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File: 1709869375157.jpeg (137.93 KB, 1170x851, 1170:851, GIGSmFYWsAApuTM.jpeg) ImgOps Google

How are the roads where you live? Many potholes?


File: 1709869921906.png (17.45 KB, 607x597, 607:597, 144109__safe_rule-63_artis….png) ImgOps Google

We just spent a lot of time and effort repaving our roads and rebuilding bridges, so no, our roads are pretty great for once.  There wasn't even much in the way of snow or ice this year to fuck it up again.


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The fake "City of Kenosha" page does not contain the word "Pothole", therefore the inference would be for a different kind of hole.


File: 1709870851008.jpg (27.65 KB, 467x477, 467:477, GETX52DWIAAm-T7.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

we have a billion potholes, and they are all on my street


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My dude


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There are so many potholes.. so if they added some few more. the road would have been smoooth!


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Not to get political or anything but..


(At least they make good waffles)


File: 1709913618597.png (196.74 KB, 416x405, 416:405, a brony!.png) ImgOps Google

Never speak French to someone in Flanders and never speak Dutch to someone in Wallonia.

People will hurt you over this.

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