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Sure it looks cool.. But why?



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For once I'm not looking at the top of a skyscraper and questioning what the fuck the purpose of this is, what the hell is the bottom of it? Three vaguely video game console shaped sections with a giant wrap-around screen going around the base?


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Well there's supposed to be a hotel and shopping mall in the tower it seems so I would imagine that's what those would be in

Unless they plan to put those at the top of the tower in which case I would be very impressed


When the flyovers have had enough.


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This is almost certainly where the big corporate bad guy lives. Possibly Lex Luthor himself.


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Didn´t "The Towering Inferno" teached us anything?!?


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no matter how tall you make your building, you'll still be in oklahoma...


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I mean, OKC is growing and from the people I talk to on my chefy sites has a very decent food scene. I mean it is no  San Antonio or Austin, but once Salt Lake is full I would bet that OKC is next.


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well i did not know that! that's rather intersting!

i still have no desire to go there, but still very interesting!

also hope you are having a lovley night dawn <3

>hugs <3


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A lot of cities are growing as people from California, New York, and other formerly sought out states are being pushed by living expenses.
I know for a fact that if I was an LA chef I would be looking at SLC or OKC. Normally the go to was Las Vegas but it has really fallen off imo. If I had to guess Wyoming will be a big player in a few years with recent trends.

America in general has amazing food cities that are just overshadowed by sludge for reasons that belong on townhall..
Long and shot I'm happy money is going into a state and I hope there are cool new restaurants.


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that makes a lot of sense, and hopefully with that kidn of influx, things turn for  the better for the cities in question too

and it would be interesting to see how wyoming will change! outside of the tetons and yellowstone, it was basically empty and nothing going on. but now with the rare earth minerals there, it's gonna be a major hotspot for like the first time ever! good for them!

better jump on it while the property is still cheap!


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... so.

You build vertically because real estate is at a premium. You create real estate out of nothing but it is expensive. Building higher = more expensive. This is probably a gimmick to get zoning laws changed for some other purpose. My guess, mostly because this keeps happening, is gambling. "Ooh look at this skyscraper I want to build! If we built it then surely Oklahoma City will become the new epicenter of the US bringing in money and high paying jobs in quantities beyond imagining! But oh no I can't build my skyscraper without the entertainment a high class clientele expects! Oh what ever shall I do? Perhaps we can make a deal? Just a little eminent domain is all it takes to become a true global center of commerce~"

"Ok the skyscraper thing didn't work out, the architect was full of shit by no fault of our own triggering our exit clause on the contract, so we built a slots parlor instead. Thanks for the free land and 10 years of tax exemption, suckers."


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So long as they stay out of Fayetteville. Not because I want to gatekeep, but because people should love themselves enough not to live there.

Oh I meant the dragons are making it Aspen II.
I like my coast too much.

Sadly the actual outcome of it all but optimism hasn't killed me yet.


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hehe, i'd say that's the positive side of gatekeeping! "don't go this way if you value your lives!"


wait there are dragons in wyoming? aww! i didn't see any when i was there!

did see a grizzly bear tho, that was cool! (still mad i haven't seen a moose tho!)


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>The Boardwalk at Bricktown
Ah yes, there's the obvious "we don't actually wanna contribute to the city, we just wanna fill our pockets" meaningless name that correlates exactly 0% to what it is. (No, I'm not counting the casino shit, that's been an Atlantic City only thing for decades. And look at how that went.)

FFS its made out of glass and steel how can you call that place it gets built Bricktown anymore when it's gonna dominate it?

I still say the unbuilt one for Louisville is still by far the most evil-looking one designed.

And unfortunately its coming with gentrification of course. Nashville as of late has been a particularly nasty example. So many 5x1's... so many fucking cheaply, poorly built 5x1's that are already having issues roughly 1 - 2 months after allowing people to move in.

Hit the nail on the head. But you forgot the part where they deliberately omit where said eminent domain is used to demolish historic buildings with character and ties to the local area being deliberately downplayed by giving its address and nothing else so nobody knows what is even getting demolished for it.

Double points if its a early 1900s or earlier building that more than likely can withstand fires, earthquakes and tornadoes far better than any of the plywood newbuilds they continue to make.

Sadly it's occuring everywhere... except Mississippi and Appalachia (sans Gatlinburg and Asheville regions). Because obvious reasons.


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Aaah I'm looking into this. The company developing Bricktown already has around $200M in funding from the city for a project that looks like the weird xbox thing at the base.

Looking at negotiation reports from last year, it seems like this project already uses up all of the available TIF financing in the district which negotiators from the developer's coalition suggest that this project will completely deplete their funding and will be totally untenable without assistance.

This is probably something you could spend hours pouring into, but suffice to say that looking at past controversies involving this very same project the skyscraper feels more like a smokescreen. A lazy guess on my part is that they want to set up another development somewhere else but they're concerned that all of the news about them is about how they have no money and need tons of government assistance. If you google anything now all the news is about how they're building the biggest skyscraper.

I looked for a few minutes and this was the most thorough source I found.



Lived and Knox and watched it start there once Nashville was oversaturated.

I'm out of the worst but I work hospitality so it follows me.
I'm not really sure where to go at this point.

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