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Given how many individuals on this website have a background in dealing with personal trauma and related things, such as anxiety, has anybody else looked into mushroom healthcare?

There's a neat story at: https://www.npr.org/2024/02/28/1234012939/in-oregon-psilocybin-treatment-is-an-experiment-in-real-time

In general, what about just growing and/or finding mushrooms for any reason at all?


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>has anybody else looked into mushroom healthcare?
I've heard of it, but no, not really.
>In general, what about just growing and/or finding mushrooms for any reason at all?
I don't see the appeal of doing that.

I do wish the mental health system was better in my country, I'll say that. It feels like the majority of those working in that field are there mostly for profit rather than helping people in need of treatment. Though I have met at least a few nice people along the way with true dedication in their eyes. Even if the pay may be a bit meager. In this day and age, I've learned true growth comes from within, and I do have the capability to improve on myself without outside intervention.


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I don't trust myself with hallucinogens. At all. I already have nightmares pretty much every time I sleep, I don't need that overriding my conscious mind. The only reason I'd ever take them is as a last resort and at the direction of my doctor and under supervision. From my understanding, bad trips can be triggered by a negative emotional state which is basically constant for me, I just manage it.

If it can help other people that's fine. It doesn't seem advisable for me.


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I've thought about it, but I am pretty sure at this point a lot of my current mental health issues are directly caused by stressors in my life outside my mind. I mean I wouldn't mind trying it with an experienced trip sitter or the supervision of a trained psychedlics therapist (if something like that even exists).

Cannabis works well enough for me to have a sort of chemically forced bit of introspection and psychological insight, talking with mysubconscious is easiest when it's only a bit louder in my head. I always imagined that something stronger like LSD or Psilocybin would make that more intense and well ... given my history of trauma I wouldn't want to trigger something like a flashback that's intensified by the psychedelic, so a totally controlled environment would be crucial for me.


ill stick with infected mushrooms. thank  you very much!


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Nah I'm in the school of FUNghi.

It's also funny how fly amanita is the iconic toxic mushroom when you can just take 2 easy prep steps.


I'm making Portobello mushroom burgers for dinner.



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ChatGPT-4 says:
Mushrooms have been gaining attention for their potential benefits in mental health care, particularly certain types that contain psychoactive compounds. Here's an overview of how mushrooms might be beneficial for mental health:

### Psychedelic Mushrooms (Psilocybin)
- **Depression**: Clinical studies have shown that psilocybin, the active compound in psychedelic mushrooms, can significantly reduce depression symptoms in individuals for whom traditional treatments haven't worked. Its effects can be rapid and last longer than conventional treatments.
- **Anxiety**: Psilocybin has also been studied for its potential to alleviate anxiety, especially in life-threatening conditions like cancer, providing a sense of peace and existential reassurance.
- **PTSD**: While more research is needed, preliminary studies suggest that psilocybin and other psychedelics could help treat PTSD by enabling users to process traumatic memories in a therapeutic setting.

### Non-psychoactive Mushrooms
- **Lion's Mane**: This mushroom is known for its potential neuroprotective properties. It's believed to support brain health by stimulating the production of nerve growth factors, potentially improving cognition and possibly alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- **Reishi**: Often referred to as the “mushroom of immortality,” Reishi can have a calming effect, potentially helping to manage stress and improve sleep quality.
- **Cordyceps**: This mushroom is known for its energy-boosting properties and may indirectly support mental health by improving stamina and reducing fatigue.

### Considerations
- **Legality and Safety**: Psychedelic mushrooms are illegal in many places and should not be used without legal sanction and professional guidance. Non-psychoactive mushrooms can generally be used more freely but should be sourced responsibly to avoid contamination.
- **Research**: The field of psychedelics for mental health is still in the early stages, with ongoing research needed to fully understand the implications, benefits, and risks.

### Conclusion
The potential of mushrooms to aid in mental health care is an exciting area of research that could offer new therapies for challenging conditions. However, it's important to approach this field with caution, respect for legal boundaries, and a focus on safety and evidence-based practice.


I would broadly agree with this mental framework of thinking about the issue, and the commentary as well as the data itself is in line with my previous thinking.

Specifically, the analysis here is helpful:
>"People vary vastly in terms of how important psychedelic use is to them, and psychedelic use seems extremely important to some people, to the point where they wouldn’t trade their ability to use these drugs for many times their net worth. Overall, it seems to me like both doing and not doing psychedelics is a high-stakes choice."


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I'm not gonna risk becoming a Matango just to temporarily feel better in bursts that pale in comparison to the majority of my awake time which is the madness of monotony and paranoia.


I've also thought about it, and I think the treatment would be useful for me in the context of what if all of the lower hierarchy of needs were met, which gives me a chance to achieve personal progress beyond just surviving to exist another month. I'd consider it a part of general medical development right alongside gender transitioning and medication management for different pre-existing conditions. Of course, if you're in life circumstances of becoming homeless, being unable to safely walk outdoors at night, not having access to stockpiles of food, et cetera any kind of medicine (including mushroom related therapies) won't help you with that.

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