 031F966A26375140BF88793093….png) ImgOps Google

Well excuse me, loc.
It's a habit to wipe the entire history and cache every 30 minutes.
See you around.


File: 1711172165677.png (595.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hh33.png) ImgOps Google

Ah, so that's why. Isn't that a bit bothersome?

Have a nice evening!


File: 1711172902104.gif (244.08 KB, 300x442, 150:221, 1846726377266372l.gif) ImgOps Google

>Isn't that a bit bothersome?
Kind of? Totally worth it however.
Though being on Windows:NSA Edition would be even more bothersome!


File: 1711173336218.gif (600.81 KB, 280x353, 280:353, rarity154.gif) ImgOps Google

Well, you do you.


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That's nice sometimes. I tend to be a night owl, though.


File: 1711234913098.png (89.42 KB, 721x721, 1:1, Vroom-vroom.png) ImgOps Google

I'm so chill, ice can learn a thing or two from me.


Yeah well I am twice as chill

Like, twice the ice

I am Ice, Ice, Baby


That is pretty cool.


The coolest


File: 1711239876932.png (138.17 KB, 1138x875, 1138:875, full (3).png) ImgOps Google

> you can keep ourself busy going through some course on this website, but don't push yourself
< me at 2 AM


File: 1711256036226.gif (2.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity88.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


Ya know, for the villain song thread yesterday, I went to look for entries on the game Billie bust up.
It's been like since September last year there was that teaser I was directed to for Barnaby, but it seems to take so long since that game has been announced now.

Turns out they've posted a few days ago, asking for funding to get Big Band music into the game. Funny that it is now just that I remembered this was a project in the works.

I also saw now that Daniel Ingram (and Blackgryphon) of some big pony / cartoon renown are tight to this project.

I do hope I get to see the project still come to fruition.


Probably a more apt video to link.


Big same. I really wanna play this.


File: 1711295025982.png (1.04 MB, 1915x1067, 1915:1067, rarity105.png) ImgOps Google

That does look pretty interesting!


File: 1711313559974.png (551.93 KB, 666x601, 666:601, yo.PNG) ImgOps Google

Just hold out for like 50 more years


I mean it is a VERY Big and ambitious project for a small team. No wonder it is taking a while. I don't mind.


File: 1711319240543.png (188.51 KB, 376x400, 47:50, that's adorable.png) ImgOps Google

Gosh, I wanted to add something about Black Gryphon as a pretty neat voice actor with horse famous roots, but I realized that I thought of Shady Vox at first.

Still he's pretty great.


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God I miss pop-punk.

Or rather I miss pop-punk being mainstream.

People used to have good taste. Then dubstep happened and it's never been the same.

I will destroy deadmau5. Actually he hates transpeople so I'm gonna call him by his deadname instead. Joey fucking Zimmerman. Nerd-ass name.

You hear that, deadmau5? Your name is stupid.


File: 1711350367721.gif (1.04 MB, 480x270, 16:9, hh49.gif) ImgOps Google

You're not old enough yet to be complaining about modern musis, Scoots!


File: 1711352271639.jpg (295.07 KB, 900x887, 900:887, 245724a30c920ff46a7bd1cd32….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

But I've been doing it for yeaaaaars.


File: 1711352421302.jpg (151.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rarity76.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh no!

What's your favorite band?


File: 1711352940893.jpg (226.66 KB, 673x992, 673:992, 58cd420c79d2a0b7575b065406….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I don't know for sure. Foo Fighters, maybe. Linkin Park are also a strong contender.


File: 1711353081704.png (228.83 KB, 516x573, 172:191, rarity69.png) ImgOps Google

Well, I've heard of them, of course. But I can't name any of their songs to be honest.


File: 1711353358110.png (314.07 KB, 637x517, 637:517, Satisfied.png) ImgOps Google

Either of them? Huh. They're both pretty prolific and popular in the Anglosphere.

Also remembered I had a Rarity folder.


File: 1711354222286.png (912.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rarity28.png) ImgOps Google

I'm sure they are popular here too, but I don't really follow music much anymore. So if a song from later than 2000 is on, I usually know it but I have no idea who it's from.


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File: 1711430403276.png (197.53 KB, 720x720, 1:1, rarity72.png) ImgOps Google

No time to sleep, time to get up!


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I have maybe a little more time to learn IT stuff.

I wonder what would be the best approach.
Broaden my spectrum with some new languages?
Or deep dive into the specifics of an a learnt language?

Or what would be something I should pick up on, given the limited time available to focus and at this point no immediate drive to get anything specific done?


File: 1711437045399.gif (1.51 MB, 300x255, 20:17, rarity143.gif) ImgOps Google

That's a tough one, I really have no helpful IT knowledge I'm afraid.


File: 1711439044831.jpeg (101.59 KB, 780x1080, 13:18, 8546853278644.jpeg) ImgOps Google

You should learn how creepy the Intel Management Engine is.


What's been your history with studying things? (like not IT related)

I could, if it was simple to pick up on.


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I was at a commercial school, so it went into business management, marketing, and the likes.


Like, high level stuff?

My daughter's been taking the economics option, but she doesn't really feel like continuing.

I once took a class in econometry, but it's one of those classes I remember taking, but the course material itself has long been gone.


File: 1711456326395.jpg (54.01 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 4705e0b14e9f0cb151d5c233b1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I suppose this day is better than Monday. This is going to be a long week.


File: 1711460454956.gif (686.05 KB, 318x216, 53:36, dash420.gif) ImgOps Google

Oh no, the basics (well, six years of basics) you can learn in a school here. I never went to a university where all of this goes into way more detail.

Already two work days over for me. So that's good.


File: 1711460851265.jpeg (53.52 KB, 309x498, 103:166, 8164939.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Ah right, you're from Austria if I'm not mistaken.
I'm looking forward to air frying some chicken strips and making some tea this morning.


File: 1711467889158.png (1.04 MB, 1915x1067, 1915:1067, rarity105.png) ImgOps Google

Yes, you're right!

Mh, chicken stips sound good! I'll be having a light supper soon, just some bread with cheese. And a beer.


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Something something shrimps on the barbie


File: 1711510901804.png (31.41 KB, 176x172, 44:43, rarity43.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


Good quite a bit later morning.


Hope you’re doing well! I‘m at work, website gets blocked again for some reason.


File: 1711551814293.jpg (96.31 KB, 647x378, 647:378, rarity172.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Home from work, time to relax.


I'm alright. Spent most of the day recording podcast, now waiting to hop on a train to visit a friend.

Picked up some comic books to read at the library. All in all good times.


File: 1711553908518.png (633.35 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rarity82.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, you're making a podcast? About what?

Did you get any fancy comics?


File: 1711565405832.png (118.66 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Epic Mount with Fluttershy….png) ImgOps Google

Nowhere man.


File: 1711568635903.gif (476.01 KB, 697x700, 697:700, rarity159.gif) ImgOps Google

Living in his nowhere land!


Making all his nowhere plans
for nobody.


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That was my favorite song of the old Yellowsubmarine movie.


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I find it rather relatable myself.
I'm not really going anywhere in life. I got plenty of ideas, but no one and nothing to do with them. While I try to keep open-minded, not without tunnel vision of my interest. I do have points of view, but they don't really matter.


File: 1711576042626.png (536.52 KB, 568x750, 284:375, f3e9e71e48a7a5801417ca68ab….png) ImgOps Google

He took the midnight train going anywhere.


File: 1711605689821.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I think that's true for many of us.

Strangers waitin'
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night


File: 1711605937686.png (141.54 KB, 677x804, 677:804, 451.png) ImgOps Google

It seems your morning is my 11 o'clock.


File: 1711606552407.gif (237.22 KB, 428x396, 107:99, rarity145.gif) ImgOps Google

Looks like it! Though I'm on a bit later than usual. Didn't even have coffee yet cause I was busy planting some ivy.


File: 1711606655623.png (659.65 KB, 1003x1024, 1003:1024, 37362573746262.png) ImgOps Google

Planting some ivy? What a nerd!


File: 1711606741868.gif (106.23 KB, 318x320, 159:160, rarity170.gif) ImgOps Google

The only plants that grow within my walls!


