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Find yourself chasin' snakes around with not a friend in sight to share a pint with?

Then come on in you legend! have a craic on this St. Paddy's Day with the /pony/ faithful!

we got enough Guiness and corn beef and cabbage for everyone!

And if you find a leprechaun, then we'll count your tab!



ah a classic! i haven't heard that one since last st. paddy's day XD


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Terre brûllée au vent
les landes de pièrres autour des lacs
c'est pour les vivants un peu d'enfer
le Connemara

Des nuages noir qui viennent du nord
colorent la terre, les lacs les rivières
c'est le décor du Connemara

Au printemps suivant le ciel irlandais étais en paix
Maureen a plongé nue dans un lac du Connemarra
Sean Kelly s'est dit "je suis catholique, Maureen aussi"
L'église en granite de Limerick, Maureen a dit "oui".
De Tipperary, Barry-Connelly et de Galway
Ils sont arrivés dans le comté du Connemara
Y avait les Connors, les O'Connolly, les Flaherty du Ring of Kerry
Et de quoi boire trois jours et deux nuits


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a french song about the irish? interesting combination, but i'll take it!

omellete du fromage con potatoes!


>Americans claming and pretending to be Irish as their great great grandads half cousin once drank a guinness

Is there anything more cringe?


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people that shit on others for enjoying a part of their heritage when it doesn't harm anybody

that's fucking cringe bro


Being and taking pride in being a Brit.


feel free to drop in any more music and stuff you'd like to share ^_^


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>Is there anything more cringe?
Englishmen being hostile towards Irish heritage


Happy St. Paddy's Day!



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I myself have Irish heritage. Well, Northern. Ye olde Orangemen.

I just find Americans pretending to be Irish funny


No one cares.


looks like that video doesn't work in the US, so i can't view it unfortunately ://

well if it weren't for the english, there would be a lot less americans claiming irish heritage now.

as somebody with substantial irish heritage in all aspects of my family on both sides, i welcome anyone to be a wee bit irish today!


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WELL... it looks like the biological family ancestry that I thought was Irish for me is actually Scottish, to the point where I've now got specific relatives in Glasgow who've been spotted electronically and recommended for me to maybe contact... hmmmm...

Although, my adoptive family side is Irish-American with an Irish Gaelic surname even...


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I wonder if I should visit sometime...


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don't worry, i won't hold that against you at all!

happy st.paddy's day! come on in and enjoy the celebration <3


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And I'm shocked to be regarded as more Swedish than Finnish, contrary to expectations, but then the ethnic divisions between those two peoples are rather thin historically at times...


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The Welsh connection is probably because I've English ancestors from Somerset... right next door!



I mean, after all, adoption is adoption, and my literal last name is what it is... hah!


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you're still celtic deep down somehwere, and while that may not work for some, it works for me!

there ya go! welcome to the club! and good choice with Clannad <3


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>2 percent Welsh

Bydd cymru fyw am byth!




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since you shared your ancestry stuff, i'll share mine!


One of my all-time favorite bands!

Oh! That's really neat!


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My... great-great-grandmother, I think? Was Irish and came over to England at the time of the potato famine. So I'm, what, 6.25% Irish or something?

I'm also at least 6.25% Welsh. But the remaining 87.5% is English, so I still probably qualify for EDL membership if I want to be racist.


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yup yup! both my parents families are very irish, my dad growing up chicago irish, and my grandfather on my mom's side is from ireland and landed in rochester NY before he joined the navy and moved to california

so i had no doubt at all i would score big in irish. but i was definitely and happily surprised at the scandinavian stuff ^_^

happy st. paddy's day! you're welcome here, as long as you promise NOT to be racist :P


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Fun fact: The visual novel Clannad is named Clannad because the writer saw the name of the band and thought 'clannad' was Gaelic for 'clan' or 'family' or something like that.

It's not. The proper term is 'clann', apparently.

My grandmother is called Patricia because today is her birthday.

Also yeah I'm not going to be racist. Different cultures are cool.


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i kinda love that for Clannad the visual novel! great series, but it's kinda hilarious that the name is a bit of a misnomer XDD

aww that's so sweet! i wish you and your grandmother Patricia a very happy st. paddy's day!

>different cultures are cool!

Amen to that!

at the end of the day, we are all just humans tryin to make the most of what we got! hating eachother is just a waste of time when we can learn to celebrate eachother <3


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Always rather interesting thinking how your ancestors all met up

Like did some random Wlesh tribsman a thousand years ago sneak into England and found a secret lover?


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I think she's kinda ill at the moment but it's nothing serious. My mother brought her cake yesterday.

Yeah I don't get it. Too many people these days are deficient in basic empathy.

According to a copypasta I just remembered, for you to be born you needed a sum of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.

Clearly I am honouring my ancestors by sitting in my bedroom being depressed about Gender.


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aww, i hope she gets well soon :((

and i think that's mostly just an illusion. the extremes of humanity are much more clickbaity worthy, so we get flooded with examples of humanity at it's worst alot. when in reality the vast majority of people are just normal folk goin about their lives, expressing some kindness, some selfishness, but ultimately more pro good than bad. but that doesn't get the viewership , so you aren't as exposed to it

i'd wager most people would be like you and me, see different cultures and all sorts of people as being ultimately good, and i wish good for you as i hope you wish good for me too ^_^


Hey, here's another Irish themed song from an Irish band that I love to pieces!

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