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There should be more research into the separation between "I'm intellectually aware that I'm injured in certain ways, which I'll deal with" versus "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!". Absolutely.

From the perspective of natural selection, I've never quite understood why humanity has evolved to be subject to constant agony without there being any positive value from that experience. A kind of shock type alert from an injury helps in the immediate moment. It's worse than useless if you keep getting alerts of that sort over and over again for an extremely long period of time.

If cyborg related processes become a regular thing and somehow I live to be able to be a part of that whole scientific movement, a key hope for me would be to permanently remove my ability to feel pain and upgrade my biological status so that I only experience the awareness of painful happenings. I can't wait to transcend the nightmarish deceit and weakness that is the nature of "a flesh pile" for the intelligent reliability and strength that is the nature of "a machine". Honestly.

There's actually, if I remember right, a scene from Terminator 2 on this topic since the murderous cyborg creatures process data about various damages that's been caused to them in a way that's similar to feeling pain but is still quite different, which is an aspect of their ruthless efficiency.

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