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Rate my Pokemon team /pony/


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When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that Moraday~


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Very good

Pretty sure it and it's name is also meant to be a pun on faraday cages too

I mean it's ground/electric and it's Pokedex goes on about electric currents coursing around inside it

And you know.. Moraday



What song do we think the ghost panda is playing on it's bamboo flute? I'm thinking..


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Just a small selection of some of my favorite sprites from this romhack

And yes, that is a taco.


why do romhackmons have so much soul


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It's pretty kino. There's even a Twitter page which is ran by one of the designers whos explaining many of the Pokemons designs



What are these abominations.


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Abominations? How dare you that's  Blasphermy!


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This is Blasphermy! This is madness!


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He's just a lil fella

just a little guy

just a smol bean

just a short king

Seriously though how do Pokemon this small even work? Like hows this thing gonna take on a Wailord?


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Also check these stats

Poor little guy is gonna die if someone breaths on him

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