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File: 1708183982311.jpg (131.79 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 4nQpxkNVjnLwZpSbPUPmck-120….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Anyone else here helping spread Managed Democracy to the stars and defending our way of life?


Is this Starship Troopers or Warhammer 40k?


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I did my part as best I could, but the damn bots overwhelmed us in their cowardly all-out assault on Draupnir.


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Very Starship Troopers.


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You can't unsee the vagina face queen bug.


File: 1708191033763.gif (591.2 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Why yes!.gif) ImgOps Google

I mean, that's hardly the scary part of that movie.


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It's a secret third thing.

It's definitely more Starship Troopers, though.

I guess you can't win them all. The fight for freedom is not an easy one. But as long as you get back up and keep fighting, they'll never win!

Why would I WANT to unsee that? AWOOGA AWOOGA


If I had any control over it, I would have chosen a war with tastey crabs, not bugs. Something we can eat after we kill.

Stahp, you'll get crabs from that interstellar space pussy.


This conversation is starting to make Half-Life look very different.


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Oh, look, it's <this> film reference again!


I remember when Starship Troopers was such a hype, but I never went to see it.:pinkie6:

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