I run am X-files podcast with a friend here in Denmark.

Nah, nothing that fancy. Mostly some bat-verse story. A catwoman mini series, to try and give a character I don't care that much about a chance hook ne


X-files, like that old show from the 90s?


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File: 1711642772793.gif (1.04 MB, 450x253, 450:253, rarity107.gif) ImgOps Google

How's it going?


File: 1711643476575.png (270.23 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 8ynm0p1xis1s.png) ImgOps Google

Heya Clarity. I'm doing alright, just a chill morning. How's you?

Sure is Rarity in here.


File: 1711643519253.png (1.03 MB, 1280x719, 1280:719, rarity36.png) ImgOps Google

All good, just watching some videos and pondering supper.

Of course, it's a best pony thread.


File: 1711649693009.jpeg (212.38 KB, 932x1523, 932:1523, 8277493.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Damn right she's best pony.
You even had an almost lewd image of Rarity that one time tho

Anyways, I feel like an absolute nerd this morning.


File: 1711650049690.png (2.04 MB, 2000x2500, 4:5, rarity_mtr_15180.png) ImgOps Google

Was it this one?

Why are you feeling that way?


That's the one.

We go through the whole thing episode by episode, give our thoughts, investigate whether the science, urban legends and mythologies and such are accurate, and cover a lot of behind the scenes trivia, and also cover side material like other projects actors, writers and directors have done, shows that inspired it, spinoff comics, etc.


File: 1711650424626.jpeg (88.81 KB, 670x858, 335:429, 8032537.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Nah, I recall some latex heheh.

Just some internal conflict. Though nothing too difficult to settle. Things could be easier.


File: 1711650622520.png (150.51 KB, 500x308, 125:77, rarity135.png) ImgOps Google

Must have certainly been from someone else then!

Hm, alright. Hope you can figure things out.

Well, that sounds like you're making a fun game out of it! I've never watched a single episode of it.


File: 1711650807383.jpeg (49.38 KB, 450x675, 2:3, 00056-2802964026.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Oh come on. I was very certain it was you!


File: 1711651617043.png (374.59 KB, 651x511, 93:73, allfr2.png) ImgOps Google

I've checked my folder, there's not a single Rarity with latex.


File: 1711651772951.jpeg (109.56 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8150865.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Alright, fine. Maybe it was someone else. One thing's for sure, it was definitely in the Story Thread at one point.


File: 1711651832192.jpg (56.04 KB, 572x596, 143:149, rarity112.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Are you sure you didn't post it yourself?


File: 1711651996384.jpeg (163.61 KB, 1132x1094, 566:547, Fuck kinda dress is this.jpeg) ImgOps Google

I'm 99 percent sure.


File: 1711652040911.png (657.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, allrar7.png) ImgOps Google

Alright then, let's leave it at that.


It's quite a lot of work, actually. But I get tor research folklore and myths and catch up on an iconic TV show, he gets to nerd out about behind the scenes stuff and we both get to flex our Film and Media Sciences degrees, so it works on a lotta levels.


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I thought it's mostly about aliens. I guess I was wrong.


Paranormal and extraordinary cases in general. So cryptids, weird mutants, government conspiracies, occasional outright magic, so on so forth. But yes, the cure story arc has to do with an alien conspiracy.


File: 1711689248664.gif (663.53 KB, 245x245, 1:1, rarity108.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning.


File: 1711690240809.png (91.32 KB, 850x1200, 17:24, bb12c2328be72c9b0b46a05ab9….png) ImgOps Google

It's tradition to extinguish your horn.


File: 1711690425572.png (657.66 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rarity175.png) ImgOps Google

It is? How are you?


File: 1711690670758.png (1.53 MB, 1136x1534, 568:767, 1711607607409.png) ImgOps Google

I've heard it provides relief for unicorns and alicorns alike.

I'm doing fine. Just a bit worn out.


File: 1711690751956.png (316.31 KB, 550x720, 55:72, celes45.png) ImgOps Google

That's such a lie!

Rough evening? I'm having some coffee right now.


File: 1711690977997.jpg (132.96 KB, 817x1500, 817:1500, dbc27800cfd1f2fee837e98e7e….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh please. You're telling me that Celestia doesn't extinguish her own horn in her time of leisure?

Things could be easier for me. But I'm definitely looking forward to some games.


File: 1711691177132.png (53.82 KB, 250x188, 125:94, dash310.png) ImgOps Google

She has way too much class!

More zombie games?


File: 1711691309955.jpg (88.69 KB, 800x1230, 80:123, 1711369697799.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Cod zombies is the stuff, my man.
Anyways, I should call it a night.


File: 1711691439213.png (440.73 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, hh8.png) ImgOps Google

Alright, you sleep well now!


File: 1711715875601.png (140.93 KB, 736x512, 23:16, Classy.png) ImgOps Google

I should really fix my sleep schedule.
I suppose today is that day.
Good morning.


File: 1711736869660.gif (1.09 MB, 342x461, 342:461, rarity7.gif) ImgOps Google

I hope you slept well.


File: 1711737525974.jpg (508.1 KB, 850x1193, 850:1193, 4357698435734856.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

More like napped. Yeah, I did nap well. Just one more day and I get to have all the fun I want tomorrow.


File: 1711737637088.gif (1.55 MB, 600x550, 12:11, rarity75.gif) ImgOps Google

Do you have big plans for the weekend?


File: 1711737905694.png (1.53 MB, 1136x1534, 568:767, 1711607607409.png) ImgOps Google

Ah fuck yeah. I'm so very done with this week. I get to truly relax here real soon. Might go to the park.


File: 1711737963516.png (151.9 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity128.png) ImgOps Google

What's happening at the park? Just going to relax and enjoy the sun?


File: 1711738178352.jpg (102.22 KB, 1280x692, 320:173, 4387659345445434.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I just need some fresh air bro.
Too many errands indoors.


File: 1711739536193.png (296.78 KB, 857x672, 857:672, rarity45.png) ImgOps Google

Makse sense. I hope you'll have a good time!


File: 1711739763239.jpg (153.29 KB, 848x1200, 53:75, 3d414dee4a83a4a004daac4ada….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Thanks, likewise.


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Another Sunday.


File: 1711863829127.jpg (47.22 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 4da614273c3682c4b771e034d5….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

hey, it's still saturday for 17 minutes over here!

anywho, how are you?


File: 1711864452101.png (409.22 KB, 715x548, 715:548, rarity42.png) ImgOps Google

All good, thanks! What about you?

Also, strange that the thread never auto-refreshes for me.


File: 1711865237213.png (58.75 KB, 640x1016, 80:127, 9kq4285vmyqc1.png) ImgOps Google

i'm good myself! i met up with my sifu and my kung fu brothers for chinese food  and to catch up, which was nice ^_^

outside of that, just worked on stuff, watched some anime, and spent about an hour looking at apartment listings and dreaming of one day leaving this town


File: 1711865413322.png (61.32 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Rarity180.png) ImgOps Google

What's a sifu?

Are you actually planning to leave town? I look at new apartments now and then, it's ridiculous how expensive the good ones are.


File: 1711866050731.png (425.06 KB, 800x1085, 160:217, f076ede5def7da98efba10ddeb….png) ImgOps Google

sifu is somebody who has mastered kung fu to the point where they take on students. they run the school, teach the courses, etc. etc.

eventually, i don't have the money for it now, but i need to get away from my town for several reasons. among those reasons is to follow my dreams of making it as a hollywood screenwriter, but also to escape my town which makes me feel isolated, and it gets worse every single day for both intrinsic and extrinsic reasons

>I look at new apartments now and then, it's ridiculous how expensive the good ones are.

you're telling me, i'm looking for LA apartments, and that place is EXPENSIVE! although after a lot of research, i've found places that are much more manageable, even if it's still kinda pricey compared to my current local ><


File: 1711866302500.png (189.96 KB, 868x920, 217:230, rarity168.png) ImgOps Google

Oh, so you're learning kung fu?

Ah, so you're living in a small town right now? I could actually afford to buy one of those luxury apartments, but I don't feel like blowing my life savings on one. Still, it's nice to dream.


