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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

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What does /mask/ do to unwind? I find it really hard to actually let myself relax when I can.


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I feel bad about not actually relaxing while watching random nonsense on YouTube for hours.


Same tbh. Any specific channels?


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relaxing on youtube it is


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You're better off not knowing. It's trash.

That's what you do too? Do you enjoy it?


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I go rock-climbing

it's the best way to unwind


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Kil me
Like totally yes?

No, I really believe that you can get healthy by smiling at least a few minutes a day and youtube randomness always gives me my fill.


Indoors, mind you*

At the gym


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Does anybody actually enjoy wasting time on YouTube?

Edit: oh, hey, well.
If it makes you happy it works. That's great.


That sounds like it could be fun, if you're in shape enough to not fall on your ass all the time lol


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L I T E R A L L Y  E U P H O R I A



I am always working it feels, but when I have a chance I like to soak in the tub for an hour or so.


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I start by stretching

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