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Just wanted to wish everyone a happy St. David's Day

Make sure to practice your Welsh today!

bwyta fy bun i ti budr ho


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Okay, but like, what has St. David done for me lately?


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I realize that this is an important event over there across the Atlantic, but I'm not able to process photographs such as these and have them make sense in my mind TBH


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Well there was the time he.. uh.. made a hill

(No really)



Are you mocking the ancient and holy tradition of dressing as a dafodil?


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So I looked up this Saint Davids chap and he had some interesting miracles and stories in his life.


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Well according to my dna test thing, i have 11% welsh DNA. so happy St.David's day!

honestly i'm mostly here for the red dragon tho, cause that thing is AWESOME!


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Easily one of the best country flags


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This chat inspired me to double-check something...

And, yes, I can confirm that I've a multiple great-grandfather from a certain ancestral line that brings my personal heritage back specifically to Somerset in South West England. Family being born there centuries ago. And it seems like there's possibly still distant relatives of mine all around those pastoral locations. Which is neat.

This doesn't make me "Welsh" per se, of course, since there's the Bristol Channel in the way there between there and Wales. Yet I hadn't realized that I'm (partly) English-American in this very specific way that's kind of right next door to the south of Wales, which in my mind had always felt more distant-ish. And all this also means that, after double-checking, I can see that I've a cool ancestral flag too:



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Honestly lots of the county flags are pretty neat.

Should out to Buckinghamshire for big a big angry swan

Except Rutland I don't get what they were going for. Modern art?


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You do get a pretty neat bridge between Bristol and Wales mind, the Severn Bridge

One I have been across


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I like those fancy flags!


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They're all counties. Each part of the UK has it's own country which has it's own MP (member of Parliment) representing it in Goverment and is run by a local goverement.

Keep in mind that counties have often changed and shifted over the years and decades and some don't even exist anymore

Like Cumberland, Herefordshire, Rutland, Westmorland and Worcestershire none of which exist any more


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In terms of population the largest county is of course Greater London with a population of 8.9 million

However the smallest is Rutland with a population of just 42,000


Even towns in UK have flags.
I live in a small-medium size seaside town and it has it's own flag... though I haven't seen an actual raised flag of it, just found out about it on Wikipedia.


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Yorkshire represent.

I were s'posed t'wear a flat cap an' go dahn t'pit and talk like this like all my fellow countymen but Margaret Thatcher closed all the coal mines so now I'm a girl. At least that's my excuse.


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Does Nottinghampshire really have Robin Hood in its coat of arms?

It's the same here, but they aren't that fun.


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Robin Hood and his band of outlaws are supposed to have operated out of the forest near Nottingham, not to be confused with Nottingham Forest, which is a football club.

So yeah.

No idea about the rest though. What's with Worcestershire and the three pears?


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Why yes, yes it does


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Interestingly the Flag of Worcestershire is rather new. Most other flags are hundreds of years old but Worcestershire did not have an official one until 2013.

If you read the Wikipedia page there is some history based on pears in the area

As DJ khalid once said

"I eat pears and shit like that"



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The aforementioned flag looks exceptionally neat when actually used outdoors, in my opinion:


Not just a dragon! But a dragon poised: about to attack you!

Yeah, many of them are superb!

This is correct!


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Somerset is honestly a pretty place. Also where most of the UKs cider is made


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Endless rolling hills of green..


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Cymru am byth!  Ryn ni yma o hyd!


Yma o hyd — still here!



I feel like I should also say something to represent my Irish line of ancestors too, though, in such a U.K. themed thread.

Ahhhh... hmmmmm...


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Hey, Northern Ireland is a part of the UK with it's own counties and flags..

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