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Where is Moony? It's been 2 weeks since he posted. I really hope something hasn't happened to him over on his Taiwan trip.


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I mean, you kind of answered your own question, didn't you?  He's in Taiwan.  Probably doing Taiwan stuff.

There is always that concern, though.  Like if something happened, would we ever find out?

Pretty sure he's fine, though.


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I'm sure he's ok. I think he mentioned one of his family members died recently so prehaps he's just taking a break.


He good
trust me bro


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He's eating tasty food in Okinawa now afaik


Moony's fine. I heard from him on Discord like a day ago. Just busy being on a trip is all.

>If something happened, would we ever find out
Don't remind me.


I miss that island. It's quite beautiful. I shall return someday


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>tight hugs

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