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Well it's slowly starting to get nice and warm, or in some cases it seems the warm and cold are now being flicked on and off like a lightswitch rave.

Either way, the winter is certainly coming to and end, and with that the warmth and bright days of spring and summer are soon to come. Already I can see people eager to greet the change of seasons with getting up and about this weekend.

So before we go out and really ramp up starting the fun of the sun, let's take a moment to energize with a warm drink of whatever gets you excited and talk about anything on our minds.
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This makes sense. In a lucid dream whatever bits of your brain which are responsible for recognizing dream nonsense for what it is function now, when normally they would be off. Also people don't generally remember their dreams, so if you do, then the bit for transcribing things into memory must also be on when it would otherwise have been off. We can go down the items here but the bottom line is a lucid dream must be one in which you're partially awake, and a nightmare will get you to "partially awake" (and beyond, if it keeps going) like nothing else.


Hmm,I could give it a shot. I seem to have a lot harder time, personally, trying to be lucid in  nightmares than in regular dreams. The last nightmare I had, it was one of those dream,'wake up', dream starts happening in 'waking life' scenarios. I actually distinctly remember pinching myself in the dream to see if I was awake, and it freakin hurt, so it just convinced me all the more that what was happening was real. Then when I finally did wake up, I texted my girlfriend because I was freaked out XD

She ended up calling me to tell me, yes, I was actually awake now haha.


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Coffee refresh


And here's the late game. It's still gotten way easy, but it's nowhere near what I remember from my last run. The balance is still pretty wack in this game though.


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Coffee refresh




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Coffee refresh


Actually productive for a damn change refresh


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Coffee refresh

That's awesome!


Random mildly interesting fact of the day.

The word "sushi" is phonetically very similar to the Polish word "suszy", to the point where any difference is just a matter of pronouncing it funny. Used just like that, with no other words around it, "suszy" roughly translates to "I am parched for an alcoholic beverage".


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Coffee refresh


ohei a sirkit has made an appear


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Hey! It's an early Eshie


More like an "actually sitting at my PC working on some stuff" Eshie.

How do


I do okay. Just at work. I finished some practice art and now trying to figure out what I want to draw with the prompts given


Always good. I did some art teaching myself and edited a podcast episode just now for my part of today.


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Ooo awesome. Finally figured out what I want to do, now to push myself in perspective


Sweet, get to it! Do the things!


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Working on it. Yeesh hard annoying


Perspective aint easy. And sometimes, even when you're doing it correctly, it still looks wonky to you. But it's worth learning.

....I say as if I have ever done decent perspective or a remotely acceptable background


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Why does the hoof arm look wrong?!?!

Yeah you're not wrong


I wouldn't know since i can't see the pic. But yep, welcome to perspective.


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Nothing really seems particularly wrong about this


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Honestly the right hoof to face feels off, but maybe I just needed to walk away a bit


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Coffee refresh


Green tkemali > red tkemali


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Ooo it does look delicious



Oh yeah. The green version is like a Georgian version of the Mexican variant of salsa verde, which leans less into sourness and heat and more into herb and spice. It's very good.

The red version... I'm not sold on. It's way too "pickled plum". Both versions (also yellow) are worth a try if you ever stumble upon them though.


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I'll definitely have to, though I might try red as well just to see what the spice is like



Oh the color doesn't have anything to do with spiciness. Tkemali is made of plums (it's not that weird, consider ketchup - tomato is a fruit, we just happen to use it like a vegetable). The color of the sauce mostly comes from the ripeness of the plums. Basically unripe plums, green. Fully ripe, red. Somewhere inbetween, yellow.


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Ah, so like banana sauce. Still I'm intrigued and curious.



You know, I had that and it just tasted like ketchup.

It didn't have the texture of ketchup mind you, but it DID have the color!


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I'll drink to that


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Late coffee refresh


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*offers cookies*


*Sad gamer horse noises*


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Tired Tiredly noms

*pat pat*


I have big gaming sad


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Coffee refresh


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Just tired and scattered, though had a grump with my art practice too


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and i forgot i posted here... im such a shitty friend...

oh dear. sounds like you are in need of an relaxing weekend ASAP


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It's okay, I'm at work and bouncing around anyway.

No worries. I'm all ready for that. How about you?


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hope you bouncing safely tho!
*offers coffee and cookies*

i was having plans of garden work and what not since spring is here *YOINK" we getting snow tomorrow... yey.

so going to work on my ford. swap 8 tires and fix three sets of summer tires onto rims.

ow about you, been a short minute


So, Everhood.

It's pretty good!


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The clay animation point n click adventure game?!


That's Neverhood.


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Ah right... my bads



Nope, that's Neverhood. And it was pretty good too.

This is Everhood. "What if Undertale-style game but the bullet hell fights were based on rhytm games and the main theme was about immortality being bad for the soul"

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