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How regularly do you just give people things both online and in person? Do you go to charity-run buildings and hand in materials at times? Do you click through to contact nonprofits using various websites?

I'm curious if anybody has any learning experiences that would be greatly helpful to post publicly: both to educate me and also to educate the rest of us!

<For example, I've won a $3 gift card for 'Dunkin Donuts' that I'd like to send to somebody, but I've had issues creep up since a)there's not one by me and my family currently and b)the PDF states that it won't work outside of America. That's tangential to me wanting to start this thread, though.>


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So is it that you are looking for resources on how to donate or volunteer?


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I've gifted hundreds of dollars to close friends since I'm a good individual deep down. Though it's under the condition that the recipient doesn't reciprocate, ideally.


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ive been gifting friend things and what not. Or helped some random people at gas stations or at stores.

However im not giving churches any money, nor have i ever given money to people that sits down and begging for money.

I have bought stuff from charity auctions or stores ( like humble bundle or groupees.com ( before they got new owners )

Some streamers on twitch ive donated money to as well...

i am no way near a saint, and only supporting people that i A: i either trust
or B: people that i know


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i don't really have enough money to justify giving it to others, which i often feel bad about. if i have some food, i have given food to people before, so i at least do something

i do want to be in a place someday where i can be more generous, but until then, it's very hard to spare something


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I give away quite a bit. Not to my financial ruin, but it's certainly in the realm of thousands of dollars. Helping out friends like recently finishing helping get the money for desktop repair parts, anonymous donations to GoFundMes by local people. I drop a couple hundred bucks on Toys For Tots each year. I donated a similar amount to a fundraiser for getting Ukrainian soldiers body armor and helmets when the wider invasion kicked off.

Just do your due diligence on orgs and most charities make donating pretty simple.

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