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Do you follow anything put out by vTubers?

What about watching and participating in multi-hour streams?

Or are you not interested at all? I'm curious! Maybe you've no opinion on them?


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There are a few I think are ok. I do think there are a lot of horny and loli bat tubers though which I'm not fond of

End of the day though they at least put in some effort unlike some Youtubers and "reactions" and the like so I can respect that


I mostly watch Vinny vinesauce's streams on youtube afterwards.

Being a full-time employed employee in Europe doesn't allow me to just watch livestreams all that much.

I think with the few streamers and youtubers I watch, despite that i think V Tubers can be fun, I can't find the time to transition.

Famous Vtubers like gawr gura or Inugami Korone do seem to have some fun things going on.


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I don't really do anything in regards to vTubers.  Sometimes I do watch recordings of streams from people, but never live.


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oh i watch a lot of vtubers! i'm pretty flexible but some that i watch more than others include Fuwamoco, Fauna, Trickiwi, Buffpup, Chibidoki, and Shylily

oh and Henya!


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I pretty much just stick to the streamers and youtubers I've already been watching, like Jerma (less now that he's 'retired'), DougDoug, and Northernlion for gaming type content

I don't dislike vtubers but I'm just not interested in that much of what they do, but if I ever can't find something else to watch I check out what they're doing sometimes

I never watch anyone live, though. Just VODs.

Honestly, though, I just don't really like supporting the industry. It's not like it's unique in it's issues, but is pretty public about them in ways that other industries aren't.



Nah. Its something for Gen-Z and Alpha.


I want to share this as well since it's also funny:



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I think Vtubers are a good idea. I kind of want to get an avatar and work on my voice and get around to doing some Vtubing myself. I get the appeal of pretending to be a cute anime girl online and using that disconnect between the online world and real life to express myself more openly.

My problem with Vtubers is that most of the big ones are corporate. They do this stuff for profit. They have monetary backing from investors in the background and in the end they're beholden to them. Everything they do is controlled. They can be picked up and discarded on a whim.

And most big Vtuber companies are Japanese companies who treat them like idols. If you don't know about idol culture, the bottom line is that you don't want your culture to be like idol culture. It's incredibly unfair on the performers.

Also a lot of the stuff they do that isn't actively livestreaming video games feels like it's made for people who aren't me. I don't really care if they got flashy new 3D models or want to see them read superchats for 50 years and frankly the entire concept of members-only streams pisses me the fuck off. It all means I don't engage with them as much as I probably should, because I feel like an outsider.

Anyway look at this fucking dog. She says funny Engrish and her boobs are big. Five stars.


I absolutely love the idea of becoming a VTuber myself in terms of letting the "true self" out completely, disregarding a lot of my severe issues with my current body and general appearance (although, honestly, I think my voice with only a slight bit of tweaking might work) using technology! It seems so affirming!


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I might've already tried but Vtuber rigs are prohibitively expensive.

I could try PNGtubing first, I guess, but even then I'd need a good PNG and a girl-passing voice.


Yeah... it's kind of one of the countless things that I'd really like to have but can't afford right now myself as well...


>then I'd need a good PNG and a girl-passing voice.
I'm guessing that AI might do both of those?


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A good voice filter would probably do the girl-passing voice, but that feels disingenuous.

Also AI art comes with a bunch of moral quandries and I'd rather not touch those with a ten foot pole? I don't like drama.


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i would love to have a vtuber model as well. i already have a channel with a character that would fit it perfectly

how does one create a vtube character? i already have experience in illustration and animation, so i feel like it may not be too much of a stretch to implement that into creating vtube models

how does one start that?


>start that?
What's the right way to start any of this? I don't know either! And, Noelle, I'd really like to know also!


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I was a vtuber before and I may be again in the future.

Getting started is relatively easy.

You need to make an avatar, which you can do with VRoid Studio, which has been much improved since when I first made my avatar. You can also work on it with your own art, you may want to look into the Live2D program and learn about how to make art that works with it.

After that it's pretty much the same as normal streaming, except you need a separate program to have your camera track your face through your webcam to be matched with your model. The main program used for this is VSeeFace. Then you need OBS and that's about it. You start streaming like normal after that.

< my vtuber model from back in the day


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aww i love them! sharp teeth are always a plus <3

and this sounds pretty accessable overall! it would be fun to make one and then do art streams or plays some video games ^_^

thank you roxie <3

roxie is our resident vtuber expert!


I wonder how amazing currently avatars have become.

I do feel that most Vtubers I have seen, as good as they look as a cartoon character, their puppets still lack proper expressions.
their characters still sway around as if they're in a trance not really matching up with the emotions presented.


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From what I've seen streaming is a brutal career. The successful indies I've seen all seem very burned out. They don't keep going for these hyper toxic corporations out of ignorance or naivety that's for sure.

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