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So the movie is finally finished.

I have now seen it. I enjoyed it greatly. I have nits I could pick for sure, but as an adaptation I am very pleased. It did an admirable job attempting to depict the themes Frank Herbert was going for in my opinion.

Anyway, I didn't see a thread for it yet so I'm making it. Discuss away if you care at all about the movie or books.


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Never heard of it, but I looked up the trailer and it seems like an adorable and heartwarming movie.


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Never heard of the books or this adaptation in particular?


I have some thoughts on the movie.

I can't believe they literally did the Life of Brian bit but then in all the hours of runtime both parts have together nobody said "how y'all Dune"


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He's so humble.



- Now listen here, I'm not the messiah!
- "Now Lisan here"...? Oh! I get it!


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But of course, he's testing us! Praise be to Lisan al Gaib!



As is proper. How can we be trusted with such a complex thing as Prophecy if we can't understand what's straightforwardly said directly to our faces?

"Messiah" is not his name, it's Lisan al Gaib, and he's here with us now! Praise be to Lisan al Gaib!

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