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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

Welcome all, to the Ponyville Masquerade Ball!
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File: 1554368170585.jpg (142.11 KB, 785x854, 785:854, 9eab789f7f8bcb828034a14779….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

hahaha guys okay its april fourth hahahaha we can close this board now ahahahahahahah pls say sike


I hope it stays. It's a nice board.


File: 1554381458539.png (231.81 KB, 496x525, 496:525, he.png) ImgOps Google

I don't even know what the board is for.


Yeah, it's got a nice vibe to it.


I'm pretty sure it is going to be closed today. It's nice and fun but I don't think it's viable long term. I might try to make some anon-only threads on /pony/ later to see if a little slice of this can live on.


Anon threads are fun, but some people kinda spurg against them.


Now open it for porn with an nsfw tag
Do it!


Too bad for them. They can hide it if they don't like it.


I think we should close /pony/ instead. That would get more traffic to /mask/


I kind of like mask. But please no.


This site will never allow porn. Beside the fact that the whole staff is against, it's also apparently prohibited by the site's host.

I'm having a lot of fun here, but it'll never happen. /mask/ will be closed tonight. But maybe there can be threads on pony in the mask spirit, we'll see.


still open?  for how long?


Probably indefinitely. So long as it isn't causing problems for the site.


My thread is gone?


It's on the second page. Somebody reordered the threads on the board for some reason.

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