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I haven't made a thread in forever and I'm too unoriginal to come up with something interesting. So AMA about my job if you are curious or about other things or just hang out or whatever, idc.
231 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Aldrig! Find din egen gammel!


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Beholder alle de gammel for din selv, wow! Wow! Hvordan skal jeg spise min spaghetti med ketchup uden en gammel?

<Mit ansigt når ingen gammel


>Behold al din gammel
Behold alle de gamle*

Or, if you were saying "gaffel" and just substituting the Fs for further Ms, it would be "Behold alle dine gamler for dig selv!"

>Mit ansigt når
We would usually just say "mig når" or, if we MUST include "face", the less formal"mit fjæs når"...


Jeg kan ikke udtale et eneste ord på dansk.


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I really debated saying gamler! Maybe I should have been more confident in my fake word goofing skills! I know alle de wasn't conjugated correctly to gammel, that was a deliberate choice to make it sound stupider.

Though I was trying to do beholder correctly. Behold would make it a command, right? I wanted it to stand as a statement of what you were doing. "Keeping all the old for yourself, wow".

You should tell that to Grandil, I was just copying some time he said mit ansigt når. Maybe he was dumbing down Danish meme culture for me

Nobody knows how to pronounce the language, not even Danes.


I feel like most Europeans don't know how to properly pronounce their own native language, with this being a "language history is so damned complicated that normal dudes can't make it make easy sense" thing that's pretty relatable.

[Edit] My background is in studying chemistry from an academic perspective, and it's not like I'm going to necessarily remember that easily something like: "How do you spell and pronounce 'azeotrope'? What is this devil speak?"


Maybe, i dunno. But it's a meme with the Danish language.

<Obligatory kamelåså



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What would be your reaction if you were a reviewer on a pull request for this piece of code?

Personally, I find myself tending to agree with: https://twitter.com/miketheme5/status/1765190527396569254


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If anyone is curious, I just got back my 2023 performance evaluation and was given a Greatly Exceeds Expectations. That was nice

Considering the code is completely unmaintainable, I would kick it back to them to try again. I like the guy on Twitter saying it's "superhuman code", if he thinks that's what superhuman looks like, I have some Regex I've written to show him haha


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oh yeah? well i drew a gibbon picking it's noes! so who's winning now?

seriously tho, that is awesome! you truly are the best code monkey friend ever <3

did they have any other notes for you?


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You're definitely winning at art!

Ironically I wrote almost no code last year haha

They said my area of improvement was to "focus on focusing". Basically I was doing way too much stuff and if I did less stuff I could do the fewer things even better. Which is pretty fair advice, I worked on a massive number of things and all of them suffered a little bit from how pulled apart I was.


Oh shiiiit lookit you rockin it


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the gibbon can move it's arm and pick it's nose! it's the peak of animation!

i love that you get a great performance review becuase you specifically did less things

i want to be praised for not doing things as much!


Why exactly are you drawing nose picking monkeys

Did you get hired to make NFTs?


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it's for children's educational purposes!


Ah yes

For the essential skill that is booger picking


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Well I'm getting paid for it, so I'll teach em a lesson they won't soon forget!


Children's educational NFTs?


Go get those monkey booger dollars!



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i don't know if that would teach the kids, but the parents would learn a quick lesson in financial mistakes


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>Greatly Exceeds Expectations

>Considering the code is completely unmaintainable, I would kick it back to them to try again.
Same here.


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Hey, this is something I can probably mention on the topic.
I got myzelf this year some little time and plenty of resources to learn some IT stuff.

And I am curious, what would nowadays be the best thing to spend that time on?

like, in IT there's so much to learn and there's only so little time.


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Can't remember if you're my friend who works in a bio lab or is a software developer


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Hmmm, depends what your goal is. Are you looking into making your job easier or finding a new role or what? Is this time you have at work or at home?



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aww are you saying that meta is not making cyborgs that can create babies with preinstalled facebook on them?


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I can probably use the skill to create automation tasks.
Though, I do like to have general knowledge on languages as well.

I went through some rigourous JS already.

Now I'm thinking either to branch out with Python or something, or attempt a compiled language, like C#.
Or perhaps try something like typescript on top of js.

Or perhaps deepen the knowledge by focusing on specific frameworks like React or Angular or something.

I am basically waiting for a next project to start, so I can be active full time again.

I also got that Rust and Webassembly are a relatively new hit in the IT landscape.


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> Can't remember if you're my friend who works in a bio lab
hope Wheat's managing fine nowadays


Sorry, no Miniom Meme-spamming sex bots for you.


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I cannot confirm or deny that!

Considering all I do is write documents nowadays I hate to say but I'm probably not a good person to ask! In all the technologies you listed I have only the tiniest experience in Python. People say Python is pretty cool so that would be my recommendation


>Cannot confirm or deny
But what about the previously mentioned Minion Meme sex bots?

You can't hide the truth forever, Zuckerberg shill!!


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Learn Nim.

I love it. It disappoints though because without the same level of investment as other langs, it won't receive the same level of acceptance.


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Ah okay. You sent me that encryption book. And started the skeleton for that app I was going to learn to code. I can't believe I never got started on that. Executive dysfunction is a real productivity killer.

Um. Questions...

Is there a program or software you were really excited about but for whatever reason never got to finish?


Why do you work at meta?


