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/mask/ - Ponyville Masquerade

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Where does /mask/ buy clothes?

I hate to sound thriftcore. But honestly I just go to recycle clothes shops.


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Usually online, or in local mid-range pricing clothing stores.

I'm so ridiculously tall and slender...

it's nearly impossiblet to find good fits in thrift


I should shop more thrift, but I like when all my outfits are the same.


Why do you like them all the same?

I find it hard to find clothes that fit right anywhere. I think my body just has weird proportions though. Or I'm picky.


Order in a world of chaos.


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I see. What ever works for you I guess.


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Oh, that sucks

Despite this, have you made any good purchases or found things that made you happy recently?


No. I try to get as much life out of my clothes as I can. I did go to my usual store for shoes but none of the ones I liked fit. Problem with going to thrift stores.


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Still, you're saving a lot of money.


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I guess so. It's not really about the money though. More the principle.

Anyway see you.



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