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>Find what seems and sounds like a fun Pokemon romhack
>Check the games guide quickly
>These are the first couple gyms

OH BOY I sure do love CBT


>OH BOY I sure do love CBT


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>That Shuckle.

Man what are you going to even get at Level 13 that can put a dent in that thing? I'd suggest Mawile because of personal bias but Mawile doesn't get a Steel move until level fifty-fucking-four.


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It's not gonna put a dent in anything with that rockslide, though.


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I think the idea is that it has something for every occasion.

Ordinarily it'd rely on using Toxic on every Pokémon and just waiting for everything to die of that, but Poison types can't get poisoned and are weak to Rock.

...there's actually nothing stopping you from poisoning it back, is there? That could work.


Well, Poison is weak against Ground, but not Rock. Rock can hurt both Fire types and Flying types, so it's good for a bug to have it anyway.

> ...there's actually nothing stopping you from poisoning it back, is there? That could work.
I know that Shuckle does have pretty bad HP, so while it has superb defense, it shouldn't take too long to dispatch.

Then again, I don't do competitive.
I' pretty sure your reference is still super on point.

I mosty wanted an excuse to post the Shuckle Contrary comic.


It's got Rest though...

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