File: 1711866579888.jpg (16.5 KB, 235x235, 1:1, 687d1692118ffc7b98c6196e95….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i'm a 3rd degree black sash. i'm actually a sifu myself. although i really don't do much teaching outside of senior tai chi nowadays. the business side of things just killed my interest

yeah, i live in a small mountain town in colorado atm. it's pretty , but unless you are a retired, white, evangelical, and into fishing and hunting, there is nothing here for you

plus this local bible college is attempting to take over the town, which really sucks, and i grow more and more alienated by my own neighbors it feels like ://


File: 1711867175838.gif (1.27 MB, 611x396, 611:396, rarity150.gif) ImgOps Google

How many years of experience do you have in it?

Sounds kind of scenice though!

A bible college, that's exactly what the world needs.


File: 1711867555001.jpg (1.97 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, pikes peak.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i started when i was 16, and i'm 32 now, so 16  years actually!

oh it's gorgeous! here's a picture i took while i was on a run a few weeks ago
>pic related

>A bible college, that's exactly what the world needs.

right? and the guy who runs it is just a fuckin piece of work

he actually has said "Homosexuals should have a marking on their forehead, so that we can identify who they are at a glance."


File: 1711867959846.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You must be very skilled then!

Looks great!

Ah, that's the kind of folk we need. I wonder out of which holes such people keep crawling.


File: 1711868278282.jpg (122.61 KB, 850x1217, 850:1217, __loona_and_beelzebub_hell….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

i could be better, but i still practice and refresh my forms when i can

yeah, but beauty is skin deep, and i crave something deeper

>Ah, that's the kind of folk we need. I wonder out of which holes such people keep crawling.

it is disgusting. like don't get me wrong, Colorado as a whole is pretty cool and the tyep of place people should visit. i just happen to live where all the christo-facists want to be.

so i hope you understand why i want out of here :P


File: 1711868729576.gif (560.03 KB, 247x482, 247:482, rarity134.gif) ImgOps Google

Yeah, I don't think I'd like to stay either under those circumstances.  

Well, I hope you can move soon then and follow your dreams!


File: 1711869535959.jpg (766.28 KB, 2340x1080, 13:6, 2uwkEay.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

thank you clarity ^_^

may your dreams come true as well <3


File: 1711869975733.png (308.25 KB, 675x612, 75:68, rarity58.png) ImgOps Google

Thanks! I have to be off now, have a nice evening!


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File: 1711945189873.jpg (106.51 KB, 960x768, 5:4, dash392.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good morning.


File: 1711993334886.gif (276.57 KB, 400x300, 4:3, rarity31.gif) ImgOps Google

Looks like it's a very quiet day today.


Maybe people are dozing off digesting all their easter noms


File: 1711995140722.jpg (36.02 KB, 507x460, 507:460, rarity25.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

You think they've eaten that much?


If anywhere else in the world is anything like Denmark, folks like to feast on holidays


File: 1711999737868.jpg (144.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, allrt3.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I suppose so. I ate a lot myself, but not because of the holidays.


Just gorging in general then?


File: 1711999799979.png (770.63 KB, 911x762, 911:762, aj6.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, I was very hungry this weekend.


It happens.

Mainly I am just hungry for figuring out a way to spend my time this evening


File: 1712000021473.png (525.05 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, rarity71.png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, that happens to me as well.



Too late to start a stream, already spent a good deal of the day drawing, a bit too groggy to really just watch  a show and pay attention to, not able to pick a game to play although I got a plenty big backlog... just all around potato'ing around at this point


File: 1712000371771.gif (490.11 KB, 95x98, 95:98, rarity60.gif) ImgOps Google

I'll be heading to bed soon myself, getting late here. And I get up way too early anyway.


Welp, enjoy. I'm a night owl with no reason to get up early, so a lotta hours of "I guess I should do something" ahead for me it seems


File: 1712000504500.png (150.51 KB, 500x308, 125:77, rarity135.png) ImgOps Google

I hope you'll find some nice things to do!


File: 1712032811804.gif (1.76 MB, 321x400, 321:400, dash91.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning!


File: 1712043175228.jpg (304.26 KB, 850x1318, 425:659, 1843bf5515d0ee8568b7536a.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Rise and shine, mister Clarity. Rise and... shine
Not that I... wish to imply you were sleeping..


File: 1712043628622.jpg (56.48 KB, 448x465, 448:465, rarity17.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I totally wasn't sleeping!

How are you?


File: 1712044167150.jpg (304.61 KB, 1061x1500, 1061:1500, 1118793rokudaime).jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm doing fine, I suppose. I touched grass and got some good amount of sun that other day. Fuck that felt good. Now I'm just enjoying the night here with my laptop.


File: 1712044354061.jpg (121.9 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, rarity79.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I should go out a bit more myself.

Are you playing something?


File: 1712044566987.png (1.53 MB, 1136x1534, 568:767, 1711607607409.png) ImgOps Google

Hah, no. But now that you mention it.. I might give it a shot. I had my sights set on Fallout 4 recently.


File: 1712044721734.gif (1.73 MB, 417x347, 417:347, rarity11.gif) ImgOps Google

Ah, it's been a while that you played that one. Still got any open missions there?


File: 1712045244402.jpg (322.74 KB, 1053x1920, 351:640, b86a869b_1280.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Not to my knowledge. I pretty much completed everything. Though I've been watching some gameplay of Fallout 4 from other people and I've never encountered Parker Quinn. He rubs me the wrong way, so I fired up the game and set out to search him. Eventually I found him way down south oddly enough and I used the Spray n' Pray legendary weapon on him and tore his soul out of existence.


File: 1712045392505.png (28.43 KB, 672x800, 21:25, dash197.png) ImgOps Google

Doesn't ring a bell honestly, but it's been a long time that I played it.


I haven't played Fo4 in a long while... but I will be playing Fo:London when I can.


File: 1712062707436.gif (1.35 MB, 800x600, 4:3, dash252.gif) ImgOps Google

That's a fan game, right?


Yeah, sort of, more of a mod for Fo4 that practically urns it into a whole new Fallout game.


File: 1712062894028.gif (2.74 MB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity88.gif) ImgOps Google

Looks interesting enough. I might try it as well.


It is. I wish Bethesda would give it some recognition given the effort the developers put into this mod.

Plus,, I've always been interested what the world of Fallout is like in places other than America.


File: 1712063285597.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, we'll never know, until they make a canon Fallout game set there. This is more or less a fanfic.


I just hope Fo:London won't be... too British, if that makes any sense.

I mean, way I see it, Nuka Cola is Fallout-verse equivalent of Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola is just as popular here in the UK as it is in America.

In fact, I was surprise to find Heinz sauce, while Britain's favourite brand of condiments, is actually American in origin.

And I'm currently using a computer that's parts are likely from America and China, with Windows itself being American.

Just saying, I won't oppose if Fallout Londom had Nuka-Cola and RobCo Industries products than using strictly British corporations.

(I mean, the reason why Britain became so successful as a country despite its size is because our culture is built from other countries exploited from the British Empire.)


Top of the morning, guvna.


'ello 'ello 'ello, what's all this muckin' about then?


File: 1712070290925.jpg (16.89 KB, 210x240, 7:8, bg85.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It'll be as British as Pipsqueak.


Toodle pip!


File: 1712070764055.png (217.74 KB, 595x425, 7:5, rarityf1.png) ImgOps Google

Do you have plans for the evening?


Nothing more British than fish and chips!
I'm also watching some ghost videos. I'm curious what was caught on camera this year.


File: 1712071042879.gif (493.62 KB, 359x480, 359:480, rarity158.gif) ImgOps Google

Didn't you do that yourself long ago?


What fish and chips? Maybe last week.


No, ghost hunting or something?


File: 1712071243556.jpg (449.78 KB, 1734x1074, 289:179, img002.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, I mostly watch ghost videos on YouTube...

Unless you're talking about my Halloween ghost walk, that was years a go.


File: 1712071324075.png (126.18 KB, 337x330, 337:330, rarity51.png) ImgOps Google

Ah, yes, then I recalled that Halloween story.


