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Madagascar Hissing Cockroach warning for the squeamish.

I got this hissy boy yesterday. I have him set up in a ten gallon terrarium that is nothing pretty, just random stuff thrown in to see what will grow. There's a bunch of isopods, springtails, and I'll probably add some worms later.


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Ooooh he's a big boy. You said you got him yesterday? Is he wild caught? No wait, I guess he would need to be shipped in unless you live near Madagascar. But that's so cool. What sort of set up do you have for him? What are you gonna name him?


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Oooh that's so cool! Does he actually hiss?

I don't have any pets currently, but here's a spider I found the other day!

Spoiler for spider warning


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My daughter got a bearded dragon last Friday.

Then there's the bird.
There's always the bird.


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>tfw petless


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Goodest boies!


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Top is Luna, bottom is Anja.
They are good girls. Sometimes


All dogs are good boys, including the girls. Who are also good girls. Which the boys also are.

Dogs are just good.


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No. All times. Even when they're being bad, dogs are good.


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Sorry, I just like dogs a lot.

Of course, probably helped by having never actually owned one. But it's not like I don't know they get messy and require some maintenance.

Still really, really want a dog someday.


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There's a family run pet shop nearby that has amazing husbandry with their animals, so I got one from them. He's a feeder roach though, so unfortunately he's missing a foot and his antenna are shorter than they should be, but those will grow back next time he molts.

I haven't picked a name out for him just yet, trying to get a read on his personality. Sometimes they get used to you really quick, and sometimes they never calm down enough to stop hissing when you pick them up lol.

He's in an old ten gallon that's functional but not very aesthetic.
Yea, he gets spooked and hisses really loud, until he calms down lol
Oh I remember you talking about the beardie. How's that going?
Get a little five or ten gallon tank from a thrift store if you see one and just keep some plants and bugs from outside! They're honestly surprisingly entertaining, especially while you're doing artsy stuff.
Oh sweet babies! German shepherds are still some of my favorite dogs, though boxers compete with them hard for personality alone.


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What's his name!



He doesn't have a name just yet, but we're working on it!


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I'm a bit anxious.
This week the beardie seems to be asleep most of the time, even with fresh food and a heat source lying about.

Itry to reach out for advice, but most specialists seem to indicate that I may be woefully underprepared for taking care of a beardie.



I would suggest just watching YouTube vids. Just a lot of YouTube vids :coco2:

Is it a baby? The babies tend to be a bit picky with eating their veggies, because they need more bugs and protein while they're young, so I've heard.

I think they also do just chill a lot. I think they spend a lot of their time just basking and getting warm. Maybe get one of those heat temp guns thy use in kitchens, and see what the temperature is in his tank at different spots. Maybe he's not warm enough?


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I'll be honest, there's a lot of information out there, but like a lot of contradictory material.

Like, I took time yesterday to hunt down crickets. Some sources say that crickets are a primary source for proteine, others say that crickets are dangerous.
Same for mealworms.

Some sources say that local leafy greens are a good enough source for food, but apparently this is not the case and only specially imported vegetables will do.


The video above mentions spotcleaning and a thorough cleaning of the terrarium once every few month, but now I hear that you basically need to clean and replace all the substrate in the terrarium at least once a day.
Substrate that also needs to be ordered from off shore specialty stores.


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Okay, this may make me look like a trash person.

I am planning to tackle my first 2 concerns with the lizard:
1. Getting a hold of the proper enclosure. 4x2x2 should be manageable. I do need to sort it out as my ex tells me her father would already be working on one, my own father was gonna check on his hobby club and tells me that I need to be careful with ordering material online. I can easily find some containers for reptiles in the proper size online.

Next, there's the need for an UVB light. if I get an enclosure, I need to order 1 online.

My main worries for this week was that the dragon was snoozy for most of this week already. There's days where basking was not happening and at best it put its chin on the basking rock and it wasn't really eating much.
But apparently during cold season, lizards can go into "brumation" from bbiological drive, which is basically what Rainbow Dash had with Tank. Low activity to being sleepy / spending minimal amounts of energy for some time.

At least today, the lizard is basking and that's good I suppose.


Sorry I didn't answer back sooner.

