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I really, really like this board.

I hope it never dissappears

Everyone, reccomend everyone else on the board a tv-show or book you've been watching or reading. Share your love for entertainment media with the world.


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Well, I've been watching that Sophie Kinsella book a bunch. One day I can perhaps pick it up and read it.


Sophie Kinsella

is she the author of all of these chick flick books?

Sounds like very fun reading c:


For realsies, I've not been able to fully sit through that book yet.

But I am interested these days to try and find books by good Anglophone writers.
It's not an easy search, since the library here doesn't contain that many books.

I have enjoyed Neil Gaiman and J K Rowling.
I have also discovered that Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is frightfully boring.



Why the english?


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I'm a huge fan of young adult fiction, because I'm a young adult at heart!

My favorite series has been this. While I like reading a dense, adult novel like the asoiaf books I can't get enough of the easy, fluffy reading offered by these kinds of kids books.

>I have also discovered that Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes is frightfully boring.
Those are fighting words, friend! I loved every moment of it them.


Because they're easier to spot, I suppose.

I feel like it's probably the historical value that makes them so great.

I read the Sign of Four and a collection of 4 shorter stories.
The mysteries were kind of shallow and not a lot of deep character moments I've found to get a grip on the story.

I have already picked up some new books to try. And for Sherlock I am looking forward to read Horowitz's fanfic. I hear great things about Horowitz.


>I feel like it's probably the historical value that makes them so great.
I dunno, I went into it expecting something really old Englishy and dry but was pleasantly surprised and was pretty enthralled by the stories. You're right that character development is not it's strong suit. You mostly just have to take the characters as they are. But I already liked the characters and I what I got out of it were the mysteries and how they unfolded. They weren't all great, but I didn't feel many of them were so shallow, at least by my standards. Tastes are subjective though, and I was advocating basically children's books above, lol.


I liked the book The Fall


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Kid's books can be amazing

I only ever read 1 chapter in Harry Potter, but I was sold.
I used to enjoy Eddy C Bertin's Valentina books as well.


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I havent read any nonfiction in a long while. I think the internet has worn away at my ability to just read and enjoy a story.

Anyway, please watch Girls' Last Tour


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Also read the Manga


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i've been trying to keep up with the newest star vs. and i've been loving it so much!

and i've also been catching up on Kung Fu Panda Legends of Awesomeness, because i've been on a tigress kick recently

i am exactly who you think i am


King of the Hill


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I've only watched the first few episodes, but Love Death and Robots is really awesome.

If you liked the movie Heavy Metal, then Love Death and Robots is up your alley!


Just watched The Greatest Showman.
Great movie. I recommend


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I haven't read a book in ages.


This anon seconds this!


I have recently taken time to really explore metal. After 30 years of finding metal a genre frustratingly full of genre and subgenre purist who produce boringly repetitive albums of music, and often times finding it eye-rollingly pretentious or insincere when artist do embrace variety, I think I might have discovered a handful of albums I genuinely enjoy in the genre.

One of those would be "The Satanist" by Behemoth

Here, have a listen


I always have to recommend The Booth at the End.


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