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Other fandoms rejoice!
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Sorry folks, but this seems like it's been a long time coming. /cartoon/ was never a fully formed idea, and simply robs perfectly good topics from /pony/. So we've decided to get rid of the board.

In a week the board will be de-listed, in another week the then hidden board will be locked, and in a third week the board will be deleted. This is to let existing discussions wrap up and wind down.

 No.15789[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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As said, things can be rather cozy, but it's been a bit since we just had a fresh chatty thread.

A few years ago I had a bit of fun here posting highlights from a Stellaris game with the Star Trek mod. Well, recently Dwarf Fortress released on Steam, I was thinking maybe I could post here about my first attempt at a fortress and the undoubtedly ignoble end these dwarves will have.

Otherwise just chat.
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I saw. I've been trying to figure out if they're actually ban evading or not. If they are it's from fucking years ago. I've been busy with IRL things though so I haven't had much time to just comb through shit.

Though on a second look another mod figured it out I guess.

As for the hug you're aware I'm not exactly physically affectionate, virtually or otherwise.


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>As for the hug you're aware I'm not exactly physically affectionate, virtually or otherwise.
Awh, but you make her feel all warm and tingly...
I saw the opportunity to make that statement, sorry.


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S'alright. I'm not really around anymore anyway.

 No.15628[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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It's 4am I can't sleep and I want to punch something. and I don't know why

fuck me
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>>16172  I wanted to apologize for Nonny's outburst toward you this evening because it's entirely my fault it happened.  Nonny was going through some stuff this evening with someone else and not in a good mood, and we got to talking about how there's been so much drama.  He alluded to your conversation with him earlier, and I said you and I'd had issues as well.  He wanted to know what those issues were.  I didn't think it was anything significantly different from what he already knew.  To say there were some miscommunications would be an understatement.  I said I was hurt by the situation; he took it to mean you had been intentionally hurtful.  I said it had been resolved, and I thought that was the end of it.  I was mortified to see him bringing all of it up in Andrea's thread.  The last thing I wanted was to cause more drama.  So in the middle of having a minor panic attack while driving, I started messaging him to try to correct the misconceptions and fix whatever I could.  But by then it was already too late and the damage had been done.  I'm accused of trying to turn people against people who post here.  Well in this case I did inadvertently.  I never imagined he was going to react that way, and I thought it was a settled issue.  I was glad to see things becoming somewhat cordial between you guys, and now that's been blown up as well.  Anyway I'm very sorry this happened.  It was the farthest thing from what I intended.


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I appreciate you apologizing. But anyways, Nonny already sealed his fate. I'm afraid we can't be friends or even proper acquaintances. Hell, I never was his Discord friend nor did I even join a server of his. To be honest, he was suspicious from the start. His unbelievable display when Zeke was still around as developer was plenty of evidence for me about his mentality. Well, if there's any advice that could be given to him, it would be to drink less and cut down the weed. The only drug I take is caffeine, heh. Well, that and just microdosing estrogen. And if it's any consolation, I place greater trust on you compared to Nonny. Nonetheless, I must prioritize this site since I gave my word to Moony.


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Boat left?

Boat has a site?

I know I'm bad at checking up on people but man do I feel out of the loop here


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I'm not sure if I'm looking for a moral and ethical discussion, or if I'm just trying to figure out how to move forward. I'm not sure the two are necessarily exclusive.

I have a friend who has lived most of her life in trauma. The last few years I've known her, she has been suicidal almost constantly. I besides her immediate family, I am the only person who has known her for longer than a few months, because everyone usually leaves. I don't know enough to know if that's because she pushed them away or if she's just a lot to handle. Neither would surprise me; she's very self destructive.

Last night she told me she's chosen a date, and told me the plan for her death. And I'm just... Not sure what to do. I've begged her to stay for three years. I don't want to lose my friend. But am I being selfish? With the life she's lived, is it cruel to ask her to keep on living?

Every therapist she's been to has either deferred her to a colleague or had her forcibly admitted to an asylum or rehab. She hates it there. She's terrified of going back.

I don't know how to help her. And I just want her to be happy. Should I just let her die? Should I hold a death day party for her? Should I call the police that day and tell them her plan? I am unsure what to do. I believe she can live a happy life. But it's not really my decision is it?

When your friend wants to die, how do you help them?


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>When your friend wants to die, how do you help them?
Unfortunately, I don't very well know the answer to that question in particular. I always try to mingle with friends that are in a better position than I.


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You're not gonna like my answers, trust me.