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I'm not a leaker! I know you're very enthusiastic, but you'll have to wait to find out more after you buy your Meta minion meme sex bot

I was making a tactics RPG on my ti-89 back in high school but it was kinda too big a project for a graphics calculator. I still have that calculator so I wonder if I could find a copy of that, hmmm

They were the only people willing to pay me of everyone I interviewed at


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what is your favorite easter candy?


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>I'm not a leaker!
I knew making questions would be hard.


Aw, and here I was hoping to get my whistle blown.


Quick! You've been given a baby dragon fresh out of the egg. You don't know anything about this particular type of dragon, only that  it needs food within the next twenty minutes or it could possibly perish!

What's the first thing you attempt to feed it?


> I am in charge of security and stability of login

I don't think we know each other (either here, since I only check in rarely, or otherwise), but there's a couple of things I could do with talking with someone with around login internally (I'm a SWE at Meta myself). Small world!


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Starbursts. Mmmmm I don't think it's specifically Easter but I would always get some on Easter as a kid.

I would only blow the whistle for my super special somepony!

Probably the only thing it would want to eat is my bunny, which is not food. But I would try some of my vegan chicken nuggets and if that didn't work and I was desperate I might give it some of my blood. I have a bunch and I even make more! Would have to figure out a better long term situation than that but it's a place to start in this hypothetical.

bunnylol ip 6712526

If you're an employee you'll know exactly what to do with that


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starbursts are delicious any day of the year, so i respect that 100%

now i know vaguely what you do, as a senior engineer, but i can also safely tell you that i don't know anything about what you actually do in your job

so, in terms that i can understand, what do you do? bonus points if you use metaphors and things that i do know more about!


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So imagine a big city, on one side they have a bus route to get around and the other side has a subway.

My team is responsible for one district of this city that spend east and west. Well mayor zuck declared all transportation in the city must be by subway, and additionally all subway trains are gonna be replaced with a new type of train that requires some modifications to the existing lines.

Now, another weird thing in this city is that there's no Google maps or big map you can use to find your way to your destination. You have to rely on information desks throughout the city along the routes to find which is you next leg of the trip to take

Following so far?

So my job is to help whatever I can to convert my part of the city to the new trains and off of buses and old trains. I usually do survey work to determine if the tracks need to be retrofitted to accommodate new the new trains. Sometimes the tracks work as is or need minor fixes, other times we have to decommission a line and rebuild on along a new route. Then I have to build a blueprint for how that new line works and train the help desk to route people correctly. Sometimes new trains and old trains run equivalent lines and I have to have a plan to make sure they don't collide before the old line is decommissioned.

Sometimes I help replacing the buses, but that isn't my specialty so I try to let others do it. I spent all my time working on subways and I know all the secrets of how those work so my time is better spent there. Of course, there's areas where the replacement tracks for the buses would connect to the train line and I help out a lot there

We're slowly converting things piece by piece onto the new transportation system, but it's tough because we also have to integrate routes through other parts of the city we don't own and those other places have their own idea of how to run this upgrade and we might need to make a junction with them today but they say they won't work on it for a while. Then I have to either talk to their city council to make a deal or agree to working on their tracks too. They of course don't like other people touching their transportation network but it's also free labor and nobody in this city has half the resources to do the work needed!

On occasion, I'll get in there and help with the retrofit or new line or help desk training work itself instead of just making blueprints, but usually it's better for me to direct other people to do that than me doing it myself. That kind of things usually happens when we know there's underground gas lines and power lines nearby and they need someone very familiar with the underground so we don't take out a city block accidentally!

Besides all that, I also run a commission to investigate on the job incidents. If a train crashes, a bunch of people are directed to the wrong place, a power line is severed, then that's gonna come by my desk and I have to put together a committee to figure out how fix the issue and prevent it from happening again. Of course, good prevention requires a lot of effort and we're already running low on resources. So it's a constant tug of war between doing things safely and getting the project finished! Sometimes people lose power for a few hours and we have to spend time fixing it but to make sure that never happens is such a high bar to reach. We do our best

Because this city is so understaffed, I also run the sheriff's department for my area of the city haha. So I run around trying to respond to reports and direct people when there's crime and try to find ways to prevent crime from happening with whatever budget I have. It's an uphill battle but recently I've gotten a lot more funding for this so that's cool

Well that's what I do basically! If I ever seem tired, it's because I feel like I'm running half the damn city haha


Are you interested in any physical technology news outside of your direct work at your job, like beyond computing but advancements in trains, planes, cars, trucks, and whatnot?

Like what about the newest trains?


Given what you've talked about fixing the past several months, frankly, I'm impressed by how smart you are, and how determined too!


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strangely enough, i've been watching urbanist youtubers talk about city infrastructure, so i had an unusually high understanding of that!

which means you get a tasty cake of bonus points!

see, you just need to get the trains to start doing multi-track drifting, and will double the production of the trains, and help you clear away infrastructure for new stuff in a firey hell blaze!


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Science is pretty cool, i like hearing about cool science stuff though i don't seek it out myself much.

Also thanks, I work very hard haha

Cake of bonus points, wooo!

Explosions are fine until your job becomes investigation yourself and putting yourself in front of your own committee to ask yourself why you were so careless!


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then it's simple!

you take over the investigation

then you declare that "nothing wrong or illegal happened"

and then you go about your life!

it's foolproof!


>tfw Inanis doesn't think you're special



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aww esh! i think you're very special!


>turns out it just needs sugar

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