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It's been taking getting some used to trying to visit an imageboard site daily again. I'm not one who usually is able to stick to schedules at all, so it's still a bit of a chore. Heck I keep forgetting my own tripcode at times.

How do y'all manage to do it still in 2024?


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Case in point, I can be seen forgetting my trip again here.



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I don't really close it at all, so I just have a bunch of tabs permanently open until I absent mindedly click over here to read stuff.


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Hello there. Welcome.
As for myself, I come on whenever I want. I don't feel obligated to stick around and be stressed about it in some way.


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I literally just keep a tab open always and check it as I do my rounds to different sites I have open.

I often forget about it for hours at a time, but its always open and there, so I end up checking at least once a day most of the time

i also dont use a tripcode anymore so that helps with that part lol

To be honest though I dont really feel like imageboards have much use to me anymore. I dont really care about it as much as I used to. I just stick around to see specific people on occasion. otherwise nothing tends to really interest me here anymore


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I mean the problem is... I kinda have already over 3000+ tabs open on my phone.

Imageboards don't really have a use to me either, but there's just something both nostalgic yet preferrable about using one still to me.

Mainly just being able to use reaction images properly I guess, having emotions come across easier.

Shit was so much more simple when people didn't have to guess what your emotion and tone was when an image could help without being seen as "spam" due to how imageboards can be laid out.

That's kinda the thing. With message apps I feel more obligated to come on and visible at all times. With here? No need to worry about that.

god i wish that box were me


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I just turn up when I remember to and contribute what I can. This isn't 2011 /oat/, you can do other stuff and not miss much.

Also mood about the tripcode. I could dig out my new(er) one, I know where it is, but I'm lazy so I'm using my old(er) one because I have it memorised.


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I visit imageboards daily, but I don't do it as a matter of conscious habit the same way that I take my daily medications or something like that.

I guess you just have to try to play down your internal OCD instincts and make things feel less and less like an obligation in your mind.


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1. my friends are here!

2. there's stuff you can do on image boards you can't do in other venues

3. it's either this or twitter/reddit, and i much prefer the vibes here <3


>Shit was so much more simple when people didn't have to guess what your emotion and tone was when an image could help without being seen as "spam" due to how imageboards can be laid out.

I'm not sure i follow up. Has something changed abotu imageboards or where people flock or what??


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on pc having four screens, one screen is tilted 90 degrees that´s ONLY for forums, image boards, and comics. ( . CBR format)

it´s a long history with imageboard posting. and this is my second / third home ( have to include work in this )

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