That was way back in 2012.
It would be fun to go exploring for ghosts sometime, but where I'm currently living isn't really know for hauntings.

I know the Gwynedd Paranormal Investigations is located in this town, but I never met them.


File: 1712071935388.png (912.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rarity28.png) ImgOps Google

And what are they doing?


File: 1712072096119.png (2.2 MB, 738x1170, 41:65, img001 Details2.png) ImgOps Google

I don't know. Never met them.
I don't even know how haunted this town is. For a small quaint seaside town, I can't imagine it has any ghosts at all.

Now my previous hometown where those 2012 Halloween photos are from, that has a few ghost stories. I've never seen a ghost before other than the photos me and my friend took that night.


File: 1712072740698.gif (510.98 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash395.gif) ImgOps Google

I'm totally not seeing a ghost in that image when I ignore your green lines.


File: 1712072928174.jpg (628.55 KB, 1704x1170, 284:195, img001.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I put the green lines there given it;'s hard to see the man standing there, but definitely a man.


File: 1712073281319.jpg (1.68 MB, 1710x1170, 19:13, ghostie.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I mean, I can understand why you see it, but I think you just drew the lines how you saw them fitting to make a man. There's nothing but equal shadows especially on the left.


I would agree with you... if it were not for what looks like feet standing in front of what I presume is the screamers stuff she put down.

Also, the shadows you outlined, you can still see some of the trees and bushes in the darkness while the figure I drew out was almost solid-darkness.

As for the quality of the camera itself, me and my friend used disposable Polaroids at the time.
We figured if we were to get a photo of a ghost, it would be more difficult to dispute photo-editing if it's a traditional photo.


As for the other photo at >>1165468
I took the photos of the "screamers" who gathered for one last wail.

There was no fog that night, no cars with thick exhaust fumes, I did not see any smoke or mist when I took that photo, yet it appears that a swirl of mist emanating from the screamers.


>looks like feet standing in front
Yeah, I agree. If you know what that "foot" is the entire man disappears.

>while the figure I drew out was almost solid-darkness.
If I zoom in on the image I don't see it. There's two darker spots at the "head" and the "upper thighs". Everything else is equally dark for me.

Polaroids are fun.


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The mist is most likely an opacification failure.


Well, to me, it looks like a humanoid figure. I can see its head, shoulders and legs. I "think" its arms are relaxed to its side.


Isn't that caused from over-exposure of light?
It was dark that night and none of the other photos me and my friend took between us had any similar errors.

In fact, between the two of us, all the photos we took, only one from each of us was any interesting.

Itook the photo of the swirling mist and my friend took the one of the dark figure.


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Not when it's a Polaroid, there it's more likely a failure from the chemicals that do the job in the apparatus.

Anway, it all makes for a cool story.


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Come to think of it, most likely it's your own breath you took a picture of.


We chose Polaroids because we didn't want assholes saying "you obviously photoshopped it!"

Nah, I remember that night clearly.
Yes, it was a cold night and I saw my breath, but it wasn't that cold for it to be thick enough to catch light like that. My breath produced thin vapour that barely wasn't wisps of steam.

I also remember there were no cars. No cars went by when I took the photo so that rules out car exhaust.

And, as I said, it was a clear night. No fog, mist or other weather conditions that could cause that misty swirl. And even if there was fog (it can get Silent Hill-like where I live), I don't see how mist could form like that.


File: 1712075628306.gif (423.58 KB, 327x360, 109:120, rarity77.gif) ImgOps Google

You can never convince me!


File: 1712075916077.jpg (11.73 KB, 236x283, 236:283, b6584fcb33fa9089c7de805e82….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I guess you and I are on the same boat.


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How was Fallout 4?


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That is one soaked Rarity..
Kinda boring. I've already played it many times. Though cod zombies on the other hand, oh my god, is incredibly fun! Quite nostalgic too.


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That she is!

Ah, so back to the zombies it is then. Maybe I'll play New Vegas again at some point. Or that London game.


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>Wet Rarity.


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Looking good.


I arrive to mlem at thee


This one goes out to you, Epic.


It's like, each minute a story to tell a bigger pop story.


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Shameful! Also, stole that picture.


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Stealing people's pictures, huh.
By the way, what's going on as of late?


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I've continued reading Moby Dick. It's a good book but Melville went into so much details about whales and how whalers kill them and take them apart... it's really slowing the story down. So I started flying over and skipping chapters.


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Ah, I see. I've been trying to just reread my computer science books again. Damn, come to think of it, my room is full of austere educational material. If you're lucky maybe, just maybe, you'd find one normal casual book.


File: 1712163910116.png (374.14 KB, 839x781, 839:781, twi93.png) ImgOps Google

I have tossed out all educational books long ago, nothing but casual books remain.


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Eheheh, that's adorable. Christ, I used to have lots of casual and silly books when I was young. Comic books and all. Just lots of accounting, engineering, and computers material now.
Anyways, I'm glad it's an easy day. Just enjoying some coffee now.
I look forward to making some tea before sleeping today.


File: 1712164501826.jpg (124.62 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, rarity183.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I had some coffee myself while reading the book. I feel snacky now, but there's nothing to snack!


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Good morning.


File: 1712197181305.jpg (50.38 KB, 735x738, 245:246, 1708670524515.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good morning, my dude.
Anything on the agenda for today?


File: 1712197473617.jpg (151.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rarity76.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Heading to work in an hour. Still a bit tired. I guess I'll grabe a coffee.

How are you?


File: 1712197790355.jpg (160.74 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Tired.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Doing fine myself.
However, some deceitful and pretentious alcoholic bothered one of my systemmates today.


File: 1712197842458.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh? What happened?


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It's just some really dumb stuff that I'm not inclined to go into detail.
But hey, that's what you'd get for going to stupid places.
I'm thinking about playing some games and skimming one of my books before bed.


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Shame there are such places. I think I'll get a coffee myself.

Will you play more zombies?


File: 1712198685486.jpg (29.75 KB, 486x642, 81:107, 1708672325916.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yupper. And a shame some people lack the foresight to prepare too.

Unsure. I've been playing some Wolfenstein: The New Order. The game is pretty baller with my newer laptop. Almost all the Windows-based Steam games work pretty good on Linux. Except for a particular Black Ops Cold War game. That needs a Windows virtual machine. Cyberpunk 2077 works just fine too.
But for real though, I'll consider just listening to some music rather than playing some games I think.


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I've only played Cyberpunkt of those. I wasn't that impressed by it.

Music's good.


File: 1712199185935.png (177.14 KB, 438x511, 6:7, 5878439654385698798.png) ImgOps Google

I didn't really enjoy the storyline myself, but I did enjoy adjusting the graphics and especially the ray tracing.


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Set everything to max!




Nuh uh!



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Home at last.


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That picture keeps reminding me of the read it and sleep episode.





File: 1712272480833.jpg (7.5 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 1712161741486.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I could've sworn the episode was called Read It and Weep.
Go to sleep.


File: 1712291141241.gif (1.73 MB, 417x347, 417:347, rarity11.gif) ImgOps Google

Good morning!

That was a different one. =)


File: 1712309805772.png (419.3 KB, 906x1702, 453:851, ½ an hours effort.png) ImgOps Google

Eic Mount as a Sonic OC.


File: 1712309934727.png (58.89 KB, 240x250, 24:25, Rarity94.png) ImgOps Google

Is that new one?


Had it for a long while actually (2015), just rarely get to post it.


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It's a pretty nice pic.


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Was a rushed job at the time, but thanks.


Ooh! Rains eased up! I think I can go outside now!


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Have fun! I'll be having dinner.


File: 1712311021837.png (155.69 KB, 603x603, 1:1, Wet mane, oh Steve.png) ImgOps Google

Nah, it's still raining.


File: 1712311747841.gif (129.12 KB, 360x360, 1:1, dash20.gif) ImgOps Google

Just take an umbrella.


I just want to pop to the shops.
Too late now, I bet the last breakfast wrap is gone.


File: 1712315498616.png (160.76 KB, 640x355, 128:71, bonlyra40.PNG) ImgOps Google

You didn't want it enough to just go out in the rain!


