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I was watching Cramer today and like usual he went on a stupid rant about millennials. See, Walgreens missed their sales target by a lot. Something about millennials needing to be catered to and entertained yada yada before they'll even consider setting foot in your store.

Anyways. That got me to look up "why tv guy millenal obsessed?", and long story short if you ever wanted to know why the marketing for corporations are suddenly acting in these bizarre schizophrenic ways just look up "marketing to millennials". A lot of really really weird stuff starts to make sense.

I mean. It's not that I need to have my ass kissed before I'll buy anything or my special snowflake little tush will go zumba out to find a real socially conscious app. It's just that with an escalation of the trade war looming I'm really conscious about how the price of avocados might be affected.


sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

honestly, when I read some poll that suggest something like "59% of millenials believe most millenials are too entitled" I can't help but wonder if this idea is just a meme. One that serves as a convenient blame shifter for one's own incompetence


there are probably as many different and valid ideas for marketing for millenials as there grains of sand on a beach.

It feels like such a not useful label, tbh. And the connotation leads to easy mistakes, in my opinion. Better to just say 19-39 year olds or something like this, if this is your demographic that you want to arget.


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I'm pretty sure it is for exactly that.

From what I can tell it's mostly analysts and journalists throwing this crap around. People paid to have opinions instead of actually knowing anything.

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