The specialty food with imported vegetables sounds ridiculous, I've never heard of anyone giving their beardies imported veggies. You probably just want to wash the veggies well because they have much smaller bodies than us, and if there is anything on the veggies that could hurt them, it would likely take less of it to do so.

Mealworms I could see being a problem if that's all you were feeding them and nothing else, because the bodies of the mealworms are a bit hard on the shell and could lead to an impaction in the lizards gut. But again, that would have o be their main diet or fed way too often for that to happen. Crickets are fine to feed, I'm not sure why they're against that.

Spot cleaning and occasional cleaning of the tank are fine. Completely changing the bedding out every single day is ridiculous unless ya know, if got all dirty somehow and is like molding or causing humidity issues or something.
You're not a trash person, you're learning and adjusting as needed.

Can I ask, is it a baby? If it's a baby then you're major concerns should be:

A UVA/uvb setup that can reach the lizard. Not all bulbs are created equal - some only go about six inches down, while others go a few feet. Let me see if I can find you a good link on lighting, and I'll post it right after this.

Proper diet for a baby, which is mostly protein (bugs) with some veggies, and a good calcium dust for the crickets. Any reptile calcium dust will not be much, will last a long time, and have instructions on the back of how often you should dust their meals. Like a few times a week vs a few times a month when they're older, etc.

Heating -just making sure the basking spot where the UVA light is, is getting up to the proper temperature, somewhere close to 95F-they need it pretty warm on the warm side, and in the high 70's low 80s on the cool side so thy can move around as needed.

These things are especially important, more important than the size of the enclosure, while they are young so that their bones form properly. Everything else can come with time, it's not going to keep over or grow to the size of an adult over night.

If it's already an adult, then just working on getting the temperature and UVA/uvb right first, then everything else can be one step at a time. And learn as things come.



Here you go, this is a really good guide to UVA and uvb bulbs that's only about ten minutes. This taught me way more about it in ten minutes than I've been able to find searching random forums online, it should help a lot and make it easier to understand.


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Oh, it's definitely no longer a baby. I think the previous owner had them for a few months, but it's a sizeable lizard

I thought mealworms were bad because they were kind of like junkfood. Good on occasion but bad if given too frequently, same with fruits. I did give like 1 because he doesn't seem to eat much.

Crickets are bad because they can be aggressive and can hurt the lizard.

Up and coming will be a rightsize terrarium and UVB light fixture with lamp.
Then some cork hidey places and perhaps looking for some proper substrate.

At any rate he's a bit more lively today.:pinkie6:


oh my goodness, he's a cutie! :dash1:

that's so weird about the crickets, i haven't heard of that. Though I did have a really weird experience with some crickets spraying some newborn baby alligator lizards i had as a kid. I've never heard if anyone else who's seen it happen, but the crickets sprayed something out of their butts into the face of the lizards.

ended up killing the lizards actually. But they were newborn babies so very fragile. and


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So the hisser officially has a name:

Prince. Because he acts like a little princess :rara1:


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Time to tame cockroaches


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He got used to me picking him up really quickly actually! Like two days in and he's not freaking out nearly as bad!

He was sitting in the corner throwing a fit because he couldn't get through the glass. Literally tried to crawl through, gave up, and then sat there with his face pressed against the glass for a while lol

(I know he wasn't actually throwing a fit, it's just fun to give him a little personality)


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From a few years ago. Don't have pictures of the current babies. These guys here would be about 4 years old now though.


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Imma take one


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I did increase the strength of the heatbulb and that brought more liveliness to the lizard.

Also better appetite. Mostly morioworms, which he seems to take to, the greens lie mostly untouched.
I just got a box of grasshoppers and the one I released in the enclosure this time didn't have much time to hang around, like the last ones, as he lunged at it the moment he saw it being inside the cage.
As I've come to understand, he's about 6 months old.

while I joke about the bird, she's still pretty much around. Still not really tame, but relatively tolerant to me being around. During the evening she cosies up to the perch right behind me when I'm watching TV.
Birds are pretty low maintenance, but can be noisy.
Often, I do use the time to answer back and forth to her calls, which I don't know if she enjoys that, but I'd like to think she does respond.
She also does like to look outside, I think.
I can put her outside as well, when it's a nice day. But then I have to worry she doesn't get grabbed by my unofficial "pet" cat, who likes to visit my yard from time to time.

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