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File: 1707008872535.jpg (5.01 MB, 4624x3472, 289:217, PXL_20240201_162719708.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

It's small and just starting to come online, but it alive.
Five years and finally have a chef title.

All things culinary here.
329 posts and 231 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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sorrie to bash in. I just wanna say.
Love that avatar girl!


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anko uguisu


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That image... i can wibe with that one, so hard right now.
Thank you dear! <3


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>tfw you make a 40x rather than a 20x of cake because you misread your scale.

200 cakes it is.


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Fire up the coffee brewer, and ill be there in 5~
>ill bring my own cup


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Diet's officially starting, so no impressive meals for a while. I'm just cooking chicken legs and pepperoni tonight.

I'm saving the bones and skin to make ramen for my roommate Sunday though. I might take pics then.


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What is your diet?  The diet that I'm trying is eliminating seed oils and minimizing linoleic acid and isoleucine.  Sadly, that means that bacon from most American pigs is off my diet.


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None of your business.


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I should make some ramen.
I have been dying to do a stuffed pork loin for a few days.
I'm thinking of buying a ricer. I don't know why but I am craving silk over fluffy mash right now.
My baking has inspired my parents. Dad tried to make dinner rolls the other day. I see where a lot of my self critique comes from now.
They were fine, not pretty but I hate half of them after work.


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You should.
Would go well in the ramen.
The one I'm making won't  be traditional at all but eh.

Silk mash? Hmmmm. Not my favorite but when you have a craving.
> Homemade bread
Bah, looks don't matter, it's about taste.


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Traditional smishual flavor is more important as you said.

Don't get me wrong fluffy is still the best but idk I've had some weird cravings lately.

He just like me frfr


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Aye, as long as it tastes good. Broth just takes time.

Fair enough. I can understand that.

Could use a good fresh croissant.


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My mom found a grocery store nearby that sells (among other things) Indian food (like basmati rice, naan, etc). We both love Indian food and are wanting to eat better, instead of the processed junk they sell at Walmart.


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Small stores like that are great. Good find.


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Just a gentle reminder for tomorrow if you are choosing to venture to a restaurant.
Pack for patience and understanding.
Easter is one of the worst days to work in the hospitality industry. Placed will be booked solid all day, and your server will be juggling a million things. The bar is going to be slammed and the line will do it's very best but expecting normal ticket times is silly.
We want to be with our families just as much as you do, but this is how we feed them.
Getting upset with us because you didn't make a reservation, that it is taking longer than normal, or that we cut off your bottomless mimosas, only causes problems for everyone.

Be kind, be patient, and if you didn't make a reservation next year.


File: 1711853826768.jpg (2.41 MB, 2875x2236, 2875:2236, FzljEa8XwAASSaL.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

is there a reservation for the dumpster? cause i'll jump in there and get all the tasty scraps!


I didn't take a picture of the dessert, but I had a gigantic M&Ms cookie with vanilla ice cream on it tonight for the Easter weekend holiday, which was wonderful.

I'll share this, I suppose, instead w.r.t. M&Ms:


>Easter is one of the worst days to work in the hospitality industry.
Indeed. I wish you the best. Hope that you don't feel too personally stressed.


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You sound like my dishies. They go into my scrap bowl for cake trimmings.

You know you are always welcomed at my table.

M&Ms are nice.

I prefer shortbread but that is just me


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cake trimmings are tasty too!

are you sure? i didn't book a reservation


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Don't need one.
You are on my very short VIP list.


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Always good advice. I'm always patient when it comes to such things.

Making fried rice and ramen today though. Plus a lot of other things for the rest of the week. Lots of prep.


Prep work makes the dream work


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Hamburger pucks, pepperoni, protein shakes and lettuce for a bit.


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Broke 20ish drumsticks in half and added 16 cups of water and cleaned/skimmed the scum off the top before letting it boil for about 6 hours
Added aromatics - Scallions, onion, garlic, and ginger and let it simmer for another 3 hours before it was a creamy white, reduced by more than 3/4's

Eggs I hard boiled and left to marinate overnight in mirin, water, and sake, with a few cloves of garlic.

I fried the chicken skin leftover from the original chicken, then in that same oil I fried minced garlic, minced ginger, and minced garlic to create the aromatic oil. I Reserved the fried ingredients to decorate.

I reserved some of the chicken meat and cooked it in the tare, letting it caramelize and heat up.

Plated it up by adding the tare to to bottom of the bowl first, aromatic oil, then hot broth. Once noodles were done and dry I added them to the bowl and decorated.


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I should start smoking to fit in.


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Well, in any case, I wish you success in achieving your goals.  I am aiming to lose about 15 lbs.


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Nuuuu.... dun you start because of to "fit in"
ive been close to start smoking due to stress and hating life. but ive managed to behave so far! so can you, i Believe in chu!


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It's to late for me to be cool anyway.


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Pish posh! you can look badass without smokes!
Right leather jacket makes ANYONE cool... that + shades.

i think i look like an a shcmup who doesn´t know from red to blue. but according to other says i look bad/dangerous out.


and this comes from a nerd


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You're cool to the people that matter. (Me)


but ur very cool tho



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mmm looks so good <3


Double chocolate cake with strawberry honey whipped cream

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and candied carrots


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Thanks I hate it.


What is this abomination?!


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What do your eyes tell you.


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Piedmont special.




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I assure you that banana with mayo on white bread is integral to my culture.
Right along side peanutbutter and Karo syrup with biscuits.
Beeg cookie


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Tilapia and rice is what I'm having tonight.


Need more veggies.
How did your cook your fish?


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I can add asparagus next time.
I lightly doused avocado oil over it on medium heat with a ceramic pan until it kinda looks well done. Then I add a tiny bit of salt, lemon, and cayenne pepper.

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