No I didn't. They're great, but they're not McDonald's great. And from what I've been told, McDonald's doesn't do breakfast wraps any more. Which is a shame given they were my fave.


File: 1712316370123.jpeg (88.81 KB, 670x858, 335:429, 8032537.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Where in god's name do I find read it and sleep? An eqg special?


Uh... isn't it a Friendship is Witchcraft episode?


File: 1712317303090.jpg (61.87 KB, 357x291, 119:97, dash212.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Read it and Weep was the Daring Do episode in season 2 I think. The one wher Dash steals the book.



File: 1712317473156.jpg (41.05 KB, 450x540, 5:6, 894108b0-393a-49d2-9e92-ef….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Huh, it actually does exist on that non-official parody of MLP..
You guys must be really deep into your pony, whether official or not.


I binged watched all of MLP:FiM a few weeks back... or was it last month?


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So anyways, good morning.
I'm planning on cooking some eggs.
I got the good shit with Omega-3.
With a side of green tea.


Got a friend over, playing Metroid.

Enjoy breakfast!


File: 1712322030474.jpg (10.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 98657394834.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It was a hell of a good morning, dude. Holy shit. But now it's time to get back to working.


File: 1712323025158.png (2.82 MB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_20240405_061403.png) ImgOps Google

I logged in to get my daily bonus and got an extra 60 keys. Enough to open 2 rare crates with almost no effort.
Heheh, everything is going right today.


File: 1712336829548.gif (286.48 KB, 300x171, 100:57, rarity130.gif) ImgOps Google

Are you killing them zombies again?


File: 1712337193816.jpg (50.38 KB, 735x738, 245:246, 1708670524515.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Trying to do the Easter eggs.
But I had to postpone it several times due to some errands.


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Well, the day is still long.


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But I need some sleep!


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Oh, I hope you'll sleep well then.


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That is one enthusiastic Scootaloo. I wish I was her.


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Yeah, I haven't felt this enthusiastic in a while either.


I think my trip to visit my friend two days a go, I came back with a cold.
Luckily, I've got over the worst of it last night and recovering. Well, just been sick with phlegm.

I wish there was a more 100% sure-fire way to clear out my throat and nose than just Kleenex tissues. I mean, some of it still slips down and that's what causes me to be sick.


File: 1712428773182.gif (704.22 KB, 640x360, 16:9, dash259.gif) ImgOps Google

I hope you'll be feeling better soon!


I am. I'm at the state of feeling tired often now as well as the sniffles but other than that I am feeling better than I was yesterday.


File: 1712429058150.jpg (35.59 KB, 812x424, 203:106, shy26.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

That's good to hear. Hopefully the sniffles will be gone soon.


Same. I threw up twice today. Was just phlegm though.


File: 1712429161095.png (182.92 KB, 388x575, 388:575, 024.png) ImgOps Google

Gravy in vag. Sucks to be dash.


File: 1712429323134.jpg (65.51 KB, 637x344, 637:344, rarity92.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, I hope you only coughed it up and not literally thew up.

Gravy on the leg!


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Hell nah.


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File: 1712429554205.jpg (71.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, For you.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

For you!
I'll stand my ground.


Nah I threw up. Being sick in the toilet. Even if iut's phlegm than regular vomit.


File: 1712429687295.png (55.1 KB, 382x359, 382:359, dash18.png) ImgOps Google

All on the leg!

Hm, I never had that before.


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If you say so, polychromatic confectionery.
Also, goodnight.


File: 1712429963745.png (282.48 KB, 680x583, 680:583, rarity111.png) ImgOps Google

Good night, I'm pretty tired.


God dammnit! I threw up my dinner! I was hoping it would last long enough in me for digestion but no.


File: 1712463111310.png (144.85 KB, 640x434, 320:217, rarity24.png) ImgOps Google

Good morning.

Sounds like you're still pretty ill.


I'm feeling much better this morning, but let's see how the day goes.


Hopefully better than yesterday!


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Good morning.

Certainly not me!




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I'm totally telling the truth.


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File: 1712576209048.jpg (44.45 KB, 918x521, 918:521, dash462.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

I play Streets of Rage now and then. Game's super hard.


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Of course! We Sega boys play it tough!

Also, ask next time you want to handle another man's pipe.


I still suspect a bit of fibbing on your part.

One of the fe Sega Genesis games I have.


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It's got a two player mode, that's what makes it worth playing.

Maybe a little.


I should binge-play Streets of rage sometime.
I hope more news on the Streets of Rage movie will be announced sooner or later.

Not only that, but Streets of Rage 4, the most recent addition to the franchise, can play up to four players.


You absolute rapscallion!

A Streets of Rage movie? Yeah, why not. Perfectly simple action movie premise, lots of wiggle room for writing, a bit of brand recognition... makes sense to me.


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Streets of Rage 4 was the most playable of the bunch. But I only played it in two player mode, too.

Sorry about that. =P


My two hopes for the movie would be:
* Set in the same world as the Sonic movies, just different time and place.
* It would be nice of they used some sort of camera filter (or the very least use old cameras) that recreates the quality mid'80s-early'90s movies had.

For example, the video game series Double Dragon, not many know it had a movie adaption and I think it's perfect as it is right down to camera quality.

Maybe we play SoR4 sometime?


Eh, the world' more fun with troublemakesr in it.

How do?

I can't say I know enough about Streets of Rage to have many opinions on what a movie should be. But it would be cool.

Oh God, the Double Dragon movie. What a beautiful mess that one is.


I grew up with Streets of Rage 3, and it was crazy difficult, I never got far in it. Then I found out about Bare Knuckle 3 and my roommate and I beat it in one sitting.


I can't say I know enough about Double Dragons to have many opinions on what a movie should be... but I loved the movie for how it encapsulates '80s-'90s American-punk in a graffiti urban setting flavoured with sci-fi dystopia. It both had grim streets but colourful vibrancy. Something I wish a Streets of Rage movie would have... albeit leaning towards such movies as Streets of Fire, The Warriors, Road House, The Night Comes for Us, and the Police Story movies.

Streets of Rage is a challenging beat 'em up series.


Oh man, I aint watched The Warriors in a hot minute.


I think Streets of Fire was also one of the inspirational sources for the Streets of Rage franchise.

Just that '80s-''90s American urban rawness I would like in a Streets of Rage movie.


File: 1712580386529.png (187.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, dash456.png) ImgOps Google

Sure, I got it on the Switch.

Decent, a work meeting keeping me busy.


Oh, I have it on Steam.


File: 1712580528474.gif (240.63 KB, 525x427, 75:61, dash431.gif) ImgOps Google

I get such games always on the Switch so I can play it with friends physically.


Oh yeah, you got real life friends.


File: 1712596750712.jpg (45.69 KB, 500x486, 250:243, rarity9.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, yeah. It's fun playing such games together.


File: 1712600278201.jpg (100.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Posey.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yeah-yeah. Showing off your re-e-eal friends.

"Ooh look at me! I'm Clarity! Look at all my IRL friends!"



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Dude, this isn't even an Easter egg anymore. It's a DLC to a science project wtf


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Good morning.

What's going on there?


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That's how Rarity requests Spike's assistance lol

I was doing the hardest "Easter egg" in the entire game and it's known to be one of the hardest in cod zombies history according to some people. Just trying to make a nuclear weapon, y'know, nothing too difficult. I love how instead of just flat-out killing zombies, the game also really tests your problem solving and memory. Well anyways, I died. But I'll keep trying until I win.


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Just woken up, had weird dream.

I dreamt I was a teenager again, which is actually often appear in all my dreams, so that's rather normal.

I dreamt I was invited to a party, but it wasn't just any party, it was a "Bohemian Grove" sort of party where certain teens and young adults were invited to a mansion to partake in various convention activities related to video games (and mods) and latest toys. The kind of games and toys YouTubers love to review.

