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The finale of Djesse finally came out yesterday, and I can't stop listening to it.

I need someone else to understand just how amazing this music is.

Just listen to this one. The harmonies and runs are absolutely insane, especially at the end.

Please, I need someone who understands how crazy these songs are.


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Very soothing and calming, yeah.
Sounds like something I'd play around Xmas.
To be frank, I don't believe I've heard of Jacob Collier before though.


I'll put it this way. I'm a person who doesn't really care for most artists or albums. At most, I'll enjoy one or two tracks from a single person/group.

But everything Jacob makes is incredible.

He's a music nerd's music nerd. Experimenting with theory, technique, and so on. Every genre he touches turns to gold.


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Nice quads.
Alrighty. I'll take your word for it.
Always up for some great music myself from a seemingly good artist of sorts.
I'll look more into it.



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