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i miss all of you very much! It has been a long month of traveling and soul searching... but i feel i have come a long way. i will share some of what i have seen, with all of you too.


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Due to very slow internet, i can only update bit by bit. This photo is from very early. It is Taiwanese fruit! The fruit in Taiwan is very plentiful and delicious!


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There is much seafood! You can buy... anything, really. Including a sunfish eyeball.


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Taiwan is very beautiful! But i know very few of you are interested in Taiwan,though i have much i could share


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did i share sky lanterns last time? Or Jiufen? i cannot even recall!


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If you are interested you can let me know, ok? c:

But... from Taiwan, i went on a short trip also, to Japan.

i took this photo, in Hiroshima. It was a very sobering visit. But i was also in Okinawa prior to this, which was lovely.


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Okinawa prefecture is also called Ryukyu. Ryukyu was a Chinese tributary for a thousand years prior to its forcdd annexation by Japan, and so the people of Okinawa still identify very strongly with Chinese culture despite being a Japanese prefecture -- it is a fascinating place


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Okinawa is known for great seafood and black sugar! It is also known for this lovely treat, the sea grapes!


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it tastes more like sea than grapes c:


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You did not tell me you visited Ecruteak City!


Think I'll pass on that but you enjoy some eyeball..


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wow these are such beautiful pics moony! that's one heck of an adventure <3

i'm extremely interested in Taiwan! please share as much as you want <3

so probably not the best thing to make a PB+J with :PP


God, a whole month already? Well I'm just glad you're having a good job and only ever so slightly jealous to all hell.

Share all you want. All of these are beautiful.


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Nice. I'm glad you're having a good time. Seems like a great way to unwind from your work.


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>But i know very few of you are interested in Taiwan
On the contrary, I'd guess that most are quite interested!  I sure am!


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oh, but i did! That will come in the future posts... but i did literally go to Kyoto too!


>tacklehugs Moony because he missed him so much :c
I was afraid you got abducted by PRC agents!


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That sounds fun. Are you feeling emotionally better? I only know Taiwan from Maplestory. Several maps, like CBD and the train station, were taken directly from real life Taiwan.

Have a Mystery Island picture.


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Neopets content detected.


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Oh. Starfruit


I don't remember Neopets having Sacrificers...


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Oh you poor summer child. That's the old old Neopets. The super racist event were the human islanders would kill the Neopets Staff for the Coconut God.
Not to be confused with the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery, pic related.
Literally me.


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i will share a bit more Taiwan before moving on to Japan then <3

i love Taiwan very much!!

Sometime, esher, you must visit with me

Thank you Lance <3 would you want to go to Taiwan someday too?

Let's all play Neopets together!! Emf do you wish to add me as a neofriend? c:

Maple Story has Taiwan? That is so cool c: do you have any places there you want to see, iara? i can show you?

Starfruit here tastes totally different: it is very, very sweet. It is just not the same in the US!

This is a photo of street food! If Korea is East Asia's pop culture lab, and Japan is the nerd culture lab, then Taiwan is the food culture lab c: many of East Asia's food trends emerge from Taiwan!


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I want to go back to Asia... anywhere in Asia.


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I'm unsure of that myself. Though we could definitely go to Japan sometime in the future. It'd happen around my 30's realistically, I'd wager. My 20's are a critical time to develop as an individual and I want to make sure I cultivate the necessary skills at the moment. But yeah, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun in due time!


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As someone who loves history and Architecture and history the old cities in Japan have a real charm and so much history

Such a miracle many of them survived world war 2

How did you get to Japan to Taiwan anyway? How long does it take?


I mean yeah, I would love that


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I don't play regular Neopets and yeah Maplestory had Taiwan. It was really accurate to the source. Even in the less-flattering aspects lol. Such as enemies being blobs carrying trash near the airport.
I have never really though much aboput traveling. I guess I would love to taste foreign food. Maybe authentic Japanese sushi! I love the cheap supermarket and gas station sushis already, so "real" sushi can only be better.


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It is my understanding that bubble tea came from Taiwan.


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I'm curious about the island, plus my sister in law is from there, so I'll definitely join her for a visit someday.

okay hold the phone. I lived on Okinawa for two years and I never had—
that's probably why

How are you doing, Moony. I know I'm not very present these days, but I often think of you


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i'm loving these pics! it's great to hear from you, moony!



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I just heard about the earthquake... praying that you and your family are safe and sound, Moony.


"Currently, a pair of powerful, massive earthquakes has just occurred. The first one measured a magnitude of 7.5, followed by a 7.4 magnitude aftershock moments later."

"Numerous reports indicate strong to violent shaking, with multiple buildings swaying back and forth. Additionally, multiple buildings have collapsed. Tsunami warnings and sirens have been activated..."


My brother literally just arrived in Taiwan and then this happens!!

He's okay thankfully.

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