I or the other guests were not invited for being rich or elite, we were invited purely on popularity which I found it odd to be invited to such a party because I never regarded myself that popular (both my actual school years and in my own dreams), so I went to this secret party concerned that the fact I haven't had time to wash before going would be an issue. For a party with lots to do, I found it boring, but I was able to enjoy a simulation where everything looked like it was rendered on a fifth generation console.
I think some older Japanese man encouraged me to company a young woman, can't tell if it was a sex soliciting thing or not.

The "following dream" took place the morning after said party, where guests were going to be given leathery parchments where guests were judged from their time at the party and state if they were eligible to be invited next year. A lot of guests who felt just as awkward at the party as I was decided to destroy the mansion the party was held as a sort of rebellion against the elites snobs given we felt somewhat manipulated.

As we destroyed the foundations of the wall, I found the post-party parchments that were going to be sent out to guest. It stated the name of the super-secret Zoomer party, and it's the sponsorship from Pepsi
Some for approval, others denied over their social standings.
Mine said "My odour with appalling, but because everyone liked me and that I had a "retro-personality", that I was neither approved nor denied, but it was my choice whenever to attend the next party" or something like that.


File: 1712672736471.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

That's quite the dream you had there.


Yeah, not my weirdest ones, but I usually have the odd dreams.


I have weird dreams too at times but nothing of that sort.


I like having weird dreams. It's like going on an adventure.


File: 1712674344806.jpg (609.51 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, other36.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Got any plans for the evening?


Dinner, maybe a movie, though currently binge-watching an anime I feel meh about.


File: 1712674551003.png (374.59 KB, 651x511, 93:73, allfr2.png) ImgOps Google

That doesn't sound too exciting, if you find it meh.


One of those "see what the fuss is about" sort of thing.


I haven't watched any series myself in a while.


File: 1712714514331.jpg (72.4 KB, 431x326, 431:326, dash82.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good morning.


File: 1712717239989.png (2.95 MB, 2010x1474, 15:11, 2678316.png) ImgOps Google

Likewise, fruitcake.
This day was a bit hard, but I'm glad I get to relax now.
Also, a friend got me some dark chocolate.


File: 1712717306364.gif (600.81 KB, 280x353, 280:353, rarity154.gif) ImgOps Google

Have you eaten it already?

I got up a bit early this morning.


File: 1712717781161.png (678.8 KB, 814x737, 74:67, 74998183.png) ImgOps Google

A little less than half of it. It's got a lot of saturated fat, so I'll save the rest for later.

I also fixed my sleep schedule, but I kinda miss being a night owl.


File: 1712717871488.jpg (151.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, rarity76.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I usually eat all of it at once!

I'll be sleeping more next night when I don't have to head to the office.


File: 1712718365087.jpeg (53.52 KB, 309x498, 103:166, 8164939.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Wow, what a nerd!

And here's to hoping work gets easier for you. Goodnight.


File: 1712718678557.png (261.71 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rarity89.png) ImgOps Google

Night night, off to work I go!


File: 1712758679878.gif (2.85 MB, 680x322, 340:161, Rarity_icecream.gif) ImgOps Google

>Notice he's gone to work.
Now to eat all his icecream!


File: 1712759725781.jpg (15.93 KB, 200x200, 1:1, wcg0xyUuhTRu8MF-.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Make sure to eat from the same spoon!


Yep, I'm not an uncouth lout.


File: 1712760058722.jpg (175.69 KB, 1080x1206, 60:67, 132834.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Wow, that's lame. I would've enjoyed the idea of you using the same used spoon.


Why use more than one spoon when on an ice cream binge?


File: 1712763890816.gif (92.1 KB, 300x200, 3:2, other17.gif) ImgOps Google


>Hides the empty ice cream tubs.

Hello! Welcome home.


File: 1712765185198.png (74.92 KB, 376x326, 188:163, dash110.png) ImgOps Google

Thanks, how are things?


I'm doing good. Pretty chill day. Though, I seem to have this stubborn tickle in my throat that makes me cough often.


Are you feeling better or still sick?


I'm feeling much better than I was before. My nasal passage still feels like a swamp, though.


File: 1712765734976.png (350.8 KB, 997x584, 997:584, rarity65.png) ImgOps Google

My nose is all clogged up as well, but it usually is.


But other than that, I'm alright.


File: 1712765878500.gif (439.59 KB, 300x300, 1:1, alldr2.gif) ImgOps Google

That's good. Any plans for the evening?


Watch YouTube and watch KimCartoon. But I heard the new Fallout TV series debuts today as if that hits MoviesJoy anytime soon I'll give that a go.


Hope it's good! I'm having a light supper and some coffee.


That's good... from how it sounds, no need for ice cream.
Also, you're out of ice cream.


File: 1712776134906.png (261.71 KB, 700x700, 1:1, rarity89.png) ImgOps Google

I'm totally out of ice cream. It was also too cold for it today. Temperatures dropped by 15 °C.


That's good.
Not like I raided your fridge while you were away.


>Hasnt had ice cream in a hot minute
>Weather finally starting to get remotely springlike around here
Almost... soooooon... soooooooooon....


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You don't have to wait until hot seasons for ice cream.


No, but I prefer to.

Also that's usually when some of the good stuff actually goes on sale so they can rope in suckers like me who need good deals to make the purchase remotely worth it


Ice cream is ice cream for me. Then again it's tough to come by a tub of mint chocolate chip.



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Good morning.

I hadn't even noticed!


That's how sneaky good I am!


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You can say that again.


Nah, once is good enough.


Have a nice day so far?


Yes. I had cake.


Nice; I’m having cake myself right now. :)


I had cake, now I'm watching the new Fallout series.


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Home from the mall now, doing some RPG work.


I forgotten I had plans for a pony RPG on /rp/.
I still dunno what I'm going to do with it.


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Maybe we can continue the RPG with Boat at some time, but he's back at his parents' place again.


That's fine.

The issue I had with my Pony RP is I had ideas for stories to continue from our time with Critical and couldn't really think of anything brand new to start a new from it. And I didn't want to repeat adventures we already had with Critical.


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Gotta think hard and make your own story then!


I was working on one campaign that involved multiple routes.
I never planned an adventure before. My initial thought is to make it a flow-chart in order to take into account players freedom of choice.


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Well, that's one way to do it.


Meh, I could try piecing together the ideas I had for it, but they barely fit.
Or, I could try winging it blind, but I have a feeling that will bite my in the bum harder than I expect it will if I start an RP quarter-gunned.


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But this bitch needs to sleep. Kinda.
I'll be up another hour or so to read some stuff.


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Hi there, all good on your end?


File: 1712899614362.png (659.39 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 11189-2563277537-masterpie….png) ImgOps Google

Yeah, just the usual routines. I'm anticipating an exam sooner or later, so I'm trying to get comfortable.


File: 1712900000709.png (172.01 KB, 550x450, 11:9, rarity90.png) ImgOps Google

What sort?

Don't forget to relax properly.


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A global certification specifically for IT security.

Oh I know how to relax, I'll tell you that!


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I'm glad you do. Now put the cleaver down!


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Can'#t wait to give Falloit: London a go on St. George's day.

As for the new Fallout TV series... I liked it.


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I like that comic you did there. =)


File: 1712944360523.jpg (4.59 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, FoE- The Amazing Aqua Cura….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Thanks, I made two. Both based on Fo:E lore... though I got lazy and used screencaps from Fo3.


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That's also a good one!


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I never got round to reading Fallout: Equestria, but I made a Fo:E version of Epic Mount for it.

I've always been interested in ghouls being a playable race in a Fallout game, perhaps second to a Fallout game set in the UK. That's why I am looking forward to Fo:Lon.


I never read Fallout: Equestria either. I'm a Fallout fan since day one, but that never interested me.


You gonna play Fo:Lon when you can?


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Yeah, most likely.


We'll show you yanks how we do it in our neck of the radiated pond!

Just, mind the gap.


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You hear that now and then at the train stations here.


Kind of the slogan for the Fo4 mod.


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Rarity running? Now that doesn't seem like something a classy mare would do!

I had some weird dreams, but I'm ready for Costco nonetheless.


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What's happening at Costco?


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I got myself a Chicken Bake from the Costco food court. Good stuff!


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It does look nice. Just had breakfast myself.