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I can't rant. I'm too dissociated. And tired. But boy do I really want to rant. Maybe I need Ewen Cameron's "complete depatterning" done on me. I sometimes wonder if things would be better if my mind was wiped to a clean slate. Now, I just hope to live up to the standards of my boyfriend. Shite, I'm in Las Vegas enjoying First World luxuries. Now I feel like an ungrateful prick. Am I happy? Yes, I think I do, but not to the level I should be if I wasn't traumatized. Oh um, I'm ranting, right? I guess that's what's on my mind now. I'm not very eloquent, especially around this time, but it's what it is. Pardon me if this thread wasn't too pleasant. I wanted to get it off my chest.


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God I'm gonna sleep so good tonight.
I always seem to find a way for particular things.



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Ah, I simply just had to compartmentalize certain memories. After that, I felt pretty amazing last night. Got some good sleep as well.


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I came to the realization I have little or no affection for my parents.

I have loyalty, and I think I love them, but I don't have any affection. I'm not sure if I ever have. I want to make sure they're taken care of in their old age.

I don't tell them anything really about myself and I don't want to. Mom's lost her mind to dementia and to a degree I think I've already slotted her as a dead loved one. At least, the shell that is left isn't the one who raised me.

My relationship with dad was always strained. I tell him almost nothing about myself. He hasn't figured out that the reason I go to Florida is because Wheat's my boyfriend and I'm doing gay shit and nerd shit with him.

I stopped eating with my parents completely. No family meals. Har har I still live with my folks fuck off I'm making my money and I pay my share of the bills. I've found some apartments and I'm waiting for openings. Still, I don't eat with them, I can't talk to them. But I can do that with Wheat

rant rant rant
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Normal. I get fearful if my parents hug me.


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So, this whiskey on an empty stomach is a bad idea. Good to know.


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I wish I could rant.
I present a strong exterior, but my core is a flower. Maybe it's a fake flower. A questionable flower that's trying to live life in a reasonable way. Wish I was more eloquent. I just hope I'm a good individual.


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"Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?"


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God this board is cozy.
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Does it comfort you to think so?


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Most certainly.


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Though unwise to think you hold all the cards.


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Oh god. I'm trying really really hard to maintain proper morals.
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What's the alternative?


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Not really of great concern, I can assure you.


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>>15680  just curious

 No.5632[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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i will make a thread how about that?
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hell yeah, man

id be cool with that

who's your roommate btw?


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>>15660  long story, but she's someone I met through Uber.  She has some major issues.  Also she just called me tonight that she's finally got a job that she's starting next week, so I'm not sure if she's still wanting to go visit her mom.


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Unfortunately it didn't really work out that way, Wheat's been a bit busy with work. Maybe next year.

 No.12572[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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[ this space intentionally left blank ]
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Heading there too, g'night.


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how would you recommend we be more *active*

It's from DragonBall Super. Akira Toriyama got pissed at what happened with GT and decided he needed to fix his own universe. He declared Dragonball GT officially non canon and made Dragonball Super, and introduced a blue super saiyan form, called Super Saiyan God (which looks remarkably like Broly), generated by having five saiyans channel their collective energy into one Super saiyan. it's pretty convoluted but I like the look.


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>>15060  oh, I didn't see this post

I don't think you need to be more active as mods.  I just think there are too many mods.  Two of them are never here, so why they need to remain on the list makes no sense.

GT is non-canon?  wow, I'm behind the times.

 No.11414[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Are there not real world implications?


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>>12586  there are; that's why I was confused


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Also I made it through without losing *anyone* to the cold through the storm this time, which I was proud of...

Considering the first time literally everyone froze to death before the storm even got bad.

 No.8340[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Board thread.
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>computer lags
>close firefox
>still lags
>check task manager
wtf ponyville!


I know, right?


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Also I need to run out and buy a polo, so I'll make a new thread when I get back.

 No.3500[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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thought I might try this again.  maybe it won't disappear this time.
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I did!

Especially in that game, managing money is critical.


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Even more now, seeing as with this mod I can't just build a Dyson Sphere to fix my energy woes.


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Honestly, I'm surprised at how well the models hold up zoomed in. I think I'll enjoy this game for a few playthroughs.

 No.479[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Hey there/ cartoon/. Did they forget about you? Forgot to do a couple things they said they were going to?

Don't worry buddy. Your secret is safe with me. I'm just going to hide here in plain view with you if that's okay. Quiet.
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>>5466  I can be very patient; but that's different from being forgetful.

went pretty well.  but I decided to call it a night a bit early.  a couple of rides before I stopped, I had these 3 girls in my car, drove them through the very busy Taco Bell drivethrough, one behind me was very touchy-feely, gave me a hug while saying she wanted hash browns?  at Taco Bell?  on the way to their drop, they made a small mess in the car eating tacos.  and while I was cleaning up after them, I found one of their phones.




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>>5468  most likely.  sometimes it's hard to tell.  I still haven't gotten a call or message about the phone, which is unusual.

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