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It's also one of those rare days that I get bulk gummy bears. Though I'll have you know I'm good with moderation~


File: 1712986109391.png (217.74 KB, 595x425, 7:5, rarityf1.png) ImgOps Google

Gummy bears? I haven't had those in a long time.


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Very tasty! I might get more next year. The bag isn't that big, but I'm strict when it comes to sweets these days.
Anyhow, I'm going to call it a night.


File: 1712986905251.jpg (114.98 KB, 800x800, 1:1, hh41.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Next year? That's too long a break till the next sweets!

Rest well now.


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Check 'em!
I remember that episode! She did all that to try to impress a particular stallion. Love did weird things to her. I also found it hilarious that Applejack showed no interest in the affection that Trenderhoof displayed towards her.


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I guess Trenderhoof really wasn't Applejack's type. Or maybe she's just married to the farm.


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One of the more surprising episodes in my opinion.

Anything on the agenda for today?


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I didn't like it much the first time around, but it got better when I watched it a couple more times.

Not much, just relaxing today really.


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I came around to playing some Garry's Mod today. God that was fun. Now it's just more reading before I sleep.


File: 1713072546054.png (1.04 MB, 1915x1067, 1915:1067, rarity105.png) ImgOps Google

What kind of game did you play in GMod?


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gm_SnowyHut! I'll admit it's not too impressive of a map, but it's very nostalgic and immersive for me.


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What are you doing there?

I think the only ones I ever played where the ones where you're an item and try to hide from people.


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Oh you know, just enjoying the nice solitude. It feels very relaxing and liberating. Sometimes I get bored and use the noclip command on Gmod maps.


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Are you looking for some hidden things?


File: 1713073801312.png (2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2148201.png) ImgOps Google

Nah, it was merely a revisitation. Though it is fun to find some creepy Easter eggs in certain maps. There was a 7eleven nighttime map that had a creepy basement under the store. Well ain't that game fun! It doesn't really hit the same after playing so many times though.


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Spooky easter eggs sound like a fun thing to find.


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Another hot day.


The temperature has become rather intimidating of late.


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This week was really bad. Next week it'll go back to normal luckily.


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Oh boy, yeah, it's getting hotter. Good thing I'm not some poor twat in Nevada so I can crank up the A/C full blast. The hard work does pay off.


File: 1713148033687.jpg (65.51 KB, 637x344, 637:344, rarity92.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Good for you for having an A/C, unfortunatley, that's not really possible here.


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it finally got warm enough to go outside in a T-shirt in my area

although we are supposed to get some snow in the next couple days, so it was short lived :P


I could go with some snow!


Ello peeples


I just got reminded that Will Smith slapping Chris Rock is now over 2 years ago.


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Hello, hello; how are you?

How time is flying!


Eh, okeys. Had my art class. Played some spookies. Decent times all around


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What did you do in arts?

What were you plaing?


Not much. I am mostly just there to give local youths pointers on character sketching. These are the kind that have had rough gos at it in public education for whatever reason and are now given a bit of extra help and free time activities.

Apparently there's a sudden, shadowdropped teaser for a new Bendy game I played, and after that, I played a game called Frightence.
I bought a bunch of lil' spoopy games today cause I have a decent chunk of PayPal cash for a change. So I got The Vampire, Brudge Curse: Road to Salvation and The Cursed Legacy, too. Prolly gonna play me some of those tomorrow.

I do love my indie spookies.


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Arts are always a good valve in that regard I guess. How many students do you have, so to say?

Hm, I don't really know those games. Though I do like a good spooky myself.


Two-to-three there. I am just there every other monday when they are in the store nearby where they have a little computer lab. It's sort of a catch-all workshop class. While I am there teaching drawing, there's someone else gaming, 3D printing, etc.

Like I said, short indie games. I play like, hundreds of those all the time. I loves its.


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Sounds interesting enough. Who is financing those workshops?

How short is short?


Local STU. Basically an organization that offers this help to these young adults / late teens who had trouble for one reason or another. From giving them a bit of extra schooling, helping them find their hobbies, housinhg them, etc

Each of these took me about an hour to play.

I play indie games that are anywhere between 20 minute long little quick stories to a handful of hours (like, 3-5).

I already love horror, and I just find it VERY fun and interesting to see what small teams and single devs do when major companies aren't delivering the spooks.


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Nice, I hope it keeps working out well for you and those students.

Ah, super short ones then. I haven't played any of those in a very long time myself.


Definitely seeing a lot of improvement. Now they just need teachers who are actually good at it unlike me.

S'a lot of fun for me. And I try to make sure I give some nice pointers as a player after.

I may also finally be fiddling with RPGMaker a bit myself and planning to pivot to other engines to tell some 15-20 minute stories myself..


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I had RPG Maker back on the first Playstation. Never got far with it though, hehe.


I once messed around with RPG Maker a long time a go.

Had an idea for a story about two fantasy worlds that connect every thousand years. It wasn't some secret Narnia thing, it was an international celebration called the "Umbilical Event" where the other planets continents can be seen in the sky and a pillar of magic connects both worlds for a while so that people of both worlds may choose to come or go to find new lives on the other world. The protagonist ended up stranded on the other world by accident and wants to find a way back to their world.

I was going to call the adventure "Bi-World", as in an adventure across two worlds. Looking back, the title sounds like a bisexual planet or something. "I rotate both ways!"


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Christ, I'm not really looking towards the summer. I'm not a pool type of person anymore despite owning a pool. Heh, I'm such a dork.


I just don't like how hot it gets.
I mean, my computer alone probably provides enough warmth in my bedroom that I never need the radiator on. So when it comes to hot weather, it just adds to it.

Also, heat rises and my bedroom is two floors up.

While I still got a high-rise bed in my room... I just don't bother sleeping in it any more. It's easier just putting my duvet and pillow on my recliner at night. It's easier that way, given I can have my bedroom fan on while I sleep and it's easier getting out of my bed when I don't have to ascend from a ladder.


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I sometimes wish my computer would provide enough warmth in the winter. The 4060 gpu in the laptop is just too efficient, even on Linux.
My utterly horrible answer to hot and cold temperatures is to just make more money. But I know that doesn't apply to all kinds of people, especially those in Third World countries. Though my experience thus far led me to the conclusion that the majority of individuals can achieve their goal of comfort, given enough stamina and tenacity with some sacrifices. But hey, I hear ice is easy to come around these days. Just try not to follow those generation alpha memes and throw ice on your fan.


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File: 1713238254644.png (210.26 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0A5BF03A-A841-4553-8BB0-16….png) ImgOps Google

Sure, but I'm a bit sleepy now.


File: 1713238960104.gif (1.79 MB, 820x493, 820:493, rarityf3.gif) ImgOps Google

Again? Did you have a nice day?


File: 1713239220074.jpg (142.27 KB, 1280x904, 160:113, redheart_smoking-1.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Well, not quite, but work is exhausting. The cons of trying to achieve higher standards.
Yeah, it was a nice day. Got to play some games and eat good shite. Just trying to relax now.


File: 1713239838679.png (146.84 KB, 640x360, 16:9, rarity29.png) ImgOps Google

You're reaching high with your standards.

I think I'll be having some coffee to start the work day with.


File: 1713240028490.png (3.21 MB, 2560x1968, 160:123, 3326695.png) ImgOps Google

Heh, I better be. Otherwise what's the point.

I might give coffee a shot the next day. Craving something bitter myself as of late. Alright, I hope you have a nice day.


File: 1713240225140.png (126.18 KB, 337x330, 337:330, rarity51.png) ImgOps Google

Thanks, I hope you'll sleep well!


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Lot Sesbian Hex


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I like a good hex.


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I don't know if this is because I have to readjust to the paradigm and if it depends on the course material, but there are aspects of the Python that I find very confusing to work with.


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A Python; where?


File: 1713303931713.jpg (614.73 KB, 800x1098, 400:549, f08.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. It's a bit hard for me, but practice with trial-and-error makes it easier. I sometimes have to take some steps back to refresh my memory and understand the intricate details.
Python, the programming language with lots of versatility among many operating systems.

By the way, I settled for some bitter dark chocolate today instead of coffee.


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Good morning.


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Hm, it's almost time for a new thread.


File: 1713410807318.jpg (322.74 KB, 1053x1920, 351:640, 1d9adabbbb3bd073c58a9023e4….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Lewd Edition when?


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Never! Also, that's not allowed here.


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Welp, I'll just see myself out.
I know, I just wanted to humor the idea.


File: 1713412969493.jpg (46.1 KB, 638x448, 319:224, rarity14.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Hehe. How are you this morning?


File: 1713413166183.jpg (444.62 KB, 1480x2040, 37:51, 8fd0131a9d0_37295511471703….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Just trying to get less exhausted while managing trauma hahah
But I've been enjoying some games to calm me down too.


File: 1713413236324.gif (783.83 KB, 860x580, 43:29, allrar1.gif) ImgOps Google

Is it very exhausting?

What did you play? I started Baldur's Gate 3 myself.


File: 1713413653646.jpg (101.86 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 6392196562.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Yes, and I don't have hope my soul will heal. I'll end up like a glass-eyed pin-up model at best is how I'm feeling... But I'm doing alright!
Gmod and Zombies.


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You were always much too kind, Clarity.


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Got any plans for the evening? Or bed time soon?


File: 1713414991608.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Going to bed in a bit most definitely. I have a large errand tomorrow, but I'm a tad bit hyped to get some extra dough. Also been a while since I helped that particular lady. She acquired some property here in Vegas and makes stacks with the houses she owns. A real player right there. I want to do something similar to that when I get to her age.


File: 1713415236144.jpg (54.43 KB, 772x1034, 386:517, dash27.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Real estate, huh? You have lots of interests when it comes to making money.


File: 1713415618839.png (2.95 MB, 2010x1474, 15:11, 2678316.png) ImgOps Google

Bro, there's like fire in my blood for that shite. If I don't get rich before getting old, I would have failed incredibly. I don't think I'll own a business in the foreseeable future, but I know a whole lot about the stock market now.


File: 1713415645931.png (132.38 KB, 945x945, 1:1, hh23.png) ImgOps Google

Sleep well now!


File: 1713487634146.jpg (536.48 KB, 850x1198, 425:599, 2fdf196d1a4eda0532c02.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

I wanted more than a hundred dollars from that errand. Maybe I should just suck some cock.


File: 1713500288299.png (44.5 KB, 192x214, 96:107, rarity73.png) ImgOps Google

Well, what kind of errand was it?

A hundred buck is usually an hours work.


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I was just paid to provide my opinion and advice for aesthetic purposes and to direct some landscapers. I guess it's alright. I could get some good wine, but I settled for 2 Red Bulls tonight. I'll invest the rest.


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Did you enoy the Red Bulls? I think I never had one before.


File: 1713501956787.jpg (1.85 MB, 1000x1374, 500:687, 49857a9a6f5a7ed878dfb53.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Just one, I'll save the other one for another day. It tastes sweet and sour with a bit of carbonation. It's also one of the healthier carbonated beverages without corn syrup, which is why it's one of my favorites.


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There's not much in those cans though.

I just had my first coffee.


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There might be ninja/s in this thread!


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With guitar cutie mark?


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File: 1713587903836.jpeg (252.14 KB, 1428x1235, 1428:1235, jojjo110110-Ashley-Graves….jpeg) ImgOps Google

I've risen my man.
Fuck I am so worn. I know this is an odd request, but can I have a hug please?


File: 1713588238349.gif (698.23 KB, 245x299, 245:299, hh48.gif) ImgOps Google

One hug coming right up!

Having breakfast myself.


File: 1713588504203.jpeg (76.98 KB, 811x506, 811:506, sennmannkai2929-Ashley-Gr….jpeg) ImgOps Google

Thanks. It's just been a long day.
I'm doing fine now.


File: 1713588859471.gif (352.52 KB, 350x200, 7:4, dash408.gif) ImgOps Google

Maybe drinking your second Red Bull would help!


File: 1713589819334.jpeg (95.9 KB, 1035x1200, 69:80, 8204049.jpeg) ImgOps Google

As if. There's no more, and I won't buy more.


File: 1713590649545.jpg (89.5 KB, 777x598, 777:598, dash304.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Ah well. Is your pool ready for summer?


File: 1713590945653.jpeg (88.81 KB, 670x858, 335:429, 8032537.jpeg) ImgOps Google

I'm always on top of maintenance. But shit dude, I'm not the pool type. I could do scuba diving or whatever you call it. I just hope I don't give the neighbors a free show in my own pool or something y'know.


File: 1713591142967.png (189.96 KB, 868x920, 217:230, rarity168.png) ImgOps Google

Is that why you should put your feet in?

Is the pool that open for view?


File: 1713591590526.jpeg (212.38 KB, 932x1523, 932:1523, 8277493.jpeg) ImgOps Google

I would just prefer to have it for aesthetic purposes is all, my dude.

There's a nice wall around, but it wouldn't be far-fetched for some average kid to jump over and do stuff. In my case, I have sexual trauma and I'm paranoid. I mean, it's a middle class neighborhood, but still. There's even some upper class folk who got their upscale purses or bags stolen and cried like an entitled bitch. High class or not, we're all vulnerable.


File: 1713591742473.gif (663.53 KB, 245x245, 1:1, rarity108.gif) ImgOps Google

Ah, I understand. Well, aesthetics it is then.


File: 1713592253051.gif (282.74 KB, 700x700, 1:1, r7468875327875o.gif) ImgOps Google

That's right. But the way, I'm drinking a latte from Costco.



I'm on the phone btw. Won't use this site on my laptop without a virtual machine. You got some real nerds on the site.


File: 1713592524958.jpg (28.43 KB, 213x211, 213:211, dash206.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Oh, got some pony pics on your phone? Nice, nice.

I just had coffee.


File: 1713592765638.jpeg (109.56 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 8150865.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Yup, saccharine is more used to the pony pics. Cute n all, but I prefer some anime stuff.


File: 1713592811336.jpg (64.48 KB, 996x559, 996:559, bg59.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

What about some dragon pics?


File: 1713593021371.jpeg (163.61 KB, 1132x1094, 566:547, Fuck kinda dress is this.jpeg) ImgOps Google

Nah, I'm good. I'm trying to finish a cod zombies Easter egg tonight.


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Sounds good, I'll be playing Baldur's Gate 3 myself.


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I did it! Goddamn was that hard XD


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Well done!


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Hell yeah! Proud to be part of the 1 percent for achievements in that game. This was also completed on Linux, how about that.


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I wonder what would happen if some day the internet just goes off.


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I'm not too concerned, but you could always try downloading terabytes of stuff and get those large HDDs if you don't mind slow processing speeds. Otherwise you could go for the more expensive SSDs.


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Absolute chaos!


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I heard acid is good for hiding corpses. You'd need a bit of chemistry knowledge though.


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It might be, good thing I don't need such knowledge!

How are you this evening?


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It would chip away at your mind anyways unless you're a hardened individual.

I'm doing fine. Exhausted. Could be better. But all in all, I'm just being a twat trying to enjoy the beautiful evening.. or rather night with some dark chocolate covered mangoes while editing some music.


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Fruits with chocolate, that's something I could never get into.

What sort of music?


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Heh, you should see my gf from many years ago who mixed ketchup and rice.

Some indie electronic music of sorts. I really enjoy toying with the speed and bass.


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Ketchup and rice sounds like a sin! And I like rice a lot, might have some today.


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Don't forget to add ketchup.


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Even as a kid I didn't like ketchup and its intensive taste.


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Ah yes, because you're soo refined.
Truly an individual of culture~


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Hehe, thanks, that's one way to put it.


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So uh, any ideas on what your next thread may be about? I've seen some talk about Diamond Tiara.


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I guess I could make one, even though I have barely any images of the two.


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That'd be quite the surprise. You could also do a Trixie thread too.
Either way, I'll anticipate what's to come.


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I had Trixie on my agenda, I liked her once she became friends with Starlight.


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I always thought she was kinda fun.


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I didn't care much for her when she made her first appearance.



It was still pretty great.